Naomi, love your work! It is time, however, to understand governments do not respect those who prove they are prepared to suffer and die by enlisting in the military. If the individual doesn't value his own life, neither does government. This has increasingly played out in other aspects of the system we live under - particularly, the medical industry. We are their cash cows and scapegoats in the name of greed, profit power. It's past time for humanity to stop doing its bidding.

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Sharing more information about the weather warfare , HAARP, and testimony from Ground Zero North Carolina where homes were destroyed by weather warfare and people are still homeless living in the cold in tents. We must unite to stop this. God Bless. https://open.substack.com/pub/protectandalert/p/pastor-reporting-from-ground-zero?r=o8wgz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Hello to all. Please see my new substack articles about the fires and directed energy weapons. There is an important photo that was taken right after the attack by Jeff Gritchin with the Orange County Register published in his article titled " Palisades Fire with a 30 Foot Pole". The photo of cars coming up iconic Sunset Blvd to encounter what can only be a radiation beam/ray/ attack on them, instantly incinerated... then the second batch of cars coming up to encounter those destroyed cars and the intense heat still radiating the air cooking them, causing them to crash to the side of the road. That is my take on the photo. The trees, brush, dried leaves in the gutter not burnt up- intact. The photo tells a horrific story. I hope Dr. Wolf will analyze it and show it to her good husband Brian as well. We are under a hot war attack as if mini-nukes have been dropped. Please be sure to watch the interviews with Forensic Arborist Robert Brame who has gone on over 125 investigations to over 40 different Fire aftermaths in CA, Going back to some a year later to check for regrowth. I hope Dr. Wolf will interview him, as Michelle Melendez has more than once. Peggy Hall The Healthy American has an extensive library on the CA fires on her youtube channel. This is the link to Robert Brame: https://rumble.com/v69kwzj-houses-gonetrees-standing-like-maui-terrible-terrorist-attack-new-interview.html Substack articles:


This MUST be exposed or it can be our homes next.

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What can be done? This is a military level attack to our own people in our own country and its continuing into the Trump administration. Is President Trump open to investigating these abnormal fires and helping the people address these attacks and to stop them? And get their land back to build their single-family homes back and not have their land taken from them for the globalists AI stack 'em and pack 'em housing these governors have in mind for their AI cities. This is an undeclared war on the American people and must be addressed as one.

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Yes it is a hot war attack . LA was at least the 40th such attack in CA alone. Watch CA Forensic Arborist Robert Brame's findings in his photographic report: https://rumble.com/v69kwzj-houses-gonetrees-standing-like-maui-terrible-terrorist-attack-new-interview.html

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Here’s an idea, Naomi Wolf! Maybe vet you r interviews before bring them on so those who follow don’t have to listen to you chastise you interviewees! You sound like a bitch!

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you sound like a cunt.

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I'm having a tough time listening to this interview in the first 10 minutes or so, with all of the continued interruptions while Michelle is speaking, and I wish she'd just be allowed to talk. I've read her book and have seen interviews with her on the Maui fires, and I greatly admire her courage, and her detail in speaking out. In addition, the home that I used to live in in Pacific Palisades years ago has now burned down. But in seeing all of the positive comments posted here about the interview, I'm going to need to psych myself up to come back and listen to the remainder of the interview, in knowing that there may still be many more interruptions that will be coming my way.

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Your interview with Michelle chilled me to the bone. My whole family lives in the East Mountains (just east of Albuquerque, NM). Within the last couple of weeks PNM, our electricity provider announced suddenly that it would be turning off everyone’s electricity potentially “for up to 30 hours” during high wind events, at their discretion, due to power lines possibly sparking and creating a wildfire. We’ve live here since ‘98 and have high winds every Spring every year, but this is the first year PNM has shown any “concern”. This is a very rural area with rural values and rural politics for the most part. Most people have land and deeply value it and its wildlife and flora. There’s recently been a big push by the political powers in NM- town, county and State- to allow foreign entities to build a massive Solar “Farm” and Lithium battery storage facility in a pristine area here, close to forests and along a breathtakingly beautiful drive between Cedar Crest and Santa Fe. At the same time there’s another big push to develop 4000 to 8000 new home with golf courses and hotel. We all use wells for our water, and most use propane for heat. Most all wells are run by electricity- cut the electricity and there’s no way to have water, cut electricity the propane furnaces and stoves don’t work.People’s wells are already going dry- there’s no water to support massive influxes of homes. Lithium batteries catch fire and can’t be put out, they have to be allowed to burn out. Many of the residents are organized and are actively working against these two sudden attempts at development. We, and many other homeowners are suddenly being denied renewal on our years of homeowners insurances across multiple companies “due to wildfire danger” for the past 7/8 months.

