God bless the prophetic instinct of Dr. Naomi Wolf, who never ceases to amaze us.

Watch the housing in the U.S. Artificially inflated well beyond the reach of current salaries. Who’s buying? Hedge funds. For whom? 🤔

Now look at Climate Engineering & its capacity to destroy homeownership through unaffordable insurance premiums. Ours went up 1400% in 25yrs.

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Whether it’s gold, cowrie shells, bitcoin, or greenbacks, it’s all just an agreed-upon marker for portable, easily exchangeable wealth in day-to-day business. When faith in the system is gone things collapse, and it all becomes ugly and very uneven. That’s where we are now. It’s an old problem.

The one time our Great Exemplar really lost his cool was when he threw the money changers out of the Temple.

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I have been trying to solve this issue of our nest egg’s belonging to a government for 3 years now. The problem with gold and silver as they are, as you mentioned, is the lack of a ready market, although should the economy collapse, that would change. We don’t want that problem though! Thank you for interviewing this guest, Naomi. I just purchased Pirate Money. (The Wizard of Oz: who woulda thunk it?)

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There is a young mother who is a prophet. I’ve followed her for 3+ years. If you believe God is speaking through her, she has been warning of a complete monetary collapse. God declared He’s behind it to completely restructure things His way, and He will redistribute lots of $$ only to His Children. When it happens, save my contact info.

So far this woman has predicted 100’s of events which I have witnessed-have all happened! Mind blowing.

Amos proclaimed that God never does a thing before proclaiming it through His prophet. Her name is Julie Green.

Julie Green International ministries.

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Naomi, I hope you will interview Ellen Brown as a counterweight to Kevin Freeman. She is with us on issues of freedom and opposes CBDC just as we do, but she doesn't think gold is the answer. Ellen has written three accessible books and many articles on "Banking on the People".

An abbreviated version of her deep thinking on this issue: The gold supply is fixed while world trade expands. Therefore, gold will increase in value over time (deflation). This is a structural disincentive to investment in the real, productive economy.


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Gold/silver are not fixed, they are mined on a daily basis. It is a perfect example of applying value based on quantity and distribution of the metals. I haven’t read the books you mentioned (I will) to see what you have already read. One thing we more than likely agree about is the greenback is not stable and is artificially propped up by agreements and not in worthiness.

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Agree. We will not be going to a gold standard. Ever.

Stay diversified OMHO. (Sure, have a slice in gold, say 10% and take delivery, if you really think the sh#t will hit the fan). Remember equities have survived many world wars and monetary redenominations, as has real estate, collectibles etc. You can get 5.3% in money market now for starters. Just my 2 cents.

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Yes, it's orchestrated. It's called a Cloward Piven strategy, and Frances Fox Piven confirmed that it was underway, attributing it to the first Obama administration. That not only explains the overspending and recklessness like the fed donating 18B to Gates Foundation, but the endless instream of unskilled migrants who will depend on the state. The goal is collapse leading to communism. So the oligarchs will have a brief hey day and will be relentlessly purged. They do deserve it, but the middle and working classes will be reduced to state slaves.

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The constitution won’t matter. They trample on that all the time. It won’t matter if a court case exists or is reconfirmed, they’ll find devious work arounds

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Ok, everyone needs to reference Armstrong economics and the impossibility of a gold backed currency. Just as the coming new world order elites are controlling the path to CBDCs with all the power of the media, injustice, propaganda, censorship, political corruption etc, they will shut this down. There’s no way a parallel currency can exist. They’ve made gold ownership illegal in the past, even confiscated it. Pre-67 silver coins may allow barter for a while, but it will be illegal.

Also, gold works as a hedge for a lack of confidence in government and when currency is devalued rapidly, not purely as an inflation hedge. Check the charts, it doesn’t correlate w inflation. But all paper currencies eventually go to zero, same w government debt. If we can own gold, it will be protection. If!

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Mardy recommends equities and real estate as well, into and past 2032. It's sovereign debt that he warns most about, with the EU first to go and US last..

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Great interview, but there is no need for a digital currency backed by gold. We already have a digital currency that is gold itself, it actually is digital gold, even better than gold, it is gold 2.0, and it´s name is... Bitcoin.

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I don't listen to podcasts--I prefer to read.

But several people--actually men--have been writing about the economy collapsing for the past few months.l

We do need to pay attention. And we need to consider the effects on our country. Right now millions of children go to bed hungry every night and countless thousands don't even have a bed to go to. 50% of people who are homeless are now 50 and over, mainly because they can't afford rent.

