Elon Musk wasn't wrong when he said we live in a simulation. People are imagining a sci-fi scenario but all it really is, is an artificial reality created by TV and media and a false "agreed upon" history. We're seeing them create it now in real time with the miraculous "vaccines" and "80 million votes for Biden."
Go back 100 years and apply the same - what is our history, really?
Elon Musk wasn't wrong when he said we live in a simulation. People are imagining a sci-fi scenario but all it really is, is an artificial reality created by TV and media and a false "agreed upon" history. We're seeing them create it now in real time with the miraculous "vaccines" and "80 million votes for Biden."
Go back 100 years and apply the same - what is our history, really?
Elon Musk wasn't wrong when he said we live in a simulation. People are imagining a sci-fi scenario but all it really is, is an artificial reality created by TV and media and a false "agreed upon" history. We're seeing them create it now in real time with the miraculous "vaccines" and "80 million votes for Biden."
Go back 100 years and apply the same - what is our history, really?
The simulation is created by Godhead and Satans.
It's called the Valley of the Shadow of Death in the Bible.