I listened to your and Michelle’s interview with growing concern- by the end I was CHILLED TO THE BONE.

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy nut, it’s feeling more and more that some agenda is at play here on some (many?) level(s). Ironically we’re told any power made and stored by the Solar Farm and battery storage won’t even be used for our area. I don’t know if this is a land grab, or there are deposits/resources of something we’re unaware of, but there’s an active, vocal resistance fighting for our beautiful peaceful land, wildlife and way of life here… and now the threat of no electricity for water, heat, cooling food to sustain a basic quality of life that always worked until now apparently. We are grateful for your, Michelle and Brian’s story about ALL these inexplicable fires. I am pausing to consider the possibility that we here could be being warned/set up for an upcoming catastrophic fire “event”. All the pushes coming together at the same time suddenly that mirror other devastating catastrophes in other areas feel more than coincidental, tho’ I pray my growing spidey-sense is mistaken. It’s also worth paying attention to how much harassment you suffered on this podcast- seems like “some” want to dissuade any dissemination off this information, and intimidate. Thank you all for your ongoing courage and willingness to not be silenced. Without trying to be dramatic, as my daughter would say- the curtain’s been torn down and evil is truly out of hiding and afoot- Heaven help us push back these monsters to the pits they came from, and regain peace.

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We must expose the attacks. They are not stopping them and "they'think we are too dumbed down to realize that it is not climate change or dry brush .. it is attacks using now very common directed energy weapons. This is a link to CA Forensic Arborist Robert Brame who has gone on over 125 investigations to over 40 different fire aftermath sites. He goes back to some a year later to check for plant regrowth, usuallyfinding none, the soil is sterilized. He reports that the many streams are now radiated dead, finding no frogs, fish, tadpoles, or anything alive in them at all. Very disturbing. Whole old growth Redwood Forests destroyed. As if mini nukes have been dropped by an enemy, can you imagine what would happen then? WWIII. "They' are doing the same thing only using DEWS and Weather warfare combined with chem-trails to make the AIR flammable with radiation. We the People are under a very HOT war attack and have been for a very long long time. Cars down the street from the Twin Towers were found in the same 'zapped' condition, glass melted, all the paint and door handles gone in an instant, tires melted, wheel alloys melted in rivers on the pavement . next to trees not burnt up . Same pattern. Time for Americans to stop blaming it on a Conspiracy Theory and wake up fast or it WILL be your house next. They are not stopping the attacks . Fires do not start in the winter usually. Please do not normalize these attacks to put them out of mind. We who know have the responsibility to take action everyday to stop the hot war terrorist attacks on us. https://rumble.com/v69kwzj-houses-gonetrees-standing-like-maui-terrible-terrorist-attack-new-interview.html

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Naomi, I want to thank you SO MUCH for this INCREDIBLE INTERVIEW and for introducing us to this fantastic researcher!! I have to see the other half of this interview with your husband later (had time constraints today), looking forward to that.

You also handled the agents in your chat SO WELL!!! You are such a GIFT to us all!! God bless you and sending lots of love and huge gratitude your way!!!

I have something I may be filing a lawsuit on re: these fires. Will send it to your first should this transpire.

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This is a pic of the microwaves that they used in the Maui fires. I hung onto it just in case it disappeared off the fire pics from Maui. Send this on to your interview with Michelle.