I've been reading the Maisie Dobbs mystery series by Jacqueline Winspear and the book I'm reading now, "Messenger of Truth," takes place in 1931 when England was hard-hit by the Depression. We are coming close to that kind of economic misery right now and if/when the economy collapses--well, it breaks my heart to think about it.

So our first priority is to take care of ourselves by living as frugally as possible and socking away as much money as we can. I don't agree with buying gold and silver, because where would I use it? Grocery stores insist on dollars, gas stations insist on dollars, my landlord insists on dollars, doctors and hospitals insist on dollars... It could be my age--73--but I'm not looking for very long-term investments that might or might not pay off. During the Great Depression, President Roosevelt made it illegal to own gold and insisted that everyone turn their holdings in to the gov't for a certain amount/ounce. That could happen again, especially with our current despots.

And we need to think about how we're going to take care of the people who can't take care of themselves. There wasn't all that much violence during the 1930's, but now we have the highways and most people have cars/trucks and there are a whole lot of weapons out there.

We need to start talking about the near future.

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This is such critical information for us to know. Thank you for the interview with Freeman.

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Next we need to see you in conversation with Saifedean Amous author of the Bitcoin Standard, Doc Wolf. That would be absolutely fantastic! And watch the transformations happening under Bukele in El Salvador (first ever official Bitcoin Bilateral was held earlier this month with the Emir of Qatars visit to ES). There is hope out there amidst the fiat pandemic darkness. Relentless Optimism!!!!

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An excellent crash-course in economics, which none of us ever got in 'higher education'. And thank you Naomi for your clarifying questions and repeats that made it intelligible to non-financial listeners.

My one criticism is that Mr Freeman didn't address the trend among the global-economy pushers that's running parallel to the Digital Currency push -- they are seizing control of (and I suspect outright engineering the destruction of) food supply chains. From farmland to livestock, from processing plants to transport and distribution, they are being eliminated by 'wildfires', mysterious accidents, inexcusable toxic spills, fuel shortages, and 'climate emergency' legislation.

This is a giveaway that they recognize the power of a food-based currency, and especially fresh non-GMO food.

So those of us who can't practically invest in gold and silver might do well to invest in private food gardens, with an eye on bartering value. Even a flat with a balcony can grow some things in pots.

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Good points. Hydroponics too. You can supply food from your basement using Mike (creator of Brighteons) system

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Wow! I thought I had a fairly good picture of the US economy, the deceit of our bankers n the rich, with the government....this was truly eye popping

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The problem is not simply financialization ("making money from money"), it's the whole fraudulent practice of speculation replacing production. Financialization is only one area of the rotten Ponzi scheme and incentivization of speculation. The US is hardly the only nation with perverse incentives, either; instituting VATs (value-added taxes) as in many European nations is precisely the OPPOSITE incentive of that which would make mankind more productive. Since gub'mints are run by speculators, a NVAT will never occur in a million years.

Sadly, gold and silver are NOT the solution as long as they are subject to speculation as they are today. Along with making a gold-backed currency with complete redeemability, gold and silver markets MUST be eliminated (set exchange rates such as when the US was on the gold standard -$35/oz) or it would be hoarded as it is today.

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The question is whether fiat currency can be trusted. History informs us it cannot.

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That may be YOUR question, but my comment was relative to precious metals. There are millions of stores of wealth, and those that are speculative are NOT reliable as currency because prices for goods used for daily life are too unstable. Lets take one of the most speculative "currencies", cryptocurrency. In the last ten years, while crypto was shooting relative to fiat currency, NOBODY would use crypto to buy, say, food, unless they were starving. Why not? Simple, why spend a fraction of a Bitcoin, for example, for a pizza when that same Btc might be worth double the value in dollars within two months? That is the simple reason that Btc will never be a useful currency as long as it has any value pegged to fiat currency and is exchangeable.

Same holds true for precious metals but to a much lesser extent, because prices in fiat currency of such metals is much more stable than that of crypto. If ALL economic exchange were in precious metals, no problem; but just watch - if states begin minting their own precious metal coins, they will NOT be used as currency. People will hoard them because they think they will be the last "currency" to lose value - they become speculative vehicles instead of currency. Just as gold bullion is now. The psychological hurdle can't be overcome.

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Anything tied to actual money is a hedge against inflation for your currency investments.

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That's too simplistic. Lots of "investments" are tied to actual money (meaning they have a price in currency), but offer ZERO hedge against inflation if they are speculative. That's been true ever since the tulip bubble in the Netherlands in 1637. There are a large number of such "investments" like that today, and most will be worthless in the coming crash because they have no intrinsic usefulness.

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