Oh Oh I made a spelling mistake myself when telling you about your typo . That is funny to me. SO"you have" it should be not "you gave. '' We are all going crazy, I think. I am in too much of a hurry. I need to stop and breath and relax once I awhile when I am off the yoga mat. Cheers, Thank you for your many brilliant opinions on things.
Some of the comments appear to be making the assumption that you are trying to have Trump sound more scholarly. That would be a mistake because it's not him.
I see your points about structure,. To illustrate: Some comedians (a difficult structure and delivery) can have the audience chuckling through the story buildup, then knock them dead with the punchline. What I understand is that you are saying Trump is leaving off the punchline.
His speeches have become uninspiring events as he cajoles and commiserates with his crowd about their shared enemies and troubles (if I hear "it's not fair" one more time...), instead of inspiring confidence with specific action plans (as RFK is doing).
thank you for this beautifully written article on great orations.
One problem is comparing a campaign speech to Kennedy's inaugural: apples to oranges comparison and not really fair. If you want to compare Donald Trump's inaugural to JFK;s that would be fair.
Secondly, what is important to understand is you are extremely highly educated and your standards of what you are looking for come from your years of study and learning. The vast numbers of Americans who vote for Donald Trump, are people who have been completely left in the dust by great orators; presidents like Obama with soaring rhetoric, and Clinton as well. Their jobs were sent overseas leaving hollowed out towns with unemployed people having to scrape together 3 jobs to survive or else end up on welfare.
So the American people as a whole are not looking for "Presidential" if that means soaring rhetoric and then being politically abandoned. What we are looking for is a President who says it like it is.
He tells the truth about how he feels. That is actually RADICAL.
Also, by not being politically correct, he is being honest. Some people think political correctness is the same thing as courtesy. It is not. It is a way to avoid speaking about feelings directly. By instituting political correctness the Left took over our language and decided what we can and cannot say. Donald Trump stands for Americans when he says, "We don't have to kow tow to your language police."
What people on the left hate most about Trump is this: he speaks his mind and is loved for it.
I think because you spent many years in higher education and spent so much of your life in progressive circles, you have the values of the elites of our society who tend to disparage the rest of us as "bitter clingers". or "basket of deplorables." How do you feel about that rhetoric? That's about as divisive as you can get, and it came long before DJT.
But this isn't about who can win the divisiveness race. This is about leadership and what constitutes leadership in a society that has been nearly destroyed by progressive shibboleths, language police, insistence on reversing course on racism and calling white people racists by the color of their skin, as well as starting a movement to encourage pre-teens who don't even own their sexual selves to start mutilating their bodies: Americans DONT WANT WHAT PROGRESSIVES ARE SELLING. That is what Donald Trump stands for.
But most of all, he stands for his policies which brought very improved economic changes to working people: Black, Latino, Women and Asian Americans all had record unemployment. He got American working again, even high school dropouts were getting jobs. Inflation was under 2%. He is the one President in a very long time that did not get us into another new war. He did not encourage pre-teens to mutilate themselves, he didn't start Racism 2.0, he just had policies that benefitted most Americans except for the billionaires who want endless wars or who benefit from depopulating the globe.
I think the situation we are in as a country calls for different standards. We cannot tolerate any more Obamas, Clintons, etc. people with soaring rhetoric who bring recession and poverty as well as hollowed out towns all over America. We need a different kind of President. We need a man who keeps his promises.
I am 71 years old. Of all the Presidents I have lived through, only Donald Trump kept his promises to the American people.
At first when he was elected I was unsure how he'd do. He said a lot of things I wasn't sure were true, but darn it, everything he said, DID turn out to be true. Now I do not doubt him anymore.
How do you explain that Trump calls opponents "vermin" that he will root out, and that immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of the US. Now, I'm reading this in the news, and haven't listened to the speech myself. But, again, how do you explain that the person wanting to be the most powerful leader in the world is speaking in such language?
I agree completely with the thesis, but Trump is shaking my faith with his Death Jab advocacy and now bizarrely coming out AGAINST banning Tiktok, which was originally his idea and which is definitely a needful thing.
