I will share this with the three nurses in my family! This needs much exposure to women to protect them selves and their children!

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Are Fauci and others going to be charged???

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Australian ABC National Radio continues to deny any discussion of the Covid narrative by broadcasting crap journalism like this!


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“Thou shalt not kill.” We’re talking about people complicit in capital crimes. The issue is only peripherally political or economic. Its essence is deep, operational immorality. Our best base to attack it is the Holy Bible.

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That was obvious within the first six months of vaxx roll out, simply by scrolling through the VAERS data from any state, just pick one. It would give you a fighting chance at dealing with the data in excel with a workstation. Otherwise: TOO MUCH DATA.

Shedding was obvious based on personal experience. Attend a gathering of mask wearing shedderites, feel the run down feeling for days afterward. Make the simple connection between your personal health and the environment you were just in. Simple.

The fact that so few people who are authorities, and as such obligated to be careful to DO NO HARM, have to this date said anything about the obvious, puts the entire "healthcare" system in a precarious situation. I hope that they all experience pain and suffering for their losses, like the experiences of so many innocent people all over the world have had.

There is no remedy for what they have done, and the consequences are a vast mystery still to unfold. The war on humanity is just getting started.

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Dr Rochelle Walensky must face charges of murder....if not democide--as a medical doctor she must have been very aware of the disastrous effects of these "vaccines".

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Crimes against humanity.

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Are the new babies being born being screened for mRna evidence. I have a new baby granddaughter 3/26. Her Momma had a jab. The family was shocked to find out my son and wife were keeping the baby a secret. I don't know how to ask them if the hospital checked her like a lab rat for issues from her Momma's jab.

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Consider this fact: as millions deny the act of abortion kills a developing human being while no honest or logical person can possibly believe this as all living human beings began life exactly the same way as those who are aborted, thus approving of the murder of millions of defenseless human beings, why should we be surprised that this approval of murder was not extended to the living human being?

Why should we be surprised that many in the scientific and medical communities have given in to the ideological falsehood that it is moral to experiment on human beings, to encourage human beings to take their own lives, and to encourage human beings to believe they were born the wrong sex?

The following statements were made by a practicing family physician who has not bought into these anti-human ideologies:

"Policies and position statements of specialty societies that sanction the willful destruction of life at any point along the continuum promote violation of the physician’s Oath. For the many physicians drawn to medicine for its promise to care for people at all ages and stages of development, this creates an untenable conflict. The notion that the physician’s duty to safeguard and protect human life could depend upon the circumstances of the patient’s conception, desirability, or perceived usefulness to others is an abdication of the physician’s sacred calling to protect inherent human dignity.

In a similar way, many physicians see mainstream medicine’s promotion of novel theories of sexuality—which negate an anthropology rooted in the immutable dichotomy of male and female—as a contradiction of medicine’s self-professed adherence to evidence and scientifically knowable truth. Medical societies’ rejection of the binary nature of human sexuality and the promotion of medical interventions that disrupt and destroy the healthy, developing reproductive systems of young people suffering with the pain of psychic conflict is both an exercise in false compassion and a dereliction of professional duty."

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Would be good if I could find the Pfizer report that is referred to here. DuckDuckGo search only showed hits for “fact-check” sites and sites referring to the vaccine for pregnant “persons”.

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Dear gods. I hope there are enough unvaccinated out there...

I'm playing doom scenarios in my head.

[didn't get the shot, but I'm past having kids]

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Thank you for continuing to report the truth. Humankind at its worst. I pray for my grandchildren, their health and the world they will be living in.

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In 2021 I remember being around vacksed people and feeling very strange. Yep, I tried the magnet and it stuck to my arm and my chest. I never took the jab, but I felt this. I sought after anything online about shedding but the truth wasn't out yet, only questions. Thank you for continuing and may God bless and protect all of us.

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Same here, as the thought of 'shedding' was just coming out, me, unaware, but came back from working on several recently vexxed folks (body work) and developed shingles and partner

had serious systemic violent sickness next day. Knew then that shedding was real Who'd have thought? Damn. Believer made.

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RFK Jr. is off the table... he just said he would sign a bill enshrining the "right" to abortion in national law. Do not vote for RFK Jr. or Biden. The lives of our children, threatened by direct and intentional murder, are the most important issue! https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/rfk-jr-says-he-would-codify-nationwide-right-to-abortion-if-elected-president/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

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Antonia President RFK Jr. can't just over-ride the supreme court ruling which handed it to the states. the lives of our born children should take precedence over children in the womb in the cold hard reality we face -- born children need priority--- and they fare far far better under RFK than Trump or Biden

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I am pro-choice. I think it should be legal for first trimester or at least most of first trimester - then after that only if the physical health of the mother is at risk.

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What if your mother was "pro-choice"? Pro-choice means you have no regard for protecting human life at any point because if it is legal to murder defenseless human beings, you can't object to the fact that murdering all human beings is the objective of those who told all of the lies about the Covid jabs.

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i don't mean to be a smart ass -- i really don't. but my mother has always been pro-choice. when my mother had me she was married to my father and both of them had very good jobs.

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I cannot "deny" the anti-humanism of the Covid jab pushers... absolutely.... did they or do they want to kill all humans... look, close enough. terminating a pregnancy early on however is not moral -- i am a fair amount of agreement with you on this -- but it's certainly not equivalent in anyway to murdering a human being -- and it's certainly not something i want the state to regulate.

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So what is it that is developing in a human female's womb when she becomes pregnant except another human being (who has its own DNA)? What is it that a human male's sperm that penetrates a human female's egg produce if not human? Abortion is murder.

So you were lucky your mother didn't kill you? You do know that if she had wanted to but your father did not men have absolutely no rights when it comes to abortion?

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Elaine if I ripped up an architect's paper blueprints is that at all the same thing as me destroying an actual building?? a newly fertilized egg a far way off from being a human being-- if you had a friend who killed someone - for no good reason, would you talk to that friend anymore?? Probably not. Now if you had a best friend or a daughter or sister you loved who had an abortion - would you literally stop talking to them and shun them... forever???

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Roscoe, it's obvious you are committed in being a proponent of murder of the unborn. If you cannot or will not accept the truth of that position, you alone will have to answer for it when you face Jesus Christ on your particular day of judgment. I pray you come to believe the truth before then.

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Once Upon a Time ... might follow tomorrow (the literal and perhaps figurative eclipse of the sun)

The psyops of evil germs stays in place. Captured media stays in place. POTUS selection stays in place. Corrupt courts stay in place. Legislatures compromised by private funds and revolving doors with industry stay in place. Technocracy subsuming technology stays in place. Geoengineering and directed energy weapons stay in place. United Nations Agenda 2030 for "sustainable development" stays in place. The quicksand of faux resistance allowing few salient victories stays in place. The undermining of our food supply stays in place. Widespread hunger lurks on our horizon.

Chaos from all angles heralds the New World Order. Poetslife addresses the legions of able-bodied men illegally crossing our borders and attributes all bad things to Islamic terrorists, but ignores covert actions by intelligence agencies and the illicit influx of Chinese and other nationals. However, the scenario of Poetslife's alarmist post could happen one way or another. He cites the valor of women warriors fighting for their lives in contrast with the duplicity of people locked in fear over a perceived threat from their wards. Metaphorically, I don't have an axe, but want at least a cleaver in my kitchen.

War on the frontier:


A bill, HR66435/S 3428, is on the table to decapitate a sacred cow--the mother of a stellium of lapdog cutouts including the WHO. [from Dr. Rima Laibow, psychiatrist widow of a major general who was Commandant of the US Army Intelligence Center and School]


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