'Covax' = Another new disease created by Big Pharma when they created an UNSAFE & INEFFECTIVE injections for Covid and Bird Flu. Dangerous mRNA jabs designed by amateurs.

Pfizer or Moderna - Choose your POISON! Russian Roulette if you got jabbed! Some did.

The authorities, Governments, big pharma, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, hid the useless but DEADLY nature of the dangerous injections, the public were stupid enough to believe the total bull-shi* and got jabbed. Those still getting jabbed and will eventually learn the truth when their Life Expectancy proves to have been compromised by these deadly injections. Unfortunately, they will know no different but the long term data will prove it!

Interestingly, the only honest politician on the edge of the US political race is RFK (Jr). The rest pretend Covid was a natural phenomena and the useless but poisonous jabs are necessary. They pretend the medical profession is not evil and CRIMINAL!

Pfizer's & Moderna's (et al,) deadly injections, which they call 'vaccines' (Covid jabs and the upcoming Bird Flu injections), must be stopped until they can make these deadly poisons truly "Safe and Effective".

'Safe & Effective' = a decades old lie, since the useless Swine Flu jab killed over 50 service personnel back in the 1970's. Blatant and obvious lies = FOR PROFIT!

NO LIABILITY is assumed by the makers of these depopulating 'medicines'. No other product is sold with this unbelievable condition of use ('Acceptance'?) It's INSANE!

90% of "vax injuries" and 2Vax related" deaths never get reported and the deliberate falsification of 'cause of death' by 'the authorities' is used to hide the poisonous Vax being the most likely cause of much of the Covid mayhem?

Those scientists certainly did a great job with their Gain of Function maximisation of the impact of the, previously almost harmless, CoronaVirus and upcoming Bird Flu, using their bio-weapon laboratory experimentation. Let's see if they can achieve number one status with their next useless GoF-modified Bird Flu virus experimentation. The next ("Safe & Effective") useless but deadly Bird Flu mRNA injection, which they've probably already prepared as stage 2 of the WEF's New World Order Cull of humanity. Translated 'Safe and Effective' means = HIGHLY PROFITABLE, useless, dangerous and life threatening!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil medical intervention. Vax Injuries and vax-related DEATHS. Insanity now rules in the medical world.

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Medical practices are giving people 5 different shots at once.

Hep A&B, Pneumonia, Covid, zoster, flu.

A friend had three. Suffered a cardiac event.

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Four women at our outdoors bowls club Devon, England need valve replacement(2 of them) and two of them require open heart surgery, a fifth just had a stroke!

One of the valve replacement victims died two weeks ago on the table, getting her valve replaced. I am a family nurse practitioner. I have never heard of this many people all suffering cardiac problems, all at the same time. ALL VAXXED at least 5 times🥲🥲🥲

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Sucharit Bhakdi was warning us about this months before the jabs came out. So were Judy Mikovits and Luc Montagnier.

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Very Powerful (and scary) interview: While watching I reflected about how I hid my decision not to get the vaccine (from certain friends) because intuitively and instinctively I just knew something wasn’t right. My heart is burdened for those (and even a dear friend of mine) who were forced and/or coerced to take the vaccine and are now suffering.

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100% preventable. 100% heartbreaking.

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pure evil...so fortunate to know the Truth and have concrete hope that God will intervene very soon...the devil controls the whole world and hates all of God's creation. He is determined to destroy it all but he will not succeed:

(1 John 5:19) We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.

(Matthew 24:22) In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.

(Psalm 37:10) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there.

What a beautiful hope we have lets endure a little while longer supplicating for our deliverance, soon!

(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.

See you in Paradise!

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