''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Thank you for sharing your words and emotions of your recent return to your alma mater.

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Collaborators everywhere. Hopefully, they’re all up to date on their booster shots.

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A relevant book: The Revolt of the Elites, by Christopher Lasch. So contemporary even though it was written in 1995.

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Wouldn’t it be interesting if everyone who wanted to go to Yale read this essay and then decided to go elsewhere?? Wouldn’t Yale lose a TON of money??? Wouldn’t that be amusing?

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Would 't it be wondeful if yale closed so that new generations of elitist hunger game lunatics were pumped out into society every four years. But most importantly the professors and presidents would not be enployed. Many birds, one stone

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One of my father's friends was at Yale in the late 1950s. He wrote a paper for an English class which his professor graded as an F but later the professor published that student's paper under his own name! Two of my uncles graduated from Yale. One, a conservative, who graduated Navy ROTC would have hated the changes, the other, a far left limo liberal, who did the most minimal enlisted draft service would have loved them. The latter was a roommate of William F. Buckley and deeply resented and hated him. Buckley lived rent-free in that uncle's brain for life.

"Half of all people are below 'average' intelligence."

Well! Yale sits fat and smug on a big endowment thanks to past graduates work efforts making its leaders think they are kings & queens of the planet in their fake but cozy Ivory Tower. Their highly jabbed tribe has already shortened their lifespans in the Darwin Award races. "Tant pis," as the French say.

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I meant “I too am older.”

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I to am older. I am dismayed at how most men are following like sheep and their women who are strong are enabling their meek response. In fact they , in doing so, are emasculating men! I loudly support you, no need to whisper!

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I noticed on Wikipedia it says that Harold Bloom was "deeply interested in... Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and Hermeticism" -- all underpinnings of the satanic occult, alchemy, etc. Hinduism has the same roots.

I urge everyone to watch the Rumble video by a man named Altiyan Childs, a former rock singer who was on a show called the "X Factor" in Australia I think, who exposes Freemasonry (a five-hour video, but you can break it up into manageable segments, and it's WELL worth your time). It's a good beginning to unveil the luciferian lying and schemes that have been going on behind the scenes across the world, that have led to the COVID "vax" scam and many other crimes.

Other good sources are the website Vigilant Citizen, James Perloff's blog, Jay Dyer's website / podcast / videos, and Dave McGowan's (now deceased) books & website Center for an Informed America (re: moon landings, Laurel Canyon - the 60s hippie rebellion was manufactured, etc.). Get informed before the final, deceitful moves by the New World Order, which will be devastating and extremely convincing, though completely false.

Please find a traditional Latin Mass Catholic Church before they have to go underground... it's not going to be long now. May God bless and guide you & your loved ones.

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wow - what a valiant effort! wow - what stamina! wow - what clarity! wow- what writing!

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Courageous. Endearing. Sad. I've noted your openness to spiritual inquiry, and am glad. You are a deep thinker, brave, and I imagine you sniffing out the core causes behind absurdities we witness each day. Lux et Veritas...yet why does such a powerful founding (Yale) eventually rot? The guardians of light and truth cover for darkness and deception. Amazing! Sad. To Moses came not an idea, but a revelation. DM

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Great comment. I especially like, "To Moses came not an idea, but a revelation." We are so deformed through original sin, & now *even more* because of the massive degradation of Christian moral standards, that our own thoughts, hopes, & plans can't get us very far out of the mud pit -- not even close to the edge of the mud pit. We must cultivate silence and opennness to Our Lord...hear God...and then follow His calling.

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I pray daily He returns soon! If He was angered to destory sodom and gomorrah, isn't He livid with todays rampant deviant lifestyles of homosexuality, transgenderism, transhumanism, gender reassignment surgeries (butchering if children) of innocent manipulated, children?!!!

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“Wolf,” he said, “you have caused the deaths of millions of people.”

If there were ever a time in your whole life to throw your drink into someone's face, this was it. Slightly more subtle, but as effective: catch a convenient heel and pour it down their front.

Both of these are in lieu of the most appropriate response to being, however civilly, accused of mass murder - in public, no less - a hearty slap across the face. However, drink throwing/spilling is much easier on your hand.

It strikes me that this person has had the very concept of consequences bred right out of him. He will learn.

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Kick in the testicles would have been appropriate oh and head count to who survived the jab

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Count the jabs he's taken. Tick tock and out of the gene pool because no one can't fix stupid. That Darwin Award contestant-bully merits only a raised eyebrow and then an instant maniacal laugh as one does a 360 asking loudly, "Are WE on Candid Camera?!" as one walks away from that twat after a friendly pat on his shoulder saying, "You are SOOOOOO funny!"

I learned from my parents as a young kid:

(1) If anyone hurts you verbally or physically they are not playing by Marquis of Queensbury rules so don't allow yourself to be a scared victim for one second. Take them down fast and hard. Ditto, be a warrior/sheepdog for any sheep in your presence. My father taught me in 1st grade how to knee a man, stomp on his foot instep, poke his eyes out, and drive his nose bone into his brain.

(2) As a woman myself, learning how to do the Great Lady/Grandmother routine to common verbal thugs is a great way to deal with many bullies (who are all insecure and/or sadistic twats). For example, give them the wolf-look-of-death or an instant laughing response. Failing that a creative public set-up for a behavior correction can be very fun. How about a female student doing a Nellie Bly exposé of Bloom and the Yale system cover-up response for the student newspaper? Or better yet, in a freebie local newspaper in the town community! Targeted postcard mailings to all female freshman for Fall term. Banksy-style gorilla graffiti. Make Yale leaders truly fear a class action lawsuit.

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I share your grief about Yale. I graduated from Princeton in the 1970s when it still transmitted the values of Western Civilization to new generations. Over time, as Princeton decayed, I evolved from mourning Princeton to pitying it. When Princeton announced in 2020 that it had become a racist university I told Princeton it was too humiliating to be associated with them anymore and gave them back my diploma. I became a retroactive college dropout. Yes it is difficult to lose those connections, but the spiritual liberation of that loss was adequate compensation. They have wrongly shamed us long enough and it is time to turn the spotlight of humiliation back on them where it belongs. Your "Can You Go Home Again" is a milestone in that effort.

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Indeed...they HAVE wrongly shamed us... Darkness knows the power of shame...but cannot extinguish even a candle...we of the light have been here before.

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Tremendous writing. Felt like I was right there with you. In many ways I am.

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I feel your pain and loss of confidence in the 'model' you once embraced wholeheartedly and in which you were an influential participant.

However...TAKE HEART in the fact several of those 'privileged, upper middle-class Ivy Leaguers whispered their support of your crusade to expose the criminal negligence of colleges like Yale--simply because their funding would be cut off if they arrested predatory professors and/or administrators who are in league with powerful lobby groups (through their research activities).

As for the symposium participant who sarcastically stated "What would Jesus do?" (then asserted they didn't "believe in that stuff")....well...I do believe that person WILL believe in that last great Day mentioned in Philippians in the Holy Bible...Philippians 2:10-11

New King James Version

"10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

SHALOM, Dr. Naomi!

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I just went to my 45th college reunion and it was just as difficult. I think we become more conservative as we get older and we are shocked at the changes in our Alma Mater when we try to go back. The people who enjoy those visits (such as Naomi’s college friends) are stuck back in time, almost as though they never matured.

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