On Dec 23rd my son arrived for Christmas and gave me the biggest hug and said ‘thank you for trusting your mama instincts and telling me to wait for more info to come out before getting jabbed!’ He had just finished your book which I gave him to read. I am so so grateful that God helped me find you and the GBD in those early, scary days of 2020 - I knew I wasn’t crazy, the worlds reaction was! You helped me stay strong and I’m proud to say that strength enabled me to convince my husband and 3 adult children to not take this jab. We all soldier on with you - I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for your bravery. God bless you

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Omg….😭😢😭😢😭😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✨💥✨💥🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅Dr. Sebi healing people was put in jail at 80yrs Old & passed away in there…😢😭😢😭😢😭Dr.Max Gerson…healing people from cancer also the same… & His Daughter had to move His Practice The Gerson Institute to Mexico…. 😭😭😢😭😢

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This is the second time you’ve made me cry recently with a blog. Thank you. There truly is something magical and just regal about your writing, Naomi. I can’t tell you how much I admire you, nor how deeply grateful I am for your bravery and talents. You are a gift.

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I’ve been savoring this all day and will save it in my archives as I write on. Thank you!

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Your writing made me feel something I haven’t felt in awhile and I cried. Thank you

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Every time I read a new essay written by Naomi, I am overwhelmed with emotion.

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My favorite line- "hewn by poor mortals onto the fallible page." I try to write poetry and it feels exactly like that! We have a poetry reading at our house in Colorado every fall where we read by flashlight and candles. It's my favorite party of the year. You are certainly invited!!

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It is up to each and everyone of us to live authentically based on loving all of humanity.

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Truth is essential for a full life. Pseudo living doesn't feed the soul

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A poem I wrote relying on Walt Whitman ...


we hug and kiss the United States under our bedsheets the United States that coughs all night and won't let us sleep

- Allen Ginsberg, Howl

OMicron! my Micron! your fear-filled trip is done

Our lungs have weathered every rack, the cure we sought -- here’s one:

Zinc and Vitamin D-3,

Nebulized Peroxide, Ivermectin

Zelenko taught the truth to treat

Ralph Baric’s gain of function

  But O spike! spike! spike!

       ACE-2 receptors thrive

           In every cell now Covid lies,

Waiting to revive.

Covid, O Covid! your variegated flux

Less deadly than the flu; Fauci misleads us

For him the virtuous are vaxxed

For him no viral shedding

So blame the unvaxxed few, can’t you

see where this all is heading?

  Here Covid! dear Master!

     This nightmare’s sequenced spike!

          Your PCR is tuned too high

              Neglected prions pierce the night

My Covid does not answer, his spike now takes new wing

Replenishing in every cell by virtue of vaxxine

And anchors in sequenced genes its antibodies driving,

its voyage clotting heart and brain, shatters those surviving

               Exult O shores, and ring O bells!

                    But I – unvaxxed, untricked

                          Denounce O Micron’s G-O-F hell

                              devised at Fort Detrick

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As a rather obscure poet myself, I can testify to Dr. Leonard Wolf's belief that "even if a writer had just one reader, that was enough; the right words for the right reader meant that an entire universe was created." The greatest rewards for me have been both the spiritual light poetry has shed on my life, often in my deepest darkest hours; and those individuals who come up to me after a reading and say, "Oh my God, that poem you read... that so touched me." That is pure gold that no career plaudits can ever equal! (Don't get me started on biased awards juries...) It happened again at a recent reading I gave when a woman came up to me afterward and said, "I just buried my brother after he opted for MAiD (medical assistance in dying), and that poem you read, The Price of Transcendence, was just perfect for me at this moment."

Thank you, Naomi, for sharing the light of both yourself and poetry. God bless. I've just uploaded my review of your new book, The Bodies of Others: https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/the-war-on-our-bodies

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Thank you so much!

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I recently explained to my 28 year old daughter why I no longer give to my Alma Mater, Boston College (BC). I told her that I sent a letter to BC stating that unless they dropped the shot mandates and the mask mandates they would not receive another dime from me. I did not receive a reply from BC. My daughter told me that it was not my fight to fight. I respectfully disagreed and told her that it IS my fight to fight because I care about what has happened to people all over the world who were forced to take the shot. I explained that the consequences of the poison are clear and that studies have confirmed the increase in mortality and also infertility since the campaign began. Perhaps my daughter will come to understand my fight at some point in the future. Until then, I will continue to speak up. Naomi, you are living the life of a writer, you have honored your father. God Bless you.

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Who could imagine that we might need to use subversive tactics to stand for the truth.

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Yehoshua Ben Josef the cristos was a very wise person.

Happy New Year...and thank you.

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Thank you for this Naomi, though a visual artist, a painter, I love to write. There are times while writing that I've lost all sense of time, having become so absorbed in the writing. I'm certain you've experienced this too. One morning I got up and began writing then thought, I should probably get some breakfast it must be getting close to noon only to discover it was 5pm. It's good to encourage writing as your father did even if no one else should read it. An elderly Estonian woman (a WW2 refugee) wrote her memoirs and mentioned to me how surprised she was at all the memories that arose in her mind as she was writing. Perhaps a little off topic: have you ever researched delayed remorse? I did a bit and found that not only does the truth eventually surface so does regret, in particular for having heartlessly contributed to or causing great harm to another or others. As well as having done nothing when one could have tried, done something, to save them. One murderer stated, from prison, that at the time of the crime and for years after she thought nothing of it, yet as she grew older more and more details of her crime emerged in her mind each and every day until that that was all she thought about and that there was no stopping it. I found other similar confessions.

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For at least a decade now, I have mailed out Christmas cards with "Happy Holidays" written on them as to not offend anybody. This year, I got real and reverted back to writing "Merry Christmas" on the cards because I am standing for what I feel and believe.

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Beautifully said… thank you for that. A reminder to us all.

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