Almost a Million Views of my Hillsdale College Speech: "What is in the Pfizer Documents?"
I guess people want answers about the greatest crime against humanity in history.
I am sharing this entire speech — one that I gave last month at the extraordinary Hillsdale College in Michigan.
The speech has had almost a million views on all platforms in a matter of days.
It summarizes the key revelations to date that our team of 3500 medical and scientific experts - the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers’ group - found in the Pfizer documents.
Greatest crime against humanity ever.
I also explain briefly in this speech why I conclude that we are living in a Biblical moment, in which God is letting us choose, and demonstrating something like — “This is how bad human beings can be when you lose touch with Me.”
I am very grateful to Hillsdale College for giving me the platform on which to share these shocking, lifesaving revelations.
I used to speak on tens of college campuses every year. After I was de-platformed and sustained a global reputational attack — spearheaded by the White House, CDC, DHS and Twitter — for telling the truth about harms to women’s fertility via the MRNA injection, it has been only the faith-based and liberty-oriented Hillsdale College - (which made the decision at a critical inflection point in its history not to accept government funding) — out of all the universities in America, that has brought me to campus to speak.
Yet every college student in America, every citizen, deserves to hear these truths firsthand.
I was blackmailed into getting the jab by my daughter, who is a physician. She wouldn't allow me to see my grandchildren unless I got it. I finally broke down and got the J&J single shot. I keep hearing about Pfizer and Moderna, but nothing about J&J. I came down with a severe case of "bronchitis" within five days of the jab that took me six weeks to get over. Just as I was recovered, I got bit by one of my kitties, because I stepped on its foot while I was feeding them, and I ended up with a horrible infection that put me in the hospital for four days on three antibiotics. A few weeks later, I started having diarrhea, which continued 24/7 for the next 15 months. Nothing helped, until I got a diagnosis of microscopic colitis. I had to find a support group to find the right diet. My first gastroenterologist was worthless, just wanted to throw med after med at it. I finally got a second opinion and was able to combine the diet with a medication that stopped the diarrhea. I've had two flares since, but I have to stay on my diet, strictly. When I approached my daughter about the jab possibly causing the colitis, she rolled her eyes and shook her head. She delivers babies, so I'm sure she took some payments. Have you heard of anyone else who has been hit with any auto immune diseases after the J&J jab, or the others? I already had rheumatoid arthritis, so now I have two. My immune system is basically nil. I got the flu shot this past fall, but I got Influenza A the week before Christmas and spent the holidays in the hospital with pneumonia.
How come no one is able to come up with an isolated and purified sample of the 'Gain of function' SARS-COV-2 'virus?' In fact ,the corona virus it is supposedly based upon has also gone AWOL. Well then it's perhaps likely that enquiring minds might ask " Well,can you show me an isolated and purified sample of any virus then,regardless of name that has been retrieved from an infected human throughout the long and distinguished history of virology?" Hmm...