Rod Dreher has a new book coming out and I immediately thought of you when I learned the subject. It is called "Living in Wonder: Finding Mystery and Meaning in a Secular Age." In it, he addresses miracles and neuroscience and the spirituality of the world. He gives some background about his book in a recent Substack and talks about spiritual warfare as well, which I know you have encountered, as I have, over the past four years:

"I would suspect that [many of us never] had direct dealing with spiritual warfare. There’s a reason that accounts of exorcism in our time sometimes have (non-charismatic) Protestant pastors turning to Catholic priests to help with hard cases. It has nothing at all to do with any deficiencies in the Gospel. It has to do with the mechanics of spiritual warfare...we Christians ought to be talking among ourselves about all this.

I’m thinking about something Father Dermot Moloney, at the time an old Irish missionary priest in his final years, told me in 1991, when I met him at his church in Baton Rouge. He said that when he was first ordained by his order in Ireland, they sent him to the mission field in Africa. He quickly received an education in spiritual warfare.

Shortly after he arrived, Father Moloney accompanied an older priest on a journey to evangelize a certain village. As they walked down the path to the village, they ran into an invisible wall. There was a barrier in front of them that would not let them pass, one they could feel, but could not see. The young priest was terrified, but the older, more experienced missionary didn’t flinch. He took out his flask of holy water, blessed the unseen wall and uttered prayers of exorcism. The wall fell, and the missionaries walked on.

'We converted that village,' Father Moloney told me. 'We learned that a shaman had heard we were coming, and cast a spell to stop us. That was what that invisible wall was all about.'

The old priest went on to say that his years in Africa taught him that there was far more going on in the world, and in the world of the spirits, than what he had seen in Ireland."

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Oh! I do love seeing you and your mother together. As a Chodorowian influenced psychotherapist, it’s the dynamic between the two of you that I find most fascinating and beautiful. ‘Mum, you can look at me’. ❤️

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Please don't come out of the lie that is atheism, just to fall into the lies of Gnosticism/paganism/New Age. Psalm 96:5 (95:5 in some older Bibles such as rhe Douay-Rheims version), "...all the gods of the Gentiles are devils."

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Oh my, Naomi! Your mother trained with Brian Weiss! His book, Many Lives Many Masters, was a turning point for me in letting go of the sadness I'd carried for my Dad for many years. It helped me to see the bigger picture. I can't wait to listen to this today . . . thank you!

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Indeed, it’s impossible to read both the old and new testaments and not conclude that all human pathologies are, at root, theological in nature. That is, they derive from a dysfunction with, or detachment from, the God who made us and sustains us, and, according to Christian theology, has redeemed us. It is therefore hard to imagine that therapy that excludes that fact, while perhaps quite helpful, is missing something most essential.

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As to reincarnation, it is not a necessary assumption, if we accept the quantum style holographic model of the universe. It is just a giant, cosmic multi-plex cinema, in which you learn what you need to learn until you get tired of the cinema, and you step off the wheel of Samsara. Clearly, Jesus also accepted the notion of "reincarnation," although I would hasten to add it is just a figure of speech, for to those outside the Kingdom it all comes in parables. See also John of New on Reincarnation https://youtu.be/xCOvyDlp5iM?si=MRUTFIXRsSE0ojAA.

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I love this! I am an integrated five element and TCM trained acupuncturist with a specialist focus on functional disorders in women. Having had some incredibly complex cases I have this year added a GradDip in functional nutrition to my practice to be able to assess the biochemical pathways, microbiome imbalances etc underlying these more complex cases. However, I absolutely recognise the impact of the spirit and mind on the physical manifestations and this very much underpins my work before anything else is considered. I am blessed that five element acupuncture is an effective and elegant tool but I am so excited to now be working with an incredible spiritual medium, reiki practitioner. She has only in the last week worked with a couple of my patients who have had unimaginable historical trauma and the release they have experienced has been remarkable. The shift in their energy and thus the improvement in their physical ailments has been the final piece of the puzzle for me in working with them. I had no idea your mum was such an incredible human Naomi! 🩷

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It is delightful to hear you and your Mom talking together so easily and lovingly together. The two of you often burst into laughter so genuine, I couldn’t help but giggle myself. The topic, of course, completely fascinating; exotic yet natural! The whole exchange reminded me of my incomparable Mother once again, gone for 22 years but missed every day.

