We should start printing our own money when digital currency starts coming out. We don’t need it or want it.

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This is another excellent video discussion with Gerald Celente (financial advisor) and Mike Adams (Brighteon and Natural News--hot discussion: GC is vibrant and animated on the US dollar and the economy past and future!


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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Disagree with this guests perspective. He completely neglects to explain how the reserve currency was traditionally backed by commodities/gold before Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in the 1970s. Constant money printing/quantitative easing and passing of exorbitant budget devalues the US$ treasuries that other countries hold. Debanking Russia from SWIFT created momentum and political will for countries to shift to a non dollarised standard (the US was evening threatening sanctions on India in 2022 for continuing to trade with Russia). This was not malicious or vindictive move by the Russians but pragmatic and necessary. I request you to interview more guests for a more balanced perspective on these important global issues. BRICS is not an adversarial anti US block but primarily a trade and economic investment grouping. Talk to Kathleen Tyson (mercantile money author) for her perspective on this. it is not necessarily that easy for global trade to dedollarise - Saifedean Ammous can give you insights on that. On how the dollar based IMF loans have been completely predatory towards the global south, talk to Alex Gladstein. On the inevitable transition to CBDC and AI central banking as a panacea for a highly leveraged economy, talk to Simon Dixon. Whitney Webb also has some interesting insights on how the US will implement CBDCs via retail banking despite the Trump campaigns assurances. Also Simon Dixon will give you some insights on how moving away from a fiat/debt based economy will yield benefits for both the US domestic economy and the global economy. Also Robert Breedlove from the fantastic what is money podcast could give you some insights into all of these issues if it’s hard to speak to separate guests piecemeal on all of these issues. Thanks

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Do you think that it is possible that with other national currencies in more prominent use, the value of the dollar could shift to be more equitable with these other currencies? Thus, completely changing the balance and global epicenter of finance? Could it be possible that with that shift, there will be peace?

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More likely that we will return to a currency backed by a precious commodity (eg gold). This will be good for everyone and will probably lead to a much more peaceful world (eg you can’t just print money to fund military confrontation). Dedollarisation and if BRICS announces a currency/stable coin backed by a basket of commodities are actually positive developments. Also Zoltan Posar does some great analyses on how CBDCs will start being used to settle international trade rather than for domestic populations. We are starting to see this happen in the currency swap deals being negotiated between countries outside of the SWIFT system. And while most central banks want domestic CBDCs, basically governments already have the ability and tools to domestically surveil and control their populations. CBDCs are just the culmination of that process. Glen Greenwald does a great interview with Saifedean about this.

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Yes, I agree totally about gold. I saw the BRICS currencies will be backed 40% by gold. And thank you so much for the recommendations. I will see Glenn Greewald's interview with Saifedean, and Zoltan Posar on CBDC in international trade.

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Hi Naomi,

De-dollarization will be blow to the USA (and Canada), but we can survive and thrive.

We just need to act intelligently, for the very first time in decades.

Please see:





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I think this cloud has a silver lining. Under the existing system the dollar is consistently overvalued, this has led to bloating of the US government, endless deficit spending, off shoring of US manufacturing,, and growth of the financial economy and profit via economic grift. Whereas manufacturing is productive, vital, and bolsters the working class, financialization is parasitic, unneeded, and only helps the upper class. The aggregate result is gutting and then fracturing our country.

Loss of the dollar as the world trade currency and primary reserve will mean the dollar is fairly valued, this will decrease our ability to purchase imports, but spur domestic manufacturing and start to unwind the financialization bubble. It will be painful but it is necessary if we are going to not become an empty husk of a country.

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Usury - the taking of gain - plenty of biblical passages speak to this evil...as long as it remains as, IMHO, the root cause...the people remain enslaved

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Truth Social stocks sold the day before the assassination attempt on President Trump. We’ll have to see who made a lot of money!

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Naomi, this is off topic, but have you been thinking about the prediction of that man you interviewed (forget his name) who said that according to his system something huge would happen around July 15? The attempted assassination of Trump occurred on the evening of the 14th. I find that interesting, don’t you?

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because the US is run by jewish bolsheviks who exist to serve israel is the reason the US is bombing and sanctioning more then half the world while having their proxies do some of it. so the world finally got tired of the weaponized dollar and want to dump it. the US state dept is run out of tel aviv and they set the sanctions to any country that might oppose them

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Would you please give me a books that explains this to me. I have heard this but don’t have enough informed Credible sources. Thank you!

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are we supposed to meet in a library lol. it is happening now right in front of you for 15 years. remember the sanctions put on Iran and Russia? they add to them every few months. google US sanctions on these countries and others. US state dept run by hardcore israeli first chicken swingers

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They're currently collapsing the Australian mining industry which is our only real economy. The first pillars are coming down. The nickel industry just ended last week. We have had over 3000 direct job losses this week. China is pivoting to BRICS-aligned countries. If iron ore starts to shed jobs and China buys from Brazil it's done.

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Ok, regardless of what anyone thinks, the sky is not falling. The dollar is not a super power, it is and has been an albatross over the neck of the US for a long time. It’s ‘power’ has made us lazy and made our elites globalists. It has been the source of investment outside of the US rather than at home. It has caused our economy to look better than it is because the dollar is worth more than it really is. Once we get the dollar back to being a US currency, investments will flow back to the U.S. and we will actually make things again. This is all so easy to see, yet we keep looking for a falling sky. Our balance of trade will explode to positive numbers and countries like China who have grifted off a peg to the dollar for years will be devastated. Asian manufacturers who made their money selling into the US market will now have real American competition. The Midwest and ‘rust belt’ will be reinvigorated. Bank on it. This will be short term pain for investors and rich people and long term prosperity for everybody. Even the govt will prosper. We will be forced to stop trying to control everybody everywhere because we can’t afford it, and that will be a great thing for our kids. The US is like a coiled spring waiting to bounce out of the Bretton Woods driven slump, and it is about to happen soon. It is a great time to be alive.

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This is all about digital control.

The dollar is going bye bye.

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That is fantasy

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I say a lot that people do not like hearing cause they live in a dream world and it amazes me that most that agree with me are women. that shows how cucked and cowardly the femininized men are

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keep dreaming. enough of the US population is fat lazy drunk drugged and their kids when they become adults will see a bankrupt venezuela type country where if they are white they will be a minority. after US turns into venezuela it will become south africa there will be 50 million afreakans here

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People have been claiming this for years. Dollar not going away.

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no one is saying it is. It is just changing status.

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