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We're in Ontario. It's sickening what's happening in both our provinces. But we are not alone. I'm surprised at how many unvaccinated I meet. The government tells us we're at 90%. I'm having trouble believing it.

I still think it's possible that the tide will turn. It just takes a long, long time, lots of work, lots of prayer, and a flood of truth.

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Hello Andrea, from Waterloo Region. I don't believe anything our government says but I feel the numbers are high here. For over a year until a couple months ago whenever I went to do errands I was the only one I would ever see without a mask on very sad. I had to leave my municipal government job of 16 years, so I stay close to home now. This City acts like the destruction they caused for the last 2 + years never even happened. Now the talk is all about the massive amounts of people that are homeless and have set up and stuck together in an encampment. The city is taking them to court because they refuse to leave. Telling the truth has got me banned or in jail on Twitter and Facebook. Joined a local neighbourhood app and I'm just floored how people in my community talk down and belittle people who are struggling. I posted about not being allowed service to take my dog to the vet last week because I refuse to wear a mask and a mandate is not the law. I must have gotten 40 responses of vile comments about how I don't deserve my dog and stop being a Karen, It was nasty. I've learned so much these last 3 years about people and myself. I feel sorry for them because their pride, ego ,fear and judgement will be their downfall. Not giving a shit what people think of me has been ultimate freedom. We are on the right side of history and the tables are turning.

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Hey Christa,

We are just on the edge of Waterloo Region! I think the cities are worse. We live in the country and things are a little different, generally speaking. I do know a number of people who did not "believe" in masking, but they wore them, anyway, because they did not have the moral courage to go without. So not everyone with a mask was against us. But it was hard to feel so alone in the stores...

I stay off other com boxes, now. People feel they can attack anyone from behind their screens. I like this substack because others seem to respect one another here.

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New York State lies the same way: State says 153,621 Nassau County residents 65 to 74 had been vaccinated by Friday--even though a state website says only 132,862 people in that age group live in Nassau. That would mean a vaccination rate of 116%. Rates for residents 55 to 64, and 75 and older, also exceed 100%.

....Our entire government, at every level, is awash in lies and liars.

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The hugely worrying thing is that this isn't a phenomenon only in the US, it's exactly the same in the UK and many European countries, Australia, NZ. It's worldwide. That's what is most concerning to me. What are they all hiding? Or even more concerning, are all our politicians mad or stupid?

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Nazi Scotia, here. Yes, in keeping with the giant Asch Conformity Experiment they're running, the Canadian government is grossly exaggerating the "vaccination" figures.

Combing through the government's own data (for what that's worth), the Daily Expose calculated that 37% of Canadians were completely "unvaccinated", an equal percentage were thrice jabbed and the remaining 26% had had one or two shots. Their figures are:

Unvaccinated: 13.06 million people

One Dose Vaccinated: 1.25 million people

Two Dose Vaccinated: 10.7 million people

Three Dose Vaccinated: 13 million people


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Not sure how they arrived at those numbers. The 'official' number is about 6 million (3 million of which are minors). The obtuse part about this is that Canada has yet to officially update what constitutes being "vaccinated"! I believe we're the only Western country not to have done so. It keeps the travel bans in place. Think of it. There are double dosed Canadians who have not taken a booster who got injected LAST YEAR and are permitted to travel whereas people who have recovered from infection and acquired natural immunity (which we all know to be superior)) can't board a plane. Or even have the chance to present a negative test! It's irrational and cruel - period. Those 201 MP's who voted to keep them in place Monday should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. Cowardly fools.

As for the Maritimes, I was shocked at how the provinces treated each other. We didn't behave like a strong, united country. The stories I read out of NB were outrageous.

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I believe Canada is one of if not the тАЬtest siteтАЭ to see just how far they can go before unleashing it on other countries.

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Additionally, as the "vaccination" program was an experiment, up to 50% of those injected got a placebo. Yet, the Canadian government didn't recall those people, for actual "vaccination," before giving them vax passes. So, a person who received a placebo can travel and a person with naturally immunity cannot. Yes, that sounds like science - political science. On the other point, the evidence that governments are fudging their vaccine uptake numbers is overwhelming. In the USA, for example, the CDC released figures indicating that more people had had the second dose, than the first. My own lived experience makes me doubt Nazi Scotia's claim to have jabbed over 90% of the population. In February, I had to rush my husband to the emergency department of our local hospital. As one of the unclean, I wasn't allowed to go inside, with him. The parking lot was full of people, like me, waiting in their cars. It was nearly 20 below and snowing like mad, so I don't think many would have chosen to stay outside.

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Heather, IтАЩm in Ontario. This is news to me that, as you wrote, 50% of all vaxxes were placebos? How/where did you learn this? If true, I believe it is widely not known.

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Sorry, for the tardy reply. I missed your post. Here's a link to sources regarding the use of placebos and varied doses. The Covid shot rollout is part of an experimental trial, so placebos and dose variation is standard protocol. (Not that much standard protocol gets followed, in Covidland.) http://internetmatter.com/varying_dose_quantities_in_these.html

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Imagine maintaining a travel ban on people! Without evidence of any kind. Even Tam said there are no cases through air travel. Purely and wholly punitive and cruel. That's Canada.

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Coercion to get the shots.

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I'm in the UK. All our governments have lied or been lied to by those they employ to inform them. I've never suffered such a loss of trust in all the institutions which used to be a structure of our society. Doctors, scientists, politicians and others have all lied to us.

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They have indeed. It is utterly appalling, disorientating, bewildering, demoralising, and so on. But we at least have found fellow travellers on sites like this. We are not alone.

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A Senator here spewed the same old cockamamie nonsense that the unvaccinated threaten him on a plane. Basically, his right to feel safe trumps civil rights. Doesn't say much about the shots now does it?

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Well, see, the shots are, um, ... *partly* effective! Yeah, yeah, *that's* the ticket!

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