I like how CNN tried their best to make him look silly, truth always shines through though! I was there in person, speaking nearby on recent research showing the jabs' effectiveness and safety were exaggerated in the clinical trials and observational studies: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/mr-lataster-goes-to-washington
Meanwhile, Trump continues to claim it saved millions and he should get credit for bringing the Death Jab to market so quickly, as well as coming out against banning Tiktok as a security threat despite it being his plank to start with.
I’m very frustrated..was writing a reply and must have hit something and bam.. gone. Does anyone know how I may retrieve it or is in the ether now? Thanks 😉
I appreciate this article because it's written by a person who knows each side. Trump must not be able to be "handled" by anyone on his team, otherwise they'd tell him exactly what you say. If he followed your advice, he'd grab the 10-15% of people in the middle that he needs to win this election. But he won't. It'll come down to 3 or 4 precincts in 3 or 4 blue states, and then it's just a matter of seeing how much the dems can cheat. Sad state of affairs.
I wish you were applying for a job, let's put it that way!
I wish you were an advisor of his! (Even though you’re not “angling for a job;”)
Your experience and your non partisan position along with your interest in and seeking of God’s plans and the Truth, could be dynamic. I hope your essay makes its way to President Trump’s attention.
yes. thank you for admitting the obvious that others don't yet see! dynamic...THAT's the word. i could see Trump fending off the attackers being the figurehead, and Naomi orchestrates the freshly-appointed cabinet members to go off and do their thing.
can you imagine people such as Vivek Rameswamy, the one "too much LIKE Trump," to run free and do their jobs whilst Trump is otherwise engaged in a sword fight with a dozen Democrats who ambush him repeatedly whenever he enters any room in The White House.
ever see Pink Panther and Inspector Cleauseau's house keeper guy was his martial arts teacher he had spontaneously attack him to keep him twitchy and ever-ready? that's how i see Trump in the Oval Office, IF he gets back in and the Democrats don't trash the place and pour cement down the pipes.
Rachel Walensky and Deborah Birx will trash Naomi in the ladies room ...but jimmy crack corn and she won't CARE.
Good article--it's rare to read a rhetorical analysis by a smart scholar put to use on current speeches.
Yes, Trump needs discipline. His advisors need to help him learn to speak on issues in a way that explains them and the logic of them without polarizing the opposition or saying inappropriate things that tar the whole message and issue--Naomi points this out well with an example. Trump is on a losing streak--the elections of 2018 and 2020. Hard to believe Republicans couldn't find someone to replace him. Likewise, hard to believe Biden is running too. What a weird time.
CPAC is not a venue for a serious speech. All of Trump's major speeches during his presidency were of top-ten nature starting with his speech to the 52 arab nations in 2017. All of his SOTU speeches were outstanding as well. Nobody tops a showman in this regard. The media never covered it so what is the point of all the stagery?
Reagan's speechwriters didn't want the "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." and he still did it.
The cadre surrounding president often hurts him by suspending his personality. Trump doesn't allow that and keeps it real like it should be.
Fair analysis Dr. Wolf. Appreciate the advice on how to better reach all sides, because that is of course the goal for any candidate. The toughest part to keep fair minded about is regarding the press. This man and his family have been so unfairly covered, it seems any attempt to clean up speeches will not matter. As I write this I feel the bitterness rise up, because it truly seems a hopeless goal. Do you have examples of mainstream media sources that have changed their heart and mind regarding President Trump and attempted to cover him fairly? If you do, I would follow them.
Oh Oh I made a spelling mistake myself when telling you about your typo . That is funny to me. SO"you have" it should be not "you gave. '' We are all going crazy, I think. I am in too much of a hurry. I need to stop and breath and relax once I awhile when I am off the yoga mat. Cheers, Thank you for your many brilliant opinions on things.
Some of the comments appear to be making the assumption that you are trying to have Trump sound more scholarly. That would be a mistake because it's not him.
