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I’m not sure about Africa. But, I do know the Catholic and Lutheran NGOs, among many others, are decidedly trying to destroy the US with unlimited immigration. These are nothing but massive grift and .gov money laundering operations. The destruction of our country is probably a bonus for them. I say this as a practicing Catholic.

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Excellent interview as always Naomi. As a Catholic who belongs to a growing thriving local church, it is clear to me that the faith will survive, maybe smaller and poorer as you discussed. It will be the local churches that will keep the faith going, promote family and life as well as groups like the Lepanto Institute and the charities they mark as "safe" on their website. These other" groups" cannot fool God ! and the sacrament of reconciliation is there for them. Thanks again for all your wonderful work and your interviews are so informative !!

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Well, Onan was the subject of Gods anger for spilling his semen on the ground to avoid conception in the act of intercourse.. In other words contraception.

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Mad because no heir?

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Actually God killed Him for what He did, which was to violate the cultural obligation, that when His Brother died to impregnate His Brothers widow so his dead Brother would have Children by the living Brother.

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Confirmed, sorta, thank you.

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”But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother.“

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭38‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This is why God was angry.

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Thank you; Yes....so angry that God killed Onan.

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Cuz disobedience? Or lack of heir, kinda?

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It seems like the fight was really over property and Onan did not want the woman to get it. Since this is not about a husband and wife choosing to only have 1 or 3 etc children I really don’t see the connection to contraception.

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Condoms; IUD's. prevent conception (sometimes they fail). I don't understand the property issue. Does that mean Onan was greedy ? and wanted property that would go to His dead brothers children conceived by Onan ? My view is that Onan liked intercourse but not the resulting child(ren). Was Onan single ?

What would His future wife think about this whole issue ? Anyway God killed Him...so no future wife. Perplexing issues.

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I understand that.

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Yes, was using his logic against him.

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The truth about this “wonderful religion” …. The following quotes are the Truth according to Constantine, from a letter sent out following the council of Nicaea:

“And truly, in the first 
place, it seemed to every one a most unworthy thing that we should follow the 
custom of the Jews in the celebration of this most holy solemnity, who, 
polluted wretches! having stained their hands with a nefarious crime, are 
justly blinded in their minds.”

“Let us then have nothing in common with the most 
hostile rabble of the Jews.”

“In pursuing this course with a unanimous consent, let us withdraw ourselves, 
my much honored brethren, from that most odious fellowship. 
 It is indeed in the highest degree preposterous, that they should 
superciliously vaunt themselves, that truly without their instruction, we 
cannot properly observe this rite.  For what can they rightly understand, 
who, after the tragical death of our Lord, being deluded and darkened in 
their minds, are carried away by an unrestrained impulse wherever their 
inborn madness may impel them.  Hence therefore it is, that, even in this 
particular, they do not perceive the truth, so that continually wandering in 
the grossest error, instead of duly reforming their calculation, they 
commemorate the passover twice in the same [Roman] year.  Why then should we 
follow those who are acknowledged to labor under a grievous error?”

“…to have no fellowship 
with the perjury of the Jews.”

“it seemed to every one a most unworthy thing that we should follow the 
custom of the Jews in the celebration of this most holy solemnity, who, 
polluted wretches! having stained their hands with a nefarious crime, are 
justly blinded in their minds.  It is fit, therefore, that, rejecting the 
practice of this people, we should perpetuate to all future ages the 
celebration of this rite, in a more legitimate order....Let us then have 
nothing in common with the most hostile rabble of the Jews... ”

And this from the article given below: “Under Constantine, Eusebius wrote a history of the Church that pointedly 
eliminated any positive reference to the restoration of Israel and the 
earthly reign of Jesus.  The only place that remained for the Jews in the 
plan and purpose of God was to serve as the earthly, temporal representation 
of the eternal misery and condemnation that awaited all who were outside the 
The Church was now officially Contra Judaeos and Adversus Judaeos - set 
against and set in opposition to the Jews.  Thus was established the 
anti-Judaic foundation on which both doctrine and practice were then built.”


Click on Christian antisemitism (top left)

Select “Passover Controversy”

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I don’t recall Jesus teaching about contraceptions or anything near to that subject. Does anyone know what he means?

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Well he p r o b a b l y would agree with His Dad. Did his Dad say anything?

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Thank you again Dr.Wolf for this interview. Now everyone who listens can see a bit of what faithful Catholics have been up against.

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To understand more on the horrific & insane times just ahead of us, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Dr. Wolf, thank you for giving a wider audience to Mr. Hichborn's important work.

You seemed to hesitate on the question of contraception. Better contracepting than bringing children into a world of poverty, etc.? It is a basic principle of Judeo-Christian morality that you can't do a little evil to bring about a perceived greater good. Think the widow and her seven sons in Maccabees not eating pork to appease Antiochus. Think The Lord of the Rings. Think also that this life is but a pilgrimage to our hope of eternal bliss, which you don't want to throw away by alienating yourself from God, even to save your mortal life.

As for the theme you identified, of organizations being infiltrated and corrupted (like borders eliminated and nation states dissolved), consider that this is the demonic idea of "solve et coagula," tattooed on Baphomet. To dissolve and coagulate - to make something into a thing contrary to its original nature (its nature as created by God).

