Your voice is so powerful because the truth shines through every word. Thank You!

May God Bless and Protect you, your family and all the wonderful people who are working together with you to save humanity.

[I believe the defamation laws are pretty strong in the UK and it may be an appropriate path to pursue compensation for damage to your reputation and earnings. Such cases receive lot of publicity and may get your message out to more people in Britain.]

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Thank you. Please keep fighting. The government's addiction to lies must be broken

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Your writing elicits a response yet again. You unveiled the corridors of elite commerce in your Yale experience, which allows no place for embodied victims that blemish the shine of Yale’s divine aura. It’s all for the party; it’s all for the show; damn the messy collateral damage. If we hold to our parts and wish it away it never existed anyway.

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Excellent deconstruction of the "globalists" attempts to control information and implement a soft form of censorship. Thanks Naomi. You are a miracle of courage and truth.

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Jun 22Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Interesting and telling that Penguin Books has sent me an email highlighting Naomi Klein's book doppelganger.

The link which takes me to Amazon not so subtly alludes to you in the same breath as disinformation, conspiracy theories, and far right propoganda.

I duckduck go your name and once I skip through references to conspiracy theories, I discover this wonderful substack and immediately subscribe.

Thank you for sharing truth and modelling integrity and professionalism. We see you, we hear you, we respect you.

Ofcom along with Penguin books has lost its way. Thankfully we have bright, articulate people like you to lead the way to truth and light.

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Jun 19Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Eventually, everyone will know that Mark Steyn was right to let me share sober data about risks from an experimental injection, a version of which has already this year been pulled from the UK market. Please decide with this question in mind: will Britain remain a free nation in which people can absorb different points of view, and decide for themselves? Or will they be subject to a nanny agency, whose brief is so wide in “chilling” open debate and serious reporting, that the censors of 1857 could scarcely have foreseen the sweep of its powers? INDEED! Thank you Naomi for being a guiding light at all costs X

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Jun 17Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Thanks for the information..


The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity's doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Sobering, brilliant, stentorian, resonant! Thank you endlessly for your erudition and non-pareil scholarship.

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Jun 16Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Hello Naomi - I watched this today and thought you would find it of interest.


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Jun 16Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Brava, Dr Wolf! This is a masterpiece and illustrates undeniably just who is really worthy of being discredited. Great power here. This should be read far and wide!

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Jun 16Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Let the truth roar

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Jun 16Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I think OfCom probably gave up after your most impressive CV.

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RemovedJun 16
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Send a chat, if you’re speaking to me.

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They attacked you because you are person of substance, and you stand by the truth. In my estimation that is your best credential, your best facet. You have a lifetime of achievements, but now, since you are unfettered from the system only allows so much achievement until you step out of line, you will accomplish so much more. There are more worthy rewards than what the establishment can dole out, their’s is a hollow world. They have to lie and smear in order to maintain what they have.

Much is asked to whom much is given. And as my mother the drill Sargent always said “Fine steel is tempered, but that is a process of immense pressure, heat and force. What comes out of that is a finely honed tool”.

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You should get someone to change the Wikipedia page about you. It says you are a conspiracy theorist.

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In these days of blatant lies and psyops...that is a complement. Better to be a "conspiracy theorist" than a tool of the monster class. However, the word 'theorist' is incorrect in the sense that Naomi does deal in facts...she puts them together brilliantly and fearlessly.

A 'conspiracy theorist' just runs on hot air...not facts. I believe she checks her facts carefully and uses them to create a coherent narrative...unlike our now thoroughly corrupt "legacy media" Thanks for all you do, Naomi

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We have tried so many times. It’s impossible.

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I think that there is a way to lock the content after you have corrected it, that is what was told to me.

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'conspiracy theorist' anagrams to 'atrocity censorship'. This is what they are doing to you.

It is also 'hypocritic treasons'. Use their words as a sword against them.

Ofcom, Office of Communications anagrams to 'oft common inefficacious'. They are weak minded fools. It is all a mind test. The Lord is with you.

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love it! 'atrocity censorship'

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