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dem turncoat @naomirwolf

shunned 'cause she's the grrl who cried wolf

she refused to lock down her mind

and they didn't like what she'd find


she's cast out from her former tribe

social exile hard to describe

there's numberless throngs she has saved

despite ostracism she braved


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

apologies for lazy wolf/wolf rhyming, i was totally stumped trying to find another word that worked...


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Good psychotherapy is relationship + resilience.

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This sounds familiar. I need to browse my reading list...

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Aired February 07-08, 2017. Jan Irvin interviews James Campbell to discuss James' latest discoveries regarding R. Gordon Wasson - the man behind the CIA's MKULTRA Subproject 58 and the promotion of magic mushrooms.


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So happy to hear of your mother's background. I loved the work of Dr. Brian Weiss, have read much of indigenous shamanism, and have learned much from most worldwide religions. There is a place we all can connect with that is outside of our day to day trials and tribulations. Whenever we experience joy and happiness, achieve goals, have transcendent connections with friends and strangers, we connect with that place which I believe is outside of the physical realm. It sounds like your mother is one cool lady.

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A hard *NO* from me (a Catholic) on any new age, shamanistic, past life regression, reiki, tarot cards, Hinduism, Buddhism, hypnotism, channeling, gnosticism, spirit guides, manifestation, astrology, yoga, or any New Age or pagan practice.

These may seem to be "paths of light" at first, but they lead to a very dark place in the end because the "spiritual masters/guides" are actually demons posing as "beings of light" or "Native American spirit guides" or just hiding in the background, feeding you all kinds of *false* supposed "spiritual knowledge from the universe."

Christianity cannot be blended with any other "masters" or other spiritual practices... those are idolatry, violations of the First Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me," and all the other laws prohibiting divination, sorcery, witchcraft, etc.

This is what the occultist elites (who are bringing us COVID, the vax & totalitarian New World Order) are trying to lead us to - a return to paganism. Their New World Order groups (the UN, Freemasonry, Hollywood, climate groups, the CIA, etc.) are deeply intertwined with gnostic, occultist, New Age, satanic practices. See books, podcasts, & videos by Jay Dyer and Isaac Weishaupt (a pseudonym) on this connection. Jay Dyer's website, videos, & podcast are all in his own name. Weishaupt's website is IlluminatiWatcher.com, and his podcast is Occult Symbolism & Pop Culture... warning - he is a lukewarm Christian and a leftist in many ways, but he knows his stuff on the occult.

These traps for humanity are *exactly* what Jesus came to save us from.

Catholic exorcists say that high percentages of full diabolic possession cases (as opposed to the lesser affliction and oppression cases) happen through breaking of the First Commandment.

I invite you to consider the YouTube videos where Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire interviews various former New Age religious practitioners: a former astrologer, a psychic, a witch, & a man who took psychedelics. All of them became Christians. His interview with a Catholic exorcist is also absolutely fascinating.

See these web entries from another Catholic exorcist:

"Exorcist Diary #282: Kundalini Disasters"


"Exorcist Diary #291: Disaster on a Yoga Mat"


Also see YouTube interviews and podcasts with Catholic exorcist priests Father Chad Ripperger, Father Carlos Martins, and Father Dan Reehill.

If you have doubts about the Catholic faith (not its distortions by sinful leaders, but the faith itself, as taught through the last 2,000 years), remember that it built Western civilization and transformed the world into a place where self-giving love, called charity, is held as the highest virtue instead of pagan power over others.

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Amen, Antonia. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). He couldn’t be clearer in John 10: “I and the Father are one.” Everything else is a distraction. Peace and strength to you.

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You should read St.Theresa of Avila's The Interior Castle

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Naomi, your mother really turns me on with those shamanistic modalities. Yaba-daba-doo!

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Them identify as moist

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