DAVOS is an extension and in bed with the WEF. Klaus Schwab has not changed, nor have the globalists. They are simply realizing that their arrogant control freak mentality and effort to run the world and all the humans in it is not going to be accepted. No one wants to be a slave and dominated by rich SOBs who are willing to establish 15 min cities, etc. Thus, there year was tilted differently than most.

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Into the Lions Den. Give Thierry Malleret credit for the courage and good humor for coming on.

Well done.

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Fascinating. A conversation with Satan. He seemed meek and unassuming. One could almost feel sympathetic.

I must mention the settings: his woodsy cabin, your oak floor with wood stove. A bit of nature in the lifestyles. I'm a woodsy person myself, by vocation and avocation. We share something. Rather than nothing.

Loved the questions. You are a gentlewoman, kind but firm, with a low tolerance for "neologisms". Then he tempted you, "Come to Davos". Shades of Luke 4:1-13. You resisted, gracefully. He again appealed to your sympathy. Poor devil.

The Globalist agenda is tyrannical, anti-human, and anti-God. Apocalyptically evil. I hope the New American Revolution will set them back somewhat. Satan is a trickster, though. Even so, I trust in John 1:5, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

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Great job on this Naomi!! I like how you kept him on point re: the many issues we know Davis is integrally involved with but this man denies. Thank you for this. xo

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I listened to the whole interview. You walked the journalist tightrope beautifully Naomi, of challenging the individual, respectfully. That said, I don't believe Dr. Thierry when he claims that no agendas are set or agreed upon at Davos. Given what we have seen and heard from the mob who attend, we would be fools to believe him. And the thing is, we are not fools- we are the ones who are astute and awake!

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Thierry Malleret looks very much the part of a globalist and a transhumanist. Interesting to hear him. If you could get an interview with Klaus Schwab himself I'd be glad to listen to that too, Naomi.

Of course, I don't trust any of them as far as I could throw a piano. But it's good to keep abreast of our adversaries.

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