Let’s remind everyone exactly how Zuckerberg profited off of this plandemic now that he has conveniently switched sides. What is he doing to rectify the damage ! Who has he reinstated in full ?

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The currency we are using is the federal bank note that makes humans slaves, per globalist. All people that pay taxes are slaves. We are all slowly waking up, there is the epiphany. Good vs evil. Smiles

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Why can't you access rumble? Very strange .

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Wow! I just saw this. I challenge everyone to write a SubStack with a crazy title, such as ‘Facebook saved my sanity in lockdown’ or something equally preposterous. Then write a few lines of babble and post the link to this SubStack in your text then share it to fb & ig!

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I love your work, Naomi. I think your "stuff"" is fabulous. The only problem is, and I really do not want to embarrass you on the Internet by saying so....you are a tad bit too haughty for me. Maybe you have earned it through using your brain or something, but I do not like the haughtiness. Also, I would love it if I could call you, "Naomi" to your face instead of, "Ms. Wolf". It just seems friendlier and more receptive to do so. Other than this, I do not have anything else to say.

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I call her Dr. Sheep Eater and she responds... I’ve chewed her ass before and she stepped right up. Not only that, she graciously once quoted me, to my delight. The only airs on Dr. Sheep Soup Slushy are those you’ve thrown over her!

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It’s always profound to see how some people seek the truth and don’t stop.

I admit I never liked your positions on many issues. But you have proven to be relentless, and for that I thank you.

Well done! And yes, we must hold their feet to the fire and demand justice.

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Unbelievably and unprecedented , I am experiencing censorship at the US Courts. Clerk of Courts in the 5th and 8 th Circuits prevented me from filing any lawsuits challenging the efficacy of the covid19 clotshot or the treatment of President Trump. Unreal.

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I find this abhorent but also intereresting timing. Some of my 'dissident content' which I have posted on FB consistently & profusely for the last few years, got amplified by several orders of magnitude in December. Although politically incorrect and covid related, none of it was technical or legal, just political and truth be told, old news. I think there is a concerted effort right now to not simply censor but to curate the dissident content to keep people onboard and busy with dissident-light narratives.

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Oh my God, you are really fucking stupid if you think I’m that stupid Facebook was developed by Mark Zuckerberg’s college roommate and was stolen by Mr. Zuckerberg and use for another purpose after he realized the scalability. I’m not even going to read the rest of that mental constipation and verbal diarrhea. It made me dumber just to go that far.

I don’t engage with idiots, the genetically deficient or blatant disingenuous agitprop fellation tools. I sure as hell I’m not gonna start engaging with someone who is mutually inclusive of all three.

Tell Felicia hello, ciao Bella

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Naomi Wolfe seems to conclude with no conspiracy theory behind all this nefarious activity by government and its interlocking sociopolitical entities (which include mainstream media, social media, and public health). Wolfe's implied theory as to the Who and Why and What is that it's merely criminal corruption for $$$ greed -- and that there is no internationally coordinated conspiracy behind this with motives more nefarious than mere greed.

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i respect a writer who only goes as far as the evidence and no further

speculating and imagining things is more harmful than good

there is a lot of merit in simply stating that for which there is evidence

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If online people limited themselves to only publishing what they have evidence for -- and if by "evidence" we naturally mean adequate evidence -- that would reduce the output on social media drastically, probably down to 5% of what is now spewed out. That said, however, as long as we keep in mind what evidence is, and we properly communicate our understanding, there's nothing wrong with then adding to our presentations speculations, educated guesses, inferences, etc. With these various issues radiating out of a Mainstream that is promoting major strange projects such as Covid, Climate Hysteria, Transgender Nonsense, Ukraine Bullshit, etc., it then becomes odd for someone who is delving into these to refrain abstemiously from even speculatively connecting dots -- the very dots they are uncovering -- that by inference lead to conspiracy. And one is not necessarily out of line by wondering why that analyst is being so oddly reserved about such an important matter.

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Zuck has falsely accused me of spam also. I guess he thinks truth is spam.

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I was part of the Tom Woods Show Elite private Facebook group prior to 2020. I would navigate to the page via the search bar. One day, I started getting warnings every time I searched the page "This page is associated with Q-Anon." It had NOTHING to do with Q-Anon! We were just a bunch of nerds talking about Austrian economics. FB also started requiring the page administrator to approve each and every post. The group moved to MeWe 2-3 years ago. No complaints so far!

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That is so wack! Subhuman Leftists have no regard for human life. Only interested in MONEY POWER CONTROL. I’ve got one word for them: KISSMYASS

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Wow, I’m so sorry. I expect it to get worse going into 2024

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I know I can’t post anything from Substack on Facebook. It graze it out immediately so the only way I can put anything on Facebook is by taking a picture of it and posting the title.

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The Daily Clout team is a godsend and a go-to reference for all the Covid vaccine harms. No wonder they wanted to try to take it down. Steve Kirsch is also doing excellent work with the New Zealand data released by whistleblower Barry Young. An important takeaway: "Females are disproportionately injured, but males disproportionately die." https://kirschsubstack.com/p/nz-data-shows-up-to-20-higher-mortality?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=139878704&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMzcwNjExOCwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTM5ODc4NzA0LCJpYXQiOjE3MDI5NjQ4NDEsImV4cCI6MTcwNTU1Njg0MSwiaXNzIjoicHViLTU0ODM1NCIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.xjjhUXTkGyw6FXlUaIIA6s9NZys6bbEYJJMuD-Qfqrw&r=e43ra&utm_medium=email

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