Lies, disinformation and utter nonsense!

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Remember kids take your ivermectin!

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Does anyone have any resources with information on shedding from the MRNA vaccine? Someone I know has stage 4 cancer, but she never took the vaccine. However, she works as a caregiver for elderly people who have definitely taken it. I just can't find information on shedding. I wonder if being around them will prevent her from healing from continued shedding, or if once it's been shed it doesn't matter anymore.

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Vaccies that contain a live virus can shed the viruses used in.the vaccine. mRNA vaccines contain a genetic code to produce a protein, not a complete virus. The mRNA is quite fragile and breaks down quickly after entering a cell. The proteins it produces last longer but as their purpose is to stimulate an immune response, they too will be broken down quite quickly. Your friends cancer is very likely to have other causes. It is a sad and streessful time dealing with advanced cancer and it is wonderful.that you care so much.

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Yes! I could not think if it...


Fermented soybean soup!


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The Japanese have eaten it for thousands of years, it is very Slimy! 👍😋

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I don't mind the soup, wonder...

Green tea

Miso Soups

Low carbs

Spicy Cabbage


Shrimp etc.

Seems this community had been on to something for thousands of years...

Wonder if any stats and diet affecting survival rates

post nuclear attack...

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It’s just like slimy soy beans, not miso soup. Research it dude. Make a post, and publish it, sell it, make some money.

Nukes are just another talmudic jew fear porn Hoax! 100% They don’t exist either.

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I will watch this again, right now my heart is broken , so much to process and confirmation of what I have always believed

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He still chases a spike protein from a virus that hasn’t been isolated. But graphene oxide nanotech has been shown in the vials since end of 2021. Many MD’s, PhD’s, Naturopathic Doctors, Homeopaths have shown dark field live blood analysis and Raman microspectroscopy. As Dr Cole says, you can’t find what you don’t look for.

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Thanks for the very knowledgeable piece of information..


The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity's doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Thank you. I am new to all of this. Took 2 vaxxes and then knew it was not good for me. I have been taking zinc, vita C, quercetin and bromelain all during covid - along with my husband.

I am now taking nicotine. Yes - France is about to do large scale clinical trials. I fee so much better; I know I had a type of long covid - not dreadful affects, but some brainfog and low energy. Now? I have improved energy and brainfog is lifting. Nicotine....look on line for info.

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Thank you. I am new to all of this. Took 2 vaxxes and then knew it was not good for me. I have been taking zinc, vita C, quercetin and bromelain all during covid - along with my husband.

I am now taking nicotine. Yes - France is about to do large scale clinical trials. I feel so much better; I know I had a type of long covid - not dreadful affects, but some brain fog and low energy. Now? I have improved energy and brainfog is lifting. Nicotine....look on line for info. Dr. Ardisshow. I now take 2 mgs per day working up to 10-12 mgs. Anyone out there taking this now?

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I’ve just recently finished Dr McCullough’s protocol for almost 11 months (when I used the last of the bulk nattokinase). I’m still taking bromeliad and curcumin. I had two shots of Moderna in April 2021, then in September 2021, I had Covid.

I’m assuming I should get Labcorp to test for the 3 things mentioned here that labcorp now offers?

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Dear Dr. Wolf, wow, you are KILLING me. There are no exogenous, infectious, pathogenic viruses. Hence there are no secret or intrinsic proteins (with or without spikes). Why are you wasting your time with fantasies about virology?

Have you not reviewed the information from Samantha Bailey, Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, et alia?


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He is a chronic attention seeker who does not care about the harm and distress his toxic misinformation produces.

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Dear BB, I wonder. I think that McCullough suffers from arrogance and hubris. After all, he has SEEN viruses ... (lol). Start at min 5. https://odysee.com/@I-Rabbi-T:3/Dr.-Thomas-Cowan---Responds-To-Peter-McCullough-Virus-Bullshit-March-8-2023-M22:2

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Awesome interview, ready to send it to someone suffering from "long covid." Thank God for Dr. McCullough and thank you for this!

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Perhaps you believe the claims of Dr. McCullough; but I see no reason to do so. No evidence that these nostrums have any advantage over a placebo. And no evidence that the "spike protein" hypothesis is anything but nonsense.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18

How'd the safe and effective clot shot work out from the experts? I bet you were boosted multiple times and had covid 5 times LOL I'd believe him over fauci and all the fake experts, the fact they have tried to silence him so hard tells all you need to know.

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Thank you both so very much. Prayers

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