There's more to this story. I'm a member of the National Firearms Association. Had a chat with them today. A lot of it was emotional theatre. The idiot is trying to capitalize on something that happened in Texas.
They're confident they can amend the proposal. There are no details in the proposals just the usual empty platitudes and lies …
There's more to this story. I'm a member of the National Firearms Association. Had a chat with them today. A lot of it was emotional theatre. The idiot is trying to capitalize on something that happened in Texas.
They're confident they can amend the proposal. There are no details in the proposals just the usual empty platitudes and lies that come naturally to Justin. He's a LIAR. It's worth noting Canada's gun culture is somewhere in between the USA and Europe. So it won't go Australia's route. At least I don't think. We own a lot of guns up here too. Not like the USA obviously, but per capita we're top 10 and most of the countries ahead of us are small, war-torn countries. In terms of the West, it's pretty much in the top 3-5 if memory serves me right.
Justin is a very weak leader. Both as an individual and politically. He's trying to project power in an effort to win over a majority government. He's too divisive and hated to pull it off.
That's true. But I feel like several of my friends in Canada have said the same thing about some of the other crazy comments he's made. And then they come to pass.
That's true. The assault on the unvaccinated is the main one for me. But he's not alone. 201 MP's voted to keep the mandates and travel bans in place. They're irrational and cruel buffoons at this point.
I agree. Cruelty is the this point. Taking the guns doesn't seem that far fetched. They're basically treating you guys like vermin. Makes me so angry!
There's more to this story. I'm a member of the National Firearms Association. Had a chat with them today. A lot of it was emotional theatre. The idiot is trying to capitalize on something that happened in Texas.
They're confident they can amend the proposal. There are no details in the proposals just the usual empty platitudes and lies that come naturally to Justin. He's a LIAR. It's worth noting Canada's gun culture is somewhere in between the USA and Europe. So it won't go Australia's route. At least I don't think. We own a lot of guns up here too. Not like the USA obviously, but per capita we're top 10 and most of the countries ahead of us are small, war-torn countries. In terms of the West, it's pretty much in the top 3-5 if memory serves me right.
Justin is a very weak leader. Both as an individual and politically. He's trying to project power in an effort to win over a majority government. He's too divisive and hated to pull it off.
We're not done. Yet.
Keep fighting man! We're on your side down here. Really proud of our fellow refusnik's in Canada. Stay STRONG!
We do draw inspiration from America.
That's true. But I feel like several of my friends in Canada have said the same thing about some of the other crazy comments he's made. And then they come to pass.
That's true. The assault on the unvaccinated is the main one for me. But he's not alone. 201 MP's voted to keep the mandates and travel bans in place. They're irrational and cruel buffoons at this point.
I agree. Cruelty is the this point. Taking the guns doesn't seem that far fetched. They're basically treating you guys like vermin. Makes me so angry!