I see your points about structure,. To illustrate: Some comedians (a difficult structure and delivery) can have the audience chuckling through the story buildup, then knock them dead with the punchline. What I understand is that you are saying Trump is leaving off the punchline.
His speeches have become uninspiring events as he cajoles and commiserates with his crowd about their shared enemies and troubles (if I hear "it's not fair" one more time...), instead of inspiring confidence with specific action plans (as RFK is doing).
thank you for this beautifully written article on great orations.
One problem is comparing a campaign speech to Kennedy's inaugural: apples to oranges comparison and not really fair. If you want to compare Donald Trump's inaugural to JFK;s that would be fair.
Secondly, what is important to understand is you are extremely highly educated and your standards of what you are looking for come from your years of study and learning. The vast numbers of Americans who vote for Donald Trump, are people who have been completely left in the dust by great orators; presidents like Obama with soaring rhetoric, and Clinton as well. Their jobs were sent overseas leaving hollowed out towns with unemployed people having to scrape together 3 jobs to survive or else end up on welfare.
So the American people as a whole are not looking for "Presidential" if that means soaring rhetoric and then being politically abandoned. What we are looking for is a President who says it like it is.
He tells the truth about how he feels. That is actually RADICAL.
Also, by not being politically correct, he is being honest. Some people think political correctness is the same thing as courtesy. It is not. It is a way to avoid speaking about feelings directly. By instituting political correctness the Left took over our language and decided what we can and cannot say. Donald Trump stands for Americans when he says, "We don't have to kow tow to your language police."
What people on the left hate most about Trump is this: he speaks his mind and is loved for it.
I think because you spent many years in higher education and spent so much of your life in progressive circles, you have the values of the elites of our society who tend to disparage the rest of us as "bitter clingers". or "basket of deplorables." How do you feel about that rhetoric? That's about as divisive as you can get, and it came long before DJT.
But this isn't about who can win the divisiveness race. This is about leadership and what constitutes leadership in a society that has been nearly destroyed by progressive shibboleths, language police, insistence on reversing course on racism and calling white people racists by the color of their skin, as well as starting a movement to encourage pre-teens who don't even own their sexual selves to start mutilating their bodies: Americans DONT WANT WHAT PROGRESSIVES ARE SELLING. That is what Donald Trump stands for.
But most of all, he stands for his policies which brought very improved economic changes to working people: Black, Latino, Women and Asian Americans all had record unemployment. He got American working again, even high school dropouts were getting jobs. Inflation was under 2%. He is the one President in a very long time that did not get us into another new war. He did not encourage pre-teens to mutilate themselves, he didn't start Racism 2.0, he just had policies that benefitted most Americans except for the billionaires who want endless wars or who benefit from depopulating the globe.
I think the situation we are in as a country calls for different standards. We cannot tolerate any more Obamas, Clintons, etc. people with soaring rhetoric who bring recession and poverty as well as hollowed out towns all over America. We need a different kind of President. We need a man who keeps his promises.
I am 71 years old. Of all the Presidents I have lived through, only Donald Trump kept his promises to the American people.
At first when he was elected I was unsure how he'd do. He said a lot of things I wasn't sure were true, but darn it, everything he said, DID turn out to be true. Now I do not doubt him anymore.
repeat their names now vile
who pursue 6 jan trials
they're quislings to the core
partisan legal whores
weaponized DOJ
legal hitmen today
no justice to be found
big gov's goons are around
not law's prosecution
MAGA's persecution
the system perverted
the targets inverted
traitors charge patriots
for non-existent plots
yet coup behind the scenes
was real and real obscene
hid stolen election
avoided detection
by deplorables trapped
democracy kidnapped
the innocent are jailed
guilty monsters are hailed
evil by legal ruse
prima facie abuse
repeat their names now vile
elites who should stand trial
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet
How do you explain that Trump calls opponents "vermin" that he will root out, and that immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of the US. Now, I'm reading this in the news, and haven't listened to the speech myself. But, again, how do you explain that the person wanting to be the most powerful leader in the world is speaking in such language?
