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I think the "Left" has always shown its true colors -- at least in my experience. This "COV!D" crime has just made it really obvious. Their bottom line is that they want me to want what they want. They believe wholeheartedly in the use of force and coercion by other people in that "thing" we call government to π’Žπ’‚π’Œπ’† π’Žπ’† want what they want -- or at least be forced to go along (caring not if I would choose otherwise) and to pay for it via taxes. Of course, by default, not wanting what they want automatically makes me selfish or cruel or whatever other adjective is meant to bring shame.

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What happened to "the Left" ? Did they get taken over by the dark(er) side? I keep trying to tell my fam that hey, this is not the same left we grew up with. Maybe it is and now only showing their true colors? Marxist b.s. I guess.

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The Democratic Party got in bed with the plutocrats because no matter which party you're in, there's a huge F-ton of money in D.C., and even a Hobbit would have to lose a finger to resist. So Labor and the legacy of FDR became very expendable by contrast. From then on, the party was "left" in name only.

It started under Carter, went on steroids under Clinton, and into hyperspace under Obama. Biden isn't so ambitious, he's just a janitor.

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