And you will not like this, as you defend "gay rights," but God gave reproductive faculties to make babies, one of the most sublime ways we cooperate with the Creator, in bringing new life into this world. If that is what God gave us those facilities for, consider how filthy the homosexual corruption of them is. Mystics have seen demons tempt people into such acts but then flee because the acts are so repugnant to their originally angelic nature. It is not "love" that's the problem; love everyone, not as a fleeting emotion, but willing their good. You claim to be a Jew, but I never have understood how a person whose holy writings include God destroying two cities because of the sin of sodomy (and don't try to tell me it's not that; it has always been interpreted that way by Jewish and Christian scholars until very recent modern times), how can such a person claim there are "gay rights?" Where do these come from? (And you are profoundly mistaken to say that Jesus never spoke against sodomy. The Bible in the Word of God, inspired by God, so that you must understand all the condemnations of homosexual behavior, from Leviticus to St. Paul, to be from God.)

If I haven't entirely repelled you, it might help to notice a second current in modern culture, one which operates in tandem with solve et coagula: the culture of death. Notice how the progressive left unites behind all things that are counter to life: abortion, contraception, euthanasia, gender reassignment (which causes infertility), and homosexuality.

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Mostly like.

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Naomi, most of the high leadership of the Catholic Church are not Catholic at all -- they are infiltrated, totalitarian satanists who are trying to bring down the Church from within -- to utterly destroy it.

In 1917, the 200th anniversary of Freemasonry, a holy Catholic friar named Maximilian Kolbe, who would later give his life for another man in a Nazi concentration camp and be canonized a saint, saw a parade of Freemasons through Rome. Some of their banners carried the inscription: “Satan will rule in the Vatican and the Pope will be his slave.” (From https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/a-saint-who-fought-the-freemasons-has-the-battle-plan-against-todays-dictatorship/) Freemasonry is just one of the groups they've used to infiltrate and undermine all the institutions in preparation for their occultist "great work" -- the totalitarian New World Order.

They're trying to subtly change the **perceived** teachings of the Church by changing its practices. They're trying to drive out true Catholics (faithful to the unchanging teachings passed down from Jesus through the apostles) from the Church, crushing traditional religious orders and parishes even when they have many parishioners, while twisting the institution into a New Age receptacle for the New World Order.

Money may be an intermediate goal for them, but they already have a ton of funding from China, the US government, & the other luciferian elites behind the scenes.

The further up the hierarchy you go, the more their goal is **EXPLICITLY RELIGIOUS**... bringing back the satanic pagan "gods," who are all demons. This is true for all the elitist totalitarians, including those who pretend to be Protestant, Jewish, secular, etc. And yes, they are all trying to massively depopulate the earth.

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This org chart of the structure behind the globalist totalitarian deception is a must-see (the graphic is about halfway down the page): https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/organizational-chart-bank-for-international?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Does God know about this chart?

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Michael Hichborn is a truly heroic Catholic Christian. The high **leadership** of the Catholic Church (as well as much of the Protestant top leadership) has been infiltrated, through sinister deception, by the same globalist, communist satanists who brought us COVID and the deadly, disabling, sterilizing jab.

Just like the Jewish leadership crucified Jesus, their Messiah, as I did along with every other sinner, the current **leadership** of God's one true faith, the Catholic Church, will "crucify" the Body of Christ -- the true, faithful Catholic Church members and many other sincere Christians... probably resulting in a massive number of martyrdoms. These evil, deceptive leaders will likely draw the world into the demonic, New World Order, Sex & Drugs, "New Age" Amalgamated Religion, which may introduce the fake "alien savior" (the Beast) and "artificial intelligence" (image of the Beast) deceptions, for the New World Order government. Don't be surprised if the mark of the beast is just an X (or a Cross, if you look at it from the side) inside a circle. The letter X inside an O has had prominence in the occult world for a long time.

Thank you, Mr. Hichborn and the Lepanto Institute for fighting the good fight within the Holy Catholic Church. We stand united with you and will fight beside you unto martyrdom!

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As a Catholic pewsitter, I want to thank you, Naomi, for having Michael Hichborn on your podcast. He is a truth warrior and done so much to uncover the corruption in my beloved Catholic Church. The Church is more than an organization, it is an organism; the living, breathing, Bride of Christ who has been soiled and betrayed by those who should be safeguarding and protecting her. Trust me when I say there is a huge rift in the Church between those who believe and live according to our doctrine and those who - while espousing to do so - are more interested in "keeping the castle." I pray for the Pope's conversion everyday. We've had bad popes in history before; we'll weather this one, too, but he is fundamentally trying to change the Church from within a-la Saul Alinsky. But Christ is Head of His Church and He will decide untimately how and when to deliver us. Meanwhile, we pray, fast, speak truth in season and out even if it means personal loss or worse to come. I did not get the COVID shot and remain mortified that the Pope himself has nothing but disdain for conscience rights of those who objected to them on moral grounds. Thank you again for hosting such a respectful dialogue.

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Dr. Wolf, please, you can receive this. We need you to consider it.

The "points of light" that the destroyer, George H W Bush, referred to in establishing his self-described "New World Order" aided by "a thousand points of light" were primarily NGOs.

Recall when George Bush the younger fought to get tax dollars to faith-based NGOs how the "conservatives" aided him and the left put up show-trial quality token resistance.

Those POINTS OF LIGHT are mutiple train headlights growing rapidly and bearing down on one point, our liberty.

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