Liars liars liars

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I don’t believe people are ‘cremated’ at all, even if they say they are.

A body is too valuable financially to just burn it… ‘waste it’ it’s a financial commodity.

Personally now, I wouldn’t trust the ashes either.. people have no clue who or what those ‘ashes’ are.

Money drives everything, morals and ethics have left the planet

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Interesting the ‘fact checkers’ saw the truth in my comment and deleted… watch out for the 🔥

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They've been putting humans embryonic kidney cells in soft drinks for decades. Where do you think they get them from. What other foods are they putting our babies in just by giving it a different name on the ingredient list. We have no idea.

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Please does anybody know a doctor or medical professional that can consult with my daughter before she gets pregnant? She had 3 Moderna shots, the last one about 2.5 years ago. We want to know if she should detox, take supplements, etc. Thanks and God Bless

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I've asked a few people who have been in a similar predicament, the consensus seems to be:

D-Dimer test

find the Mercola protocol for Moderna detox

Research Bill Sardi's interviews and writing.

(No links because neither me nor the people polled are medical professionals or scientists).

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Oh jeez. Good luck, praying for her.

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I think we need some documentation here regarding Maggie Thorp's research on documents showing the dates of Covid-19 state disbursements by the feds, and which specifically mention Covid-19, as well as that military Covid vaccination in 2014. If these are public records, it shouldn't be too hard to cite.

So much circumstantial evidence points to the pre-planned nature of the Plandemic, but if I am to present this to others, I need more than hearsay, which are what James Thorp's statements in this regard are presently. I did some preliminary internet searches on this, but couldn't find anything.


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Fault Fauci Dr Wolf !

.Read what He and Gates have done around the world killing and maiming and getting us ALL sick by spraying bacterium and viruses on LI, NY and in the DC subway stations. Read what he did in NY to children from the foster care system . Then go up to 'Gate of Heaven' Cemetery in NY and look into the hole where their tiny coffins were thrown haphazardly after Fauci's Orders for their medical torture. Look into Fauci's history with other children harmed by shots he brought into other countries .

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EXACTLY!!! Fauci is a demonic psychopath!!! No excuses for him. He is a monster!!!

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What an incredible conversation. It’s hard to believe this is really the world we are living in. :(

Everyone should watch the Hard Truth video. It is about 10 minutes long, showing aborted babies found behind a Texas abortion clinic. It’s an old video, but worth watching and passing along.

Another WWII hero is Helmut von Moltke. His widow settled in Vermont after the war and passed away several years ago. A Jewish friend of mine has written a screen play of Helmut’s life, but last I knew had not found a producer, although those contacted thought it was very good.

Unfortunately, Martin Luther is not the shining example that many think he is. He has been called the theologian of the Holocaust. The following includes excerpts from a series of articles under the heading “Luther, Theologian of the Holocaust” at elijahnet.net. I recommend checking out the set of articles there.

Luther’s verse deserves some more explanation. “….The just person is to live by faith.” Romans 1:17.

What is faith? What one believes or depends on. A person’s fundamental working paradigm. One who truly believes something will live his life accordingly. So, one who believes in Yeshua, the Messiah of the God of Israel, will try to live his life according to God’s standards. Living by one’s faith does not mean that works don’t matter. As Jacob [not James, as in “christian” bibles] said, “Faith without works is dead.” Faith is shown by what one does.

In his commentary on Galatians, Luther stated,

“The Pope hath...mixed and confounded matters ecclesiastical and political together; which is a devilish and hellish confusion." (Page 62)

Luther apparently didn’t oppose mixing ecclesiastical and political together; he just wanted to use that combination for his own ends. What were those ends?

Ten pages later, Martin Luther, speaking of the Jews, explained his demonic plan,

"First, their synagogues should be set on fire, and whatever does not burn up should be covered or spread over with dirt so that no one may ever be able to see a cinder or stone of it. And this ought to be done for the honor of God and of Christianity in order that God may see that we are Christians, and that we have not wittingly tolerated or approved of such public lying, cursing and blaspheming of his Son and his Christians...Secondly, their homes should likewise be broken down and destroyed....Thirdly, they should be deprived of their prayer books and Talmuds...Fourthly, their rabbis must be forbidden under threat of death to teach any more...Fifthly, passport and travelling privileges should be absolutely forbidden to Jews...Sixthly, they ought to be stopped from usury...Seventhly, let the young and strong Jews and Jewesses be given the flail, the axe, the hoe, the spade, the distaff, and spindle, and let them earn their bread by the sweat of their noses..To sum up, dear princes and nobles who have Jews in your domains, if this advice of mine does not suit you, then find a better one so that you may all be free of this insufferable devilish burden- the Jews." (Page 73)

Martin Luther believed in a different God than the God of Israel who chose the descendants of Abraham, Yitzhak, and Ya'akov, the nation of Israel, to be His special people/nation. The God who created the heavens and the earth. The God who moved Jewish men to write down His words. The God who promised that the Messiah would come through the line of the Jewish king, David. The God who chose a young Jewish woman to give birth to this promised Messiah. The God who said that He would be faithful to Israel forever.

