i commented below on the towers and directed free energy. I want to add that the fire in Paradise, California, a couple of years ago, exhibited similar characteristics. I read that a couple in a car were killed, turned to powder as it were, with, I'm pretty sure, the car mostly intact and also the trees on either side of the road intact. Don't recall where I read it but I also saw photographs of houses completely burned to the ground while adjacent houses were left intact; in more than one California fire. There was a lot about the white powder similar to the plumes of white pulverization coming out of the towers and also on most of the people walking out of the area. Judy D. Wood specifies that what we may have thought was smoke was in fact Pulverization of metal, office furniture, computers and printers, and, horribly, people.

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"Dr. Judy Wood, a professor at Clemson University with degrees in civil engineering, engineering mechanics, and materials engineering science, asked after the 9/11 catastrophe: How did two of the world's tallest buildings all but disappear, and faster than traditional physics can explain? Over a half mile of vertical building height, containing nearly 150 football fields of floor space, was reduced to a near-level field of dust and debris, where rescue..." The book this review is talking about is called "Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free Energy" and it's full of photographs of every aspect of the disaster including cars along the East River with strange patterns of destruction, intact fabric while metals are melted, etc. Unburned paper next to unburned trees with cars burned right next to them.

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Hi Naomi,

I am knee deep in this fight for bodily autonomy in MA. (HealthRightsMA.org)

Question, do you think the orange smoke in NY had anything to do with your health situation looking back? We know appendicitis is tied into the vaccine as an adverse event. Just a thought ...

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here in eugene oregon they used navy ships off the coast of oregon to spread poison chemicals on the population of eugene oregon and university of oregon community to see if it was a way to harm unknown populations by air dispersed chemicals. reported in the register guard newspaper in eugene oregon. criminals one and all. the u.s. navy on americans. insane

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Im here in quebec north of Montreal. Among other schemes here the rise in mining claims is skyrocketing. Clear out the mostly unhealthy second growth forest relocate those pesky natives and start digging for electric battery ingredients. Much of my small town is already mumbling about staying inside and wearing masks. I own 17 acres and live on a homestead. Thinking of fleeing this completely messed up province before it gets worse and they lock us up again. But where to?

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Most likely explanation of what’s going on in NYC: the predators are destroying NYC in order to push the population that can move out, out. People sell their houses, their buildings, their apartments, their condos for very little and move out. The predators come in, buy up the buildings for “pennies on the dollar”, then turn the place into a “Smart City”— a big ghetto where the people will, as many authors have noted, be enslaved, “inside and out”; the slaves will live this way for a time, and then, in time, will be exterminated.

How long the people in our country will allow this, who knows; eventually, if there’s still something alive in people, the situation will, as Jeffrey Prather from the Prather Point says, “. . . go kinetic. It always does.”

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I was staying a hundred miles or so south of NYC and suddenly the air went from grey skies to orangish skies and our lungs were burning too. Then gradually since then, I began experiencing dizziness and ringing in my ears. So I went to my chiropractor whose receptionist told me that they had a big uptick in people coming in this week for the same symptoms I was having.

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Something I think may be relevant, even critically important, that you should look into:






-I have a bunch of coworkers in India and a ton of people are out severely ill right now, or with very sick children. Which is unusual, so this one especially stands out to me. Everyone works remote ie not getting it from each other. All my coworkers across the country have respiratory issues right now and burnout is definitely part but I don’t think all.


Fungal outbreaks (specifically candida auris) would not normally be a problem for most of us but could be devastating combined with ‘vid/vax lowered immune systems. Also targets the same long term ill and elderly populations that were the exclusive targets of CV19 bio weapon. First discovered in 2009 but now it’s EVERYWHERE. I’ve been following news about candida auris for a few months now (just had a feeling) and there’s rapid increase in cases and news. And worse +making headlines recently. Biowarefare, or more scare tactics? Either way this seems significant.

People are wearing masks in the hospitals in NYC again and I’m concerned. The most vulnerable are people on dialysis, chemo, anything with a port/ that exposes the inner body to the outside. My own spidey senses have made me think there might be a 1-2 punch where a pandemic comes after Covid that’s the real thing.

Also…right now big experimental trials for dialysis in end stage kidney failure patients are getting kicked off, at least at one major research hospital in NYC. Would be a way to get a lot of elderly and sick people who are long term hospital occupants out of beds and stop their $$ drain on hospital systems…Cynical but we’ve seen how the system works and I’d say the shoe fits. And this would certainly be a prime candidate for the next pandemic the experts have been telling us to expect.