I agree completely with the thesis, but Trump is shaking my faith with his Death Jab advocacy and now bizarrely coming out AGAINST banning Tiktok, which was originally his idea and which is definitely a needful thing.
I like how CNN tried their best to make him look silly, truth always shines through though! I was there in person, speaking nearby on recent research showing the jabs' effectiveness and safety were exaggerated in the clinical trials and observational studies: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/mr-lataster-goes-to-washington
Meanwhile, Trump continues to claim it saved millions and he should get credit for bringing the Death Jab to market so quickly, as well as coming out against banning Tiktok as a security threat despite it being his plank to start with.
Not at CPAC, but yes, lots of people upset about that. Perhaps more votes for RFK Jr.
They need a new speech!
I’m very frustrated..was writing a reply and must have hit something and bam.. gone. Does anyone know how I may retrieve it or is in the ether now? Thanks 😉
Dr Wolf
I appreciate this article because it's written by a person who knows each side. Trump must not be able to be "handled" by anyone on his team, otherwise they'd tell him exactly what you say. If he followed your advice, he'd grab the 10-15% of people in the middle that he needs to win this election. But he won't. It'll come down to 3 or 4 precincts in 3 or 4 blue states, and then it's just a matter of seeing how much the dems can cheat. Sad state of affairs.
I wish you were applying for a job, let's put it that way!
Keep up the great work.
Yeah... facts do matter and the fact is that Trump did not champion the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Period.
He did talk about it, but you are right. We the people did on our own. Hindsight is generally clearer than real time.
Great piece!
I wish you were an advisor of his! (Even though you’re not “angling for a job;”)
Your experience and your non partisan position along with your interest in and seeking of God’s plans and the Truth, could be dynamic. I hope your essay makes its way to President Trump’s attention.
yes. thank you for admitting the obvious that others don't yet see! dynamic...THAT's the word. i could see Trump fending off the attackers being the figurehead, and Naomi orchestrates the freshly-appointed cabinet members to go off and do their thing.
can you imagine people such as Vivek Rameswamy, the one "too much LIKE Trump," to run free and do their jobs whilst Trump is otherwise engaged in a sword fight with a dozen Democrats who ambush him repeatedly whenever he enters any room in The White House.
ever see Pink Panther and Inspector Cleauseau's house keeper guy was his martial arts teacher he had spontaneously attack him to keep him twitchy and ever-ready? that's how i see Trump in the Oval Office, IF he gets back in and the Democrats don't trash the place and pour cement down the pipes.
Rachel Walensky and Deborah Birx will trash Naomi in the ladies room ...but jimmy crack corn and she won't CARE.
Good article--it's rare to read a rhetorical analysis by a smart scholar put to use on current speeches.
Yes, Trump needs discipline. His advisors need to help him learn to speak on issues in a way that explains them and the logic of them without polarizing the opposition or saying inappropriate things that tar the whole message and issue--Naomi points this out well with an example. Trump is on a losing streak--the elections of 2018 and 2020. Hard to believe Republicans couldn't find someone to replace him. Likewise, hard to believe Biden is running too. What a weird time.
CPAC is not a venue for a serious speech. All of Trump's major speeches during his presidency were of top-ten nature starting with his speech to the 52 arab nations in 2017. All of his SOTU speeches were outstanding as well. Nobody tops a showman in this regard. The media never covered it so what is the point of all the stagery?
Reagan's speechwriters didn't want the "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." and he still did it.
The cadre surrounding president often hurts him by suspending his personality. Trump doesn't allow that and keeps it real like it should be.
Fair analysis Dr. Wolf. Appreciate the advice on how to better reach all sides, because that is of course the goal for any candidate. The toughest part to keep fair minded about is regarding the press. This man and his family have been so unfairly covered, it seems any attempt to clean up speeches will not matter. As I write this I feel the bitterness rise up, because it truly seems a hopeless goal. Do you have examples of mainstream media sources that have changed their heart and mind regarding President Trump and attempted to cover him fairly? If you do, I would follow them.
It's not that they change.It's that the candidate makes it much harder for them to dismiss him.