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Thank you for having the 'Daily Clout.' I particularly enjoyed this interview with Michelle. There were some comments about interruptions. Michelle didn't object and it appeared to me that she appreciated these; as help getting her story across. I thought these clarifications were helpfull as I haven't been following this(se) story(ies) closely. And I am so intrigued by this author and the topic that I just bought her book here: https://greatmauilandgrabbook.com/ - Concerning the 'crude' comments by some viewers, we all know that these are worthless. One has to wonder if they are meant to distract from the issues and finding the truth. 'Truth' to us Christians is paramount; and we know those that are Anti-Christ(G-d) have been trying to deceive us from the beginning. Christians being the most persecuted people in the World. The Bolshevik revolution, the leadership being 80 percent Jews, killed 20 million Orthodox Christians and then again one Jew killed 10 million in the Ukraine. Then the wrath of G-d, a Judgment? 'At that all the people said in answer: “Let his blood come upon us and upon our children.” 'Matthew 27:25 the New World Translation (necessarily from one of the most persecuted Churches). Good luck Naomi. Peace and not Bitterness.

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I explain the point of this communist/ collectivist induced wildfire, unrestricted warfare falseflag psychological operation.

Fake wildfires are real fires caused by:

1) DEW Directed Energy Weapons

2) Leftist Beauricrats sabotaging common sense procedure to reduce fire damage, a.k.a. sabotage

3) leftist activists like Antifa purposefully set fire to prove climate change is the cause ( who are then protected by leftist bureaucrats).

I give a bunch of examples which prove the point, and the pattern is proven again in California right now.

The MSM news blames man-made climate change for the fires, and the only solution is less personal freedom, more government control and more money thrown at climate change.

All evidence proving what I just outlined is labelled dangerous conspiracy theory. Because of the multiple vecter of cause anyone pushing only one, is dismissed because other explanations are available.

See the pattern.

Get wise to fake wild fire psi-ops in my podcast here:


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Remember: if you are to go into the den of vipers on Substack and profess the objective truth, you will be attacked, called names, and reported, and you will bring on the activist trolls to harass you.

The thing I noticed is that each time I venture out into that arena of lies and deception, people seeking the truth follow me out of there and then engage with me, and follow what I am into and who I promote. Our network gets bigger every time.

I am not really speaking to the leftists when I am there; I am speaking to the people who wander into the leftist areas and are trying to find their peeps.

If you are willing to take the time to engage, you will find people you did not know were there in the shadows, trying to find the way.

Lead, and they will follow.

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Outstanding interview!

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I live 30 miles inland from LA and I can tell you that the winds were ridiculous and did go on for days. Edison kept cutting off our power like it was a light switch. No fires, but they turned it off anyway. I don’t know how well the Edison Smart Electric Meters hold up with they’re turned off and on like that, but it was frightening. Luckily we still had natural gas working so we could cook and take showers. We also have a fireplace that was a help to heat up the kitchen and family room.

I’ve heard this lady’s info before and she’s spot on. We didn’t need constant interruptions for further explanation, she did just fine.

I don’t trust Newsom, Bass or any politician in California to let people build back in a normal manner.

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As Dean Wignington from GeoengineeringWatch.org explains the winds were created with technology that does create winds, storms, steers hurricanes as in North Carolina. And those winds in LA were NOT Santa Anna Winds at all, those come off the desert on some days in the fall, in Sept and Oct but NOT January and not for several days shifting .. The pattern is to spray the skies with chemicals, flammable chemicals. Then hit the area with a DEW beam usually in three places at the same time as did happen in LA. Then create fast shifting winds to fuel the radiation fires and spread them. They then go out and start a few organic fires to add to the confusion of Physics used. All diabolical , satanic bringing hell to Earth. LA was at least the 40th such attack in CA alone. All over the country and globe the now common, easy to use directed energy weapons are being used against us. blamed on climate change like everything else is. Please see my research report on the weapons, see one the size of a camera tripod that runs on batteries : " Directed Energy Weapons Are Common Easy to Transport and Cheaper Than Bullets". https://protectandalert.substack.com/p/directed-energy-weapons-are-common

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James O’Keefe is a journalist par excellence who is most vilify!

If James O’KEEFE is the source, CONSIDER IT TRIPLE CHECKED, lady!

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