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"I am another public intellectual." Who says such crap? And who deemed you so. Did you hear your mirror speak that to you one morning and hand you a certificate of public intellectuality?

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Eisenstein is an intellectual. Have you read his articles?

Look deeper into why his one liner triggers you so much and you will get benefits.

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No, Jon Rappoport is an intellectual. He never felt the need to identify himself as such.

Okay, Doctor Freud.

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That's how people describe me. Personally, I'm not especially proud of it. I don't think that what the world needs most right now is more intellectuals or intellectualism. But whatever -- that's the role I seem to have assumed. Writing about ideas etc. i didn't mean to come across as boastful.

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The public needs to work through difficult and complicated concepts, without fear manipulating them into rash action. Is the 100th monkey effect going to end up with the herd running off a cliff or will it result in an action beneficial to the herd?

That depends on the work done first. Someone has to hash out the concept first, and then the herd receives it via a download.

This information is critical because without it, the human species' immune system cannot differentiate good tissue from bad. And thus it will attack everything or nothing, and end up cannibalizing itself.

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Not boastful, just odd. Since when do we have to describe ourselves the way others "describe" us? We all write "about ideas" Charles. Don't set yourself aside. That's part of this dumb malady. Peace.

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Eisenstein's actions set him apart and people notice that. Just as your actions define you.

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Yeah, just like I noticed the snobbery.

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Yeah, it doesn't strike me as snobbery. It's a term people use to describe a person who expresses thoughts in a particular way, publicly. There are rules that govern the form of that expression.

There are people I'd describe as public intellectuals, and also as idiots. Not mentioning names.

"Folk singer" describes a person who, like a public intellectual, expresses thoughts publicly, but does so in a different form.

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You interpreted it as snobbery due to your personal triggers. You aren't a psychic or psionic user, able to pick up people's thoughts and intentions online, ok.

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I didn't think you did. That's why I responded to the comment. Anyway "Public Intellectuals" is a good band name.

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Why does this make you angry? I believe he was using the term in reference to the fact that he is an author and writes publicly on sociopolitical topics. I don't think it was meant to imply others aren't intellectual or as some sort of statement about his IQ.

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Btw, do you know how you'd find the comments you make on this site? I know on Reddit you can do that in your profile. Is there any way to do that on Substack?

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Click on your profile icon on the upper right, and click activity. That will show all the replies.

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There's no way to see your comments by themselves (without replies) ?

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your profile tracks your posts but I don't see one for comments. Why do you need it?

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Just good to have the opportunity to see what you comment on. Sometimes you might have second thougts, want to edit, etc. And then you have to search like crazy--unless someone REPLIED to you. Thanks.

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I think you have to just search the page for your name, but I haven't tried it. I just hit reply from my email because I forgot to change my notifications settings and your comment popped up in my email.

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Thank you Kathryn. My comment to Chuck may have sounded harsh but sometimes these self-designated "Public Intellectuals" need to get an echo of how they sound :)

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Point well taken. I'm prone to have those reactions, too, so I don't know why I felt compelled to call you out on it. I guess I save my irritation for the MSNBC/WaPo echo chamber "intellectuals". : )

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See, you're an intellectual who's secure enough to KNOW it without "declaring" it. ;)

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Not angry, more like slightly annoyed. It's presumptuous and arrogant. "I am a public intellectual." And yes, exactly, it DOES imply that he stands apart from others.

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