Here’s an interesting interview getting into some of the things mentioned here as far as “infectious disease,” viruses, germ theory, Pasteur, etc.


There are also interesting books out on these topics like The Contagion Myth, What Really Makes You Ill?, and more.

A short “book” on clay which I just read is called “We Eat Clay and Wear It Too.”

Another thing that adsorbs (yes, that is spelled correctly) toxins is activated charcoal. Mix a little in water and drink it.

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My source for various clays, as well as instructions for use:


They also have magnesium chloride flakes (and instructions on use).

Activated charcoal is another interesting and useful substance.

Another thing you might like to research, Naomi, is 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine. Andrew Kaufman has several videos on it. Jennifer Daniels rediscovered this old-time remedy in modern times and her website also has a lot about it. It was in a late 1800s Merck Manual with about 80 illnesses/conditions it was used for.

Diatomaceous earth is mined from deposits of diatoms, probably from the flood during Noach’s lifetime. It’s actually not “earth.” Diatoms are the shells of tiny sea creatures.

Redmond has mineral salt and also clay conditioner. I’m now drinking a pint of water with half a teaspoon of mineral salt per day. I make a quart at a time with a teaspoon of mineral salt, which lasts for two days. Let it sit for 3 hours and carefully pour off the water on top. Don’t drink the sediment that collects at the bottom. (Per Steve Campbell, ranch consultant. His website is http://www.tailormadecattle.com/videos)

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You such stupid ignorant woman, Shariia law does not exist except in Iran, even Saudi Arabia doesn't follow it any longer! Controlled opposition paid by the Zionist lobby scum of the earth. I used to follow you and RFK Jr and Robert Mallone. ALL of you are nothing but corrupt liars! DELETE!

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Here’s an interesting interview I just listened to:


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Did I miss something? I didn’t hear a single word about sharia law.

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Has anyone ever heard of your hair getting grayer after Bentonite detox? I did the 4 day, 1 tablespoon with 8oz. of water about a week or so ago. My hair in the last few days seems like it is getting gray extremely fast, with streaks. I can’t think of anything else I have done differently in the last month. Pretty crazy!

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What about out-houses?

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Outhouses are great. :) That’s what I have. I rarely clean my bathroom (outhouse) except to sweep it out occasionally. Easiest bathroom cleaning ever. :) I clean houses with 3-4 bathrooms, which reminds me how thankful I am to never have to clean a toilet at home.

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Naomi--I've read that beonite can (and often is) contaminated with lead and other undesirable heavy medals--obviously not something we want to ingest. Can you comment on this? Thanks!

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Remember your sources so you know who are telling you garbage and working against your health (pharma profiteers), and who are not. That's how I find who I can trust and who I can't...and that is gold The cool part of things like bentonite and diatomaceous earths is that they were created and buried LONG before modern day pollution. Logically if they are contaminated, the processor put it there...so find a trustworthy source.

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we could not have modern cities without bleach!

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Then read your history! They had outbreaks of waterborne illness before the late 1800, when they discovered hypochlioric acid. The recurrent plagues during the Middle Ages? The cholera outbreak in England during Victorian times, traced back to a local water fountsin

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I don’t believe that is true. There are many natural ways to clean and disinfect things without using toxins. Even if it were true, that might not be a bad thing (to not have “modern” toxic cities). :)

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May 29Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

What brand is recommended? Don’t want to ingest more toxins.

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I am a French major and have about as much background in science as you do. But I got mentored by the late, great Andrew Cutler, PhD who wrote the book on heavy metal toxicity and chelation. Bentonite clay will work its magic in the gut and the metals that have got that far are already on their way out. It will not reach metals that are in the organs and brain, where they really do their damage.

And the metals do not get reabsorbed very well from the gut, either. According to Cutler.

So the bentonite clay may be making you feel better for various reasons, but it is not because it is removing heavy metals.

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That is entirely your assumption it isn't removing anything - it is a well known binder, as is DE - which helps with those little herxing things causing anxiety. I'm no doctor, I'm a survivor of the ADA and the AMA. Indeed sources should be pretested for removing heavy metals from the surrounding ground - I believe that's the point in trusted brands you just blew off. You miss most of the show with your comment...did you actually intend to remove any metals? What was your experience, if any? Cutler used ALA every 3 hours as the half-life is short. I'm ADHD from mercury and am honest I would not be successful there! I would miss doses and reinjur through redistribution repeatedly as denial is denial. But the FDA works against inventors that maybe don't cut them in seemingly on binders with longer half lives(?) - or maybe it's that they already have adequate profit sources, I wouldn't know. I've been watching an amazing one that seems much safer, rendering several heavy metals harmless while in situ, with the longest half-life yet, and it has been all but handed to China after banning its allowed use as an antioxidant "over a decade ago" - heal dragging much? Moms healing autism is not an allowed subject because toxic poisoning is not an allowed subject by Allopathics protecting their liabilities...it's all toxin to some ever-rising degree. Meanwhile food can make or break you when Glyphosate analogs of glycine can slow down a liver to a crawl (was that my source of NAFLD or Lipitor? Who knows? But glyphosate's research was algorythumed into extinction since 2016 by exactly who then? Replace the the analogs and speed up safely using the organ God gave us for that purpose. (YES, I said "God") Not many look at nutrition to see selenium levels necessary to run healthy, either. None of mine - who wanted by to vivisect, or destroy with radioactive iodine an organ I detoxed back into full function. Not many dare help with information for free anymore. I've seen ZERO responsible long term help from the AMA - so how are people to heal with zero productive support? It seems they are forced to remain sick - not acceptable and doing so is cruel profiteering. With the current food system it is everyone. It sure seems easy for you to blow them off...but they ARE YOU.

