Naomi please read this by a Gainesville, Florida lawyer. His writings are excellent, but more importantly please someone like you should follow up on this information ! This could explain why Trump does not come out with the entire truth regarding warp speed, despite being booed at his first Alabama rally when he said he saved many with his vaccines .


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Just realized this month that I have two paid subscriptions. I think I’ll keep it that way!

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Dear Dr. Wolf,

Thank you for your amazing ability to reach me in so many ways. All improves my physical, mental, and spiritual health.

I hope that I can help people to understand that a monthly subscription is a couple of trips to their favorite coffee house!

I have been a subscriber for gosh, close to 2 years now? I'm not sure. :)

We need to continue to support you, Dr. Wolf, who provides rational and inspirational wisdom.

Thank you again.

Love to you.


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My guess is that Shapiro and Tucker would be interested in interviewing your husband on the Trump attempts (and you again, though I know you were on Jordan Petterson's podcast). That could draw more readership and sponsorship.

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Sep 18Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Definitely so happy to support your work! Your words need to be shouted from the hilltops.

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Thank you so much!

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How about crypto?

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What if there was a simple effective, peaceful way to replace the corruption with Honorable, Knowledgeable and Caring people almost immediately?

Would you take the time to find it?

Would you take the time to implement it once you found it?

Well there is a simple, effective, lawful, peaceful and once implemented will take effect within weeks.

It is so simple that people tend to overlook it and as such never gets implemented.

I have shared it on Redpill78News 4 years ago and every guest speaker I have shared it with have thought it to be vital .. except one who was running a con... imagine that. But again people seem to be in the MATRIX of problems and not solutions.

Perhaps you are different?

If so then join us on this mission and get it done in your State.

The name for now is "MCT" or Mandatory Competency Testing, which is the most basic of concepts, to insure that the people applying for and in any "position of public trust" are in fact Competent to serve the position and the purpose it was created for "That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men," not over men!

Half the States have petition to direct vote by ballot and the other half have Legislatures to convince or compel to pass into law. In some states with Legislatures it may be necessary to remove certain persons and replace with ones that will get it passed and that requires a lot of people but doable.

So do you want to spin your wheels in corrupt courts and look at wars and the draft and higher prices and all the horrible things going on or do you want to take action that will correct these problems including the corrupt pharma monopoly?

Please make contact so we can get it done and get on with our lives. passmctnow@gmail.com and I'll send you more info, documentation and how to in your state. Website to follow once enough people show interest. Blessings

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Sep 18Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I subscribed for a year & happy I did! Does that mean, as it appears, that I am also subscribed to Daily Clout?

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Sadly no, but most of the content on DailyClout is also free; we so appreciate your support and your help assists us in bringing this platform as well as DailyClout the the world. Thank you!

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Sep 18Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Can someone at Daily Clout tell the programmers at Substack to fix the app so that we can manage subscriptions in the app itself. This comes up often. It's very inconvenient to not be able to manage subscriptions within the app.

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I will pass that on

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Sep 18Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Awesome summary

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CONFIRMED: Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA operative (and - was sent to Russia for spying)

RFK Jr. Links the Attempts on Trump’s Life to JFK’s Death


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Sep 17Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Oh for Petes sake -{ who is this Pete who I have have quoted since childhood -someone inform me } she is only asking for 7 dollars a month --for all the deep dive she does to inform us -- can I tell you the stupid money I have wasted - when I working I stopped at Starbucks --or Morebucks as my husband refers to it --or dunkin for my morning coffee or afternoon iced latte , or on my way home stops at Wegmans for one thing and walk out with sushi that was being sampled - or some other impulse buy that sat on the shelf until it was outdated ,paid way too much for cable , going out on Friday evening for a drink -- 10 dollar glass of wine and 7 dollar craft beer , oh then don't want to cook so pick up a 25 dollar pizza ,I would also spend way too much on clothes I did not need or wear ,and those candles and body lotions ,what a bargain - OK I am rambling - but you get my drift -- and please I don't want to offend because I know there a people who can not afford 7 dollars a month but anyone who is respondingto this has internet which is about 50-70 dollars a month -- so please support Naomi -- Amen

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just googled " for Petes sake it originated as a substitute" For Christ's sake "as a shortened form of the desciple St Peter's name as it was considered less offensive --

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Thank you for writing this.

