How to gift subscriptions Dr. Wolfe please.

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Definitely supporting your work by subscribing. Telling others about your work so others may subscribe. We all need to do what we can at this time.

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And for the record, I quit my job in a workers union and moved to a freer part of Norway. My workplace was promoting vaccines and begging that everyone should get them. I told everyone who would listen, and a lot who wouldn’t, what I found out about the dangers of the vaccine and the covid scam. That was not populare, to put it mildly. What has been done is in my mind the greatest crime against humanity to date, but of course, colleagues were fooled like most of the world. I could maybe looked with kinder eyes on that, but the leaders still promotes the corrupt politicians that agreed on and were responsible for this catastrophe. That is not for me to forgive or forget. Prior to this scam I thought I lived in a democracy, now I know that that is not the case, an haven’t been for many years. At least dating back to when Gro Harlem Brundtland was our prime minister. She has a lot to answer for. Also the climate scam they are pushing to starve and impoverish people. She warning in a newspaper that they were loosing control over what people were being told, stating that she was conserned about our democracy, oh the arrogance... she was also responsible for sneaking us the back door into EU (via EØS) three months before the people voted no for the second time. Her partner in crime was Jonas Ghar Støre, our current prime minister. So democracy is one of the big lies they are feeding us with just to keep us occupied with the small matters they allow people to quarrel over.

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Paul also says that it is OK to eat things offered as sacrifice, that is the opposite of what Jeshua teach us. We have to remember that we live in both a spiritual world as well as physical. Thereby eating things offered as sacrifice to idols must be bad for us and is prohibited. I would love to hear your thoughs if you see my comment at some point. And again, thanks dr. Naomi🙏❤️And excuse my misspellinings, I forgot to read through, my bad, and english is not my native language.

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Thank you Dr. Naomi. I subscribed today after seeing your excellent interview with Dr. Richard Amberling, and upgraded because I love your work. As a journalist myself I have used thousands of ours, literally, after I tried to get to know what was in the vaccines in feb.21. Still don’t know, but at least I feel we are getting closer. And as a bible student nearly all my life, I did not know about the geneva bible before I read about it in your substack today. What an amazing revelation. I am forever grateful. I will now study that instead of KJV. Best regards and 🙏 for you and your loved ones from Marianne, Norway❤️ PS: what do you think of Paul? Personally I think he is the one that lead people astray, who John warned us about i revelation. Something about him has never sit right with me, he says that we go to heaven by faith alone, contadicting Jeshua. He does as John says the Nicolaitans did, witch Jeshua said he hates, according to John, https://renner.org/article/who-were-the-nicolaitans-and-what-was-their-doctrine-and-deeds/ and he also says that Jeshua only appeared to be a man. I believe Paul is the one who lures us into the wide gate, and John helps us discover the narrow gate. I know this is controversial, but i believe in the true living christ, not the bent words of paulianism. For a lie to work there have to be a lot of truth, thats why Paul is so dangerous. His doctrines are different ftom Jeshua’s. He also says: believe in me, what an thought provoking thing to say... He also put himself above the apostles that walked with Jeshua, and relentlessy talks about himself, here is a link to his denial that Jeshua came in the flesh: https://nonorthodoxy.com/paul-denies-that-jesus-came-in-the-flesh/

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Consider talking about a constitutional convention. 38 red-leaning states can #cancelthe1pc. Replace elections with #govtbysmartphone so everyone can represent themselves. In a #truedemocracynow.com, regular citizens propose and pass laws for just their state or ideological subset of society using blockchain-protected, open-source app. no fed supremacy or cancelation by SCOTUS, other groups, or an absolute majority. no corruption by special interests. egalitarian govt. #endplutocracy #vote4yourself.

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I do understand your plight Naomi because those with their heads above the parapet take the most flack. I am a lowly author and unrecognised by TPTB, however my own book was rejected by hundreds of publishers, often on the basis of its polemic which of course is correct as I was exposing the global financial system failures much like Iain Davis..

I was accepted to have my dissertation published by ResearchGate as an e-book in early 2022 and have over 4,000 reads to date: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020 But of course there's no return in it.

Our battle is against the most powerful global and coordinated forces and thus I believe direct attack is not only fruitless but dangerous because it provides the very thing they require - an excuse to impose military law. Thus my approach is DO NOT COMPLY because we, the people, actually have the power to resist. Their plans go for nought without compliance IMHO: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-special-36e?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Sun Tzu advises: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w

You have many supporters my friend - go well



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You were the first Substack I had a paid subscription with and it has always been worth it. Thank you.

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Dr. Wolf, paying to subscribe to your Substack was one of the easiest financial decisions I have made lately (which is quite a statement given my current circumstances); and thank you for your work and everything that you share with us.

One quick question ; have you ever considered this particular piece of Steiner's work regarding your thoughts on, "Have the Ancient Gods Returned?"?


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Hi Naomi - I just signed up today for the yearly subscription. I am excited to listen to the reading of the Geneva Bible and the comparison to the Hebrew and the Jerusalem Bible. I also follow you on Telegram and want to thank you for the work you do on the medical front.

These are very trying times and I know that it took courage on your part to speak out and I am sure you are getting a lot of flack from people especially those that you thought were colleagues and friends. On a much smaller scale and not one that the whole world can see, I post on my Facebook page truths and get attacked by friends and family. A thick skin is necessary but very hard to develop. Stay safe and looking forward to the coming year. WWG1WGA

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Thank you Naomi for your warm honesty...I will be subscribing in 2 weeks. I am overjoyed at your taking on the reading of the Geneva Bible.

I have never taken a class with you but I can imagine it feels somewhat like these readings. Insightful and warm. You are bringing them alive for me and I am deeply grateful for your scholarship and humanity.

Almost 40 days ago I decided to take a news fast for Lent (no tv, internet or print news media at all- difficult for someone raised in DC) and read the Bible instead. Let God feed me the news. And that you decided to do these readings from the Geneva Bible has been such a wonderful surprise and blessing. I am enjoying the Hebrew, as well. Though I don't speak Hebrew, I love languages and enjoy the sounds and your translations.

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Happy Passover! I am very pleased to be among your subscribers.

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I would love to help but I only have a few paid subscribers. Hopefully I can up my game and be worthy of thousands in the future - this is what I am praying on. Thank you for you hard work.

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I will support you. You’ve earned it. “A worker is worthy of his wages.” And I’m pretty such that’s not gender specific...

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You and your voice are worth it. I'm happy to support you.

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