Martin Luther has properly been called the theologian of the Holocaust. See the set of articles under the heading "Luther, Theologian of the Holocaust" at elijahnet dot net

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He lived in a different world. Don't project your modern ideas onto him.

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i never heard this before

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My husband works with a lady who's daughter delivered a 37 week stillborn at home in bed last week. She went to the doctor earlier in the day because she thought her water had broken, but he sent her home and said she was fine. The baby was alive at that time. I was a labor and delivery nurse for 25 years. I never had a patient who delivered a nearly full term stillborn at home by themselves. The family is devastated. This is something the mother will be traumatized by forever. I've read the rate of stillbirth is higher than it's ever been. What a horrible thing to inflict on young families if this is true.

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Poor family. So sad that they believed the scaremongering.

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I recommend you stay away from BiOptimizers, a sketchy company. They have extremely aggressive marketing, but a low quality product and disingenuous claims.

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I have two grandnephews born in the last 2 years to vaccinated mothers. Both had a deformity to their penises which necessitated delayed circumcision. Prior to 2023 I’d never heard of one. Weird 🤔

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How heartbreaking. I am so sorry. ❤️

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When I see the ACOG stop recommending the jab to pregnant women and admit side effects, I know progress has been made . They disgust me . I saw more death and destruction in 4 years than my 30 plus years as an ob/ gyn . This is a spiritual battle.

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I have looked up things like birth rates, fetal demises, etc. in public health records for various countries. There very definitely IS an effect, reduction in fertility, increase in death. But it is 1 to 5%. Those facing reality tend to exaggerate wildly, while the lamestream liars cover it up. But the 2020's decade is only the beginning. When today's healthy-looking newborns reach reproductive age, will they be able to reproduce? There are mechanisms that do not manifest until future generations. Those 2040's couples who do have children may not have grandkids. By the time we know, many of today's adults will be dead.

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I had exactly the same thought but I see no one concerned by it, if anything you are supposed to feel stupid because there are still people having babies in the outside world, thank god.

I kept on being reminded of the mosquito experiments run by Oxitec in partnership with Bill Gates, which I believe were explained by Gates in an animated video sequence; the first generation born after the modified insect had mated with the normal one was able to give birth as normal but it's the offspring, therefore the following generation that was born sterile.

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More of those around my family with turbo cancers, turbo neurological decline, non-smokers lung cancer, young and healthy facing unexpected and nonsensical serious diagnoses.

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With the correlative evidence mounting linking mRna vaccination status with excess deaths and with unusual female reproductive responses and the complete silence and complacency from the investigative branches of government we have to assume the silence from scientific sources e.g. public, institutional and private labs ,regarding the need for research that establishes causal links is because they too are CAPTURED. What the hell is left to keep us informed of some semblance of truth? This kind of deep and profound dishonesty exhibited in the context of sources whose missions involve the search for truth on behalf of and for the benefit of lay peoples seems more in keeping with the behavior of politicians. I have a science background and am absolutely appalled at this level of duplicity on the part of otherwise dedicated professionals. There must be an awful lot of EXTORTION going on here. It probably involves the threatening of livelihoods or even of LIVES. How else can a researcher who uncovers these strong correlative signals NOT WANT TO FOLLOW - UP ????

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A very informative and up to date review of the evil being perpetrated. Also giving a perspective on the wicked cunning and preparation on what can only be described as satanic plans. This is a world wide phenomenon. John chapter 10, the thief (enemy) comes to steal, Kill and destroy. The saddest thing is that he uses humans to assist.

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Where are the links to the data/peer-reviewed studies that backs ups these claims? Anecdotally, myself and at least five other women I know are vaccinated and boosted prior to trying for babies and our children between 9 months and 3 years of age are developmentally normal so far. I know my anecdotes aren't data, I mention it bc the claims are it so contrary to what I'm experiencing or seeing around me, I would like to learn more.

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