How about this thought on the’s not about short term thinking or greed.. how about considering the invisible hands of the ancient bloodline families over centuries orchestrating societies, and now, orchestrating the demise of the West. I’d suggest reading Dr Peter Breggin’s book called, “The Global Predators, We Are The Prey”
Everything that has happened over the last few years would have been "a joke" or "unbelievable" before all this madness started. So my question is, how long will it take for "them" to grab everything of value from EVERYONE!? It's all about control, especially controlling the masses.
Great commercial
How about this thought on the’s not about short term thinking or greed.. how about considering the invisible hands of the ancient bloodline families over centuries orchestrating societies, and now, orchestrating the demise of the West. I’d suggest reading Dr Peter Breggin’s book called, “The Global Predators, We Are The Prey”
Let's just refuse digital currencies because it's all about control and sooner or later we'll all be SLAVES?
Unjabbed Mick (UK).
Everything that has happened over the last few years would have been "a joke" or "unbelievable" before all this madness started. So my question is, how long will it take for "them" to grab everything of value from EVERYONE!? It's all about control, especially controlling the masses.
Gold is good but, at today's price, silver is even better. And don't forget canned food and ammo.
"It's a hard rain's a gonna fall."---Bob Dylan