Our banks no longer allow cheques.

Bank deposits between countries are not sensible or even feasible

The intermediaries, Kofi, visa PayPal are greedy and untrustworthy and as an Australian if they are in the US they are nearly always dishonest

For us Aussies to help you I look closely at using the services of companies that support you but US companies are difficult to use for Aussies often bringing more problems than solutions.

I have looked at the books you have written and have bought Facing the Beast.

I think of all the options I will countenance. The best is buying your books.

So today I will place an order in an Aussie bookshop for two copies of Facing the Beast.

At the same time I will be thinking of ways around how to pay for your wonderful work.

In the meantime I would be grateful for ideas.

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You banks no longer allow checks?

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That is so scary

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Yes it is scary. You guys are so much better off in some ways but not in others for example you have land borders over which 20 million people have arrived recently. THAT IS SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is also scary is that if it were only US$7 per month then why would we need to worry but it is not the intermediaries are crooks and rip off thousands extra over time.

But to the point I have just ordered two copies of Facing The Beast which is wonderful and they will be used to fight the good fight with you and your supporters

I will also visit my post office today to see if there is another way but I need an address. I will try to search that.

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Naomi, as a chiropractor I have been fighting this fight for 51 years. Nothing changes, only the form of the tyranny. Keep up the fight. There are no alternatives.

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What if there was a simple effective, peaceful way to replace the corruption with Honorable, Knowledgeable and Caring people almost immediately?

Would you take the time to find it?

Would you take the time to implement it once you found it?

Well there is a simple, effective, lawful, peaceful and once implemented will take effect within weeks.

It is so simple that people tend to overlook it and as such never gets implemented.

I have shared it on Redpill78News 4 years ago and every guest speaker I have shared it with have thought it to be vital .. except one who was running a con... imagine that. But again people seem to be in the MATRIX of problems and not solutions.

Perhaps you are different?

If so then join us on this mission and get it done in your State.

The name for now is "MCT" or Mandatory Competency Testing, which is the most basic of concepts, to insure that the people applying for and in any "position of public trust" are in fact Competent to serve the position and the purpose it was created for "That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men," not over men!

Half the States have petition to direct vote by ballot and the other half have Legislatures to convince or compel to pass into law. In some states with Legislatures it may be necessary to remove certain persons and replace with ones that will get it passed and that requires a lot of people but doable.

So do you want to spin your wheels in corrupt courts and look at wars and the draft and higher prices and all the horrible things going on or do you want to take action that will correct these problems including the corrupt pharma monopoly?

Please make contact so we can get it done and get on with our lives. passmctnow@gmail.com and I'll send you more info, documentation and how to in your state. Website to follow once enough people show interest. Blessings

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Where are you Colin? In the U.S. or Australia?

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Sep 17Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

You shouldn’t have to write this and I’m sure you were reluctantly to but had no choice.

Please people …. help out if you can.

I’ll donate more.

God bless.

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We don't need her to get the info. Her life is her responsibility, not ours. Chillax.

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You saved my life Dr. Naomi Wolf, and my 3 year old son’s life. After hearing you one afternoon, I printed out all of the reasons why I would not be taking the poisonous death shots, to give to my Obgyn, that was attempting to lecture and guilt-trip me into taking it. I appreciate your bravery - Thank you 💞

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So glad. Thank you for telling me and I am so happy about your precious son.

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You made the right chose for you and your precious son

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RemovedSep 18
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Thankfully, we live on a farm, and only eat organic. I appreciate you sharing this. We must continue to share our knowledge, experience, strength and hope with each other.

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