Boosting the immune system in non medical ways like getting daily sunlight, extra sunlight for those who already do, and lifestyle changes like not eating or reducing sugar intake (candida and other yeasts feed off sugar) are preparedness actions that I think can make a difference for those of us who got vaxxed to keep our livelihoods, and in my case I knew the risks and decided it was worth it to keep a severely chronically ill parent who I am a caregiver for safe…which of course it didn’t. (I am one of the lucky ones that never got irregular menses or anything else, and I think it’s in large part because I spend a ton of my free time outside in nature/sunlight. Best thing for the immune system imo)

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Candida responds to EMF too.

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Having been in the immediate vicinity of the September 2020 wildfires in Oregon I can tell you that that orange smoke sky is extremely terrifying but, WE HAD NO FIREFIGHTING PLANES. NONE. AT ALL. Gov. Kate Brownshirt never saw fit to call for their help, nor would she allow the forest service to do their jobs. Local men and local businesses did the firefighting. They had to ask the dawdling, idle at the side of the road, forest service workers to move out of the way to get their equipment in. We assumed the orange smoke was because the fire was on top of us. NYC would’ve been too far from the “wildfires” in Canada for that effect. Your northbound travel out of the city proves that.

The smoke from the incessant California wildfires frequently blankets the Willamette Valley for the last several summers, making it unpleasant to venture outdoors. My sore throat is like a harbinger when that occurs, like yesterday. But there were no significant California wildfires anywhere. Why the smoke then?

Those September 2020 “wildfires” were helped along by an unnaturally intense windstorm and leveraged by BLAMtifa, or so we presumed, because we saw them with their flares, tossing them from motorcycles and the like. The local law enforcement was outrageously censored, some lost their jobs, and the local news ridiculed and marginalized those who were speaking up about what they had seen. Stories about strange black SUVs racing up into the canyon where hundreds of homes were lost and people died abounded amongst the populace. Three years later we still discuss the fires as if they had just happened yesterday. I think they call that PTSD.

The year 2020 was the year of wildfires, windstorms and ice storms, one after the other, all catastrophic to the people who live here. All this trauma on top of the COVID Scamdemic, during which every one was forced to muzzle their faces to enter a grocery store, never mind the air quality index of 450 or greater. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that the city of Portland was burned and destroyed nightly by the vagrant, black bloc drug addicts who set up camp all over the public spaces of the city and surrounding areas. In the rest of the country, similar and obviously coordinated attacks occurred, culminating with the oh-so-blatant election fraud of November 2021. The residents of Oregon are accustomed to watching election fraud as this state has been the testing grounds for the mail-in ballot election engineering grift since 1996. The same grift whom none other than Barack Hussein Obama lauded and pointed to as a model for all future elections during the months prior to November. Things that make you go hmmmm...

I only became aware of the geoengineering/Gates thing recently. Reading your stack here, dear Ms Naomi, has further awakened me to the truth about that horrendous year which most of us in the Pacific NW just try to forget. Methinks we should continue to prepare for the next assault in this Fifth Generation War.

God help us all.

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It looked like a volcano had just gone off. I took a photo of the red sun for posterity. It would have had me reconsidering my eschatology if A. I hadn’t already been reconsidering it and B. I didn’t inherently suspect signs/omens/literally anything related to prophecy or prophetic fulfillment because of how easy to counterfeit, misinterpret, and interfere with all those things are. But something was definitely not normal about this, OR the earthquakes happening on the east coast lately.

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I was in Columbia hospital with family all day that day. You could smell it inside the deepest corridors of the hospital, and feel the effects of it… isn’t ventilation that filters out micro particles enough to filter out smoke? Right outside the city where I live it lingered and got inside like that too, and the burning sensation WAS NOT NORMAL even for smoke. Smoke from a building that you’re, inside that’s burning maybe but not from as far away as those wildfires.

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Thank you for these eyewitness accounts

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Wildfires that are Not Natural – Product of the Geoengineering Agenda

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And now get a load of THIS:

Retired Canadian Fire Fighter Blows The Whistle About The Current Wildfires


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That is so bogus. Think about it. Do the firefighters out there want a bunch of retired old guys telling them what they are doing wrong or how they used to do it back in the day. The NS fires were especially bad this year. They did not want to have to coddle a bunch of old farts reliving their glory days. If this former fire technician could not come up with any other way to be useful except to nag by phone email and eventually radio, he should just stay home or at the pub where the rest of them hang out and tell lies.

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Naomi, I live on Long Island, and I went through the same experiences as you did in Manhattan. I did humbly asked God if he would be so merciful as to blow the orange smog out to sea. And from my perspective, he did just that. And I thanked him.

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