I was IVC and lock up same in USA but for being a republican going to county meet and I’m a precinct Committeeman for the town. I have attorney but was to scare to take case but had me go in get all the information for weeks over 3 months. Police that arrested me were removed and chief was demoted and the one IVC me was my son who wanted control. The town told him he couldn’t do it IVC. For watching Fox News or political views. They than went to county magistrate Call a radical and belong to a radical group. Which was the republican party. So much more unc hospital psychiatrist get me locked up for six days made me strip in front of officers no one listened forced held down injections. This was during Covid. Let them draw all the blood they want it. Test negative to covid. Didn’t want me to read about testing. They illegally removed all rights forcefully injected me. They for 3 days I refused to say I was hallucinating because I was not. The doctor was crazy. Doctors kept telling me to say I was hallucinating each day I went in each day I said no. So he kept me for another 3 days. No patients in the hospital at that time or any mask. While I was in the ER, I watched as they forcibly held down people and injected them. I’m 61 years so sad when family doesn’t agree to do what they did to me by the police oh, and it was the town police who took me to the county hospital. Was in bed when they came refusing to open door cause I told son who’s 41yrs old to get out and pick his clothes up next day! I refused to have him drinking in my home. Coming in drunk because I care. I had cancer long fight. Gods has watched over me.

Just think it’s happening in USA too. Crazy right! Not me the health system unc runs our county hospital. I want to sue the county magistrate the town police department for arresting me after informing My angry son, and his wife, to whom he was separated, from, had no right to come in my home put there hands on me. I did my best to say out of there problems. She would bring his clothes back and forth 5 time each time my son ran from his wife. For he was cheating and I didn’t agree with. Nor his drinking habits and driving. A scare mother for this is the truth. More to story I need a attorney this has to be told they are IVC-ing many more seniors by their own children who don’t agree. It Hass to stop and anybody can a bee ivy seed for any reason just imagine hospitals can put anything into your body and you can’t stop it just from IVC. Read this was over clothes nothing more lies. Have proof of everything and phone numbers of witnesses there the hospital was doing this even after I told them my doctor does all flu shots vaccines not to inject me with anything. They still did. I want to sue them all! attorneys here and around this county are scared to take the case even though I have proof this happened in the USA over political reasons. Precinct committee chair for Republican Party in my small town for two years. Who will defend me and sponsor court cost ASAP NOV 3 2023 is 2 yrs. Have all records to prove this is happening in USA. I’m scared but this has to be done. I pray for family that will be angry and others. This has to never happened again. God protect us all! I pray God keeps me safe and brave. I love my family! Read the truth!

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Dear Dr. Wolf,

as you might be aware of, I highly appreciate what you're doing.

Your calls for financial support are obviously legitimate, but I do hesitate in terms of the set amount for a monthly fee. Because I can't help but see the context of other authors asking me for the same, and their requests are legitimate, too. In the end, my monthly fees for a small bunch of Substack authors would add up to let's say $40 easily, and I believe that would be out of proportion.

I've wanted to give a qualified answer to your and others' requests for some time now, and recently I managed to write a bit about these issues on my little Substack, at last.

If I'm lucky you'll take the time … it's not overly long … and consider my arguments.

And let me emphasize that what I've written is not exclusively directed at / related to you, of course. Sure, your efforts were on my mind when writing it, but some other authors, too. (E.g. Peter Navarro, to name but one.)


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On Friday, Sept. 15, the following article appeared in the Toronto Daily Star (a 2nd rate tabloid newspaper) - https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/in-the-world-of-trump-qanon-and-bannon-truth-no-longer-matters/article_a5d97d5a-5913-5c6f-aeba-a469dfc222aa.html?source=newsletter&utm_content=a03&utm_source=ts_nl&utm_medium=email&utm_email=DCFB136A210716A051C04353C09F0702&utm_campaign=top_199137 In response, here is what I subsequently wrote to Naomi Klein:

Start of email: >>Re: article in Toronto Star, Title - "In the world of Trump, QAnon and Bannon, truth no longer matters; (sub titled)Truth no longer matters, Klein writes. You can’t be cancelled for mistakes because there are no certainties, only conspiracies."

Dear Naomi (Klein), I don't usually read Heather Mallick's columns as she writes from her own anger and bitterness, but I was curious when the sub heading had your name. As I read through this article, my stomach sank, I felt a pain in my chest, and felt so sad at such a malicious, vitriolic public trashing and thrashing of Naomi Wolf. Did Heather interview you, or get your approval before publishing this? If so, I'm disappointed - though I still can't believe that these words came from you.

Expressing a difference of opinion, respectfully, is healthy, but such a vicious personal attack is pure lashon hara. "A good reputation is better than gold", applies to both Naomis. I don't have all the words to express my own disquiet at reading this article. Do you and the "other" Naomi know one another personally? Often, opinions change when one meets the person whom one previously knew from hearsay only. I feel sad at what the world is coming to, and that there are currently so many angry, spiteful folks out there, willing to cause harm to others. May the New Year bring happier times filled with love rather than with fear.... <<

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I feel like you are one of the ones who are “holding back the secret power of lawlessness” and until you, and others are taken out of the way,” I can only dream of possessing the bravery and conviction you possess- and President Trump. 2nd Thessalonians 2:7... I gladly pay the subscription

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Im glad many responded to you and became paid subscribers. Just because your net worth is $5 million you are putting your life out there to expose the criminals. Your net worth is off the table and is your personal private life. People fail to realize it and I surmise its done to intimidate you. We support all your endeavors here to expose crimes against humanity.

The vaccines are not free as per their signs free covid and flu shots. The contracts prove you the tax payer are funding them and all vaccine injuries and deaths are funded by you the tax payer . So if your injured your paying for it even if your not working. When people realize this they can better understand whats going on here. Money laundering through vaccines.

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True, but if we could bundle a few WE like, it would be helpful.

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I am a subscriber. https://pin.it/5rYukgy

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Done. Thank you for everything

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Renewed. Thanks so much for all you do each day to spread awareness of what is really happening, and especially for helping babies and children.

Prayers are with you in this peaceable fight for freedom.

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I proudly support your effort as a Founder and will as long as I can. I hope your health has bounced back to 100%. The world needs your strong voice!

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Yes we hope your ruptured appendix is healing and no long term effects and you prove taking care of your health and following great natural products is the key to healing.

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Dr. Wolf you might find this suggestion distasteful, but you should really consider starting a campaign on GiveSendGo. Hopefully it’d provide some type of temporary relief from this onslaught of attacks your under. I’m already a subscriber but I’d gladly give to a GiveSendGo effort, and so would others without committing to a subscription. Please don’t use the other platform.

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I’d love to donate. Where’s the donate button?

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There should be subscribe button at top with different tiers, including a free option. Dr Wolf is paying a big price and we should step up to shoulder some of the burden she bears in bringing us this information. I am a paid subscriber, but I am considering bumping up to the next level, that I think is called "founder."

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Hi Naomi, I could afford a one time donation but can't seem to find that option within substack.

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Go to daily clout- You’ll find a ton of information there and a link for support.

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I could hopefully manage the $7 @month you mentioned, but there is no place offered to check.

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A Patriot espouses love of country; a Paytriot puts their money where there morals are. I became a Paytriot of yours in April, and I will renewing again. I heartily endorse your work and ask all others to support the Substack Civilization and become true Paytriots.

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