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I got some valid and real training in this stuff. The nonsense and marketing on the internet can be pretty alarming. We have a Facebook support group with 85,000 members and we are constantly getting people who injured themselves, and often badly, from doing random things to detox heavy metals.

Here is a link to the Facebook support group. There is a whole education there in the files section. https://www.facebook.com/groups/acfanatics

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Been there, too many nutballs and I left. Oddly everybody "got some real training" now. Maybe try the NBMI site? Or a DE site? I love international help as folks REALLY ARE trained in other countries.

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May 29Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Dr. Wolf, don’t be afraid of Borax. Huge for arthritis.

That is NOT what President Trump was talking about. What he was talking about, but unfortunately didn’t really understand, is an oxidant called Chlorine Dioxide.

It is sold on Amazon as a water purifier right now as we speak. Look it up.

HOWEVER, if you say that it “cures” anything (such as malaria) the FDA will put you in prison for pushing “poisonous bleach”. It is NOT a bleach, it is an oxidizer that has been used for decades safely in drinking water of campers and outdoor people.

You would do well to take some time to learn why the FDA is so afraid of it by the testimonials of the people that have used it.

A couple of the men in this documentary are the ones that sent Chlorine Dioxide to Trump, telling him it cures covid, which is why he said that. He may even have used it? That missionary and his son are in prison now because of it.


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YES, I just read an article on BORON prosthetics! It seems that HIPS in particular are far more successful and healthier if made of BORON. It seems Boron is a BASE that reduces acidification inspired by heavy metals and sugars that cause inflammation. Lots of information about several of the things mentioned here are the natural anti-parasitics and anti-cancers. I've been reading a bit lately about Candida. A simple yeast that when exposed to anti-bacterials and anti-biotics can be motivated into growing into an overgrowth of fungal parasites - the die off that occurs with detoxing causing anxiety and a general feeling of dread (how rude and counter-productive!). Commonly found in Crohns and IBD O.R. wash water. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not one of these new subjective "Experts", but isn't reinjury often a reason cancer takes off - just add radiation or remove an immune system (kinda the same effect maybe)? I've dealt with Candida (or maybe Mallassesia sp?) several times through my life not knowing it was what "came back" and not the initial bacterial infection. UTI's recurring for 6 months??? Tonsils, ears, and this flares eczema? WTH Doc? - Kinda basic to use an antibacterial that is also an antifungal so they can keep their homeostasis? But what were we just told to do on TV for the last >3 years. Now I read that a third common fungi in animals, Aspergillosis has symptoms matching bird flu in animals...and my head just hurts. I'm not cut out for this gauntlet, but I'm all that I've got.

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May 29·edited May 29Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Thanks for another great post! After researching bentonite clay some years ago, I too was blown away by all the positive benefits reported. I consume bentonite clay and apply it topically when my body tells me it's time. I haven't noticed any undesirable side effects from consuming it, and it makes my skin look and feel great.

I think the COVID and toxic shots military program / democide is telling us much more than some powerful people are willing and able to kill us and themselves. Profit over people and all living things was never a great idea. We may do better, or watch everything we know and love be destroyed.

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Parvo was a killer of dogs in the mid-70's, when I was working as a veterinary assistant in Berkeley at Campus Veterinary! Parvo gave dogs chronic diarrhea type fatal illness.

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We were just reading that more w/o vax survive a parvo infection than those immunized that still manage to get it. Could that vax also degrade their immune system? That would be interesting research. I wonder if something beside a toxic metal could be use to trigger that immune response - if they might avoid that problem?

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Just drank 1 TB with 8 oz. water . . . almost tastes like milk, which I love. I'm excited to see how I feel as it does its magic! Thank you so much for this information!

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May 29Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Dr. Wolf. Why can’t I find your podcast on apple? Where can I download it instead of having to stream? Thanks.

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Apple blocks me I fear. You can download from DailyClout's Rumble channel -- and from this audio podcast....best Naomi

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May 29Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I don't know if I am brave enough to actually drink clay :) but generations of people all over the world have wrapped themselves in mud packs for topical remedies or detox or what not, so it should not be a shocker.

(Interesting historical connection there with anti-typhus measures leading to some extent to extreme state control, never thought of it this way.)

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If you get the right kind that is made for internal use and let it sit after you mix it in water for about 10 minutes to get the grittiness out, then stir it again, it tastes almost sweet. Way easier to drink than I expected!

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Now I am equal parts conflicted and curious; it's not just James Bond's martinis! Shaken and stirred, hmmm....

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May 29Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I have taken it internally. Used to throw it in my smoothie in the morning. Have used diatomaceous too. Didn’t see any particular changes. However, I have used clay externally with great results and used it often. Face mask, hair mask, and love it as a pack on any ache or pain, strain and so forth. Awesome stuff. Thanks for putting the information out in spite of the naysayers. As an avid self experimenter I’ve walked away from allopathic medicine nearly 100%. There are so many many natural ways to live more healthy. Thanks for pointing to the documentation that supports these.

Years ago a friend of my dads told me that they will never find a cure for cancer brothers is too much money in it. I didn’t believe him then. It was the 90’s. I believe him now. Keep it up. I am loving this. 😀. Have you gotten into enzymes yet? That’s my current favorite natural practice

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