I heard that Pam Bondi is zionist? If this is the case we will not see the list!!! I'm thinking that Emerald's making connections between top officials in Israel and Epstein is exactly why she is being stalked
During the Clinton years, as I recall, about 500 fbi files on the most powerful politicians and national leaders in the country were “checked out” by Hillary and somehow disappeared. After a significant number of months, it was announced they had magically reappeared on the desk of a guy who was Hillarys’ head of security, or some such thing, and were returned to the fbi. There was no outcry in DC or anywhere else. Business as usual.
At that point it was clear to me that Billy and his wretched wife were letting the country know they would do whatever they pleased and no one could do anything about it.
What has happened since then, including since 2019, both nationally and globally, seems not at all hard to understand. It has all metastasized.
It’s sad to be so cynical about so much and be proven correct.
There is really no question if Epstein was a servant of the Mossad. In fact it is almost certain that the Mossad took him out. Sort of their version of the Hannibal Directive. His roll was to get dirty data (photos, videos) on his visitors to black mail them if and when needed.
I think there is some concern as to whether Epstein was a "spook" himself, whether as a secret Mossad contractor or for others closer to home. There has been much talk that the whole Epstein saga was an elaborate blackmail operation to gain leverage in governments everywhere. Bondi suspects FBI. If J. Edgar was still in charge she would almost certainly be right.
I heard that Pam Bondi is zionist? If this is the case we will not see the list!!! I'm thinking that Emerald's making connections between top officials in Israel and Epstein is exactly why she is being stalked
During the Clinton years, as I recall, about 500 fbi files on the most powerful politicians and national leaders in the country were “checked out” by Hillary and somehow disappeared. After a significant number of months, it was announced they had magically reappeared on the desk of a guy who was Hillarys’ head of security, or some such thing, and were returned to the fbi. There was no outcry in DC or anywhere else. Business as usual.
At that point it was clear to me that Billy and his wretched wife were letting the country know they would do whatever they pleased and no one could do anything about it.
What has happened since then, including since 2019, both nationally and globally, seems not at all hard to understand. It has all metastasized.
It’s sad to be so cynical about so much and be proven correct.
There is really no question if Epstein was a servant of the Mossad. In fact it is almost certain that the Mossad took him out. Sort of their version of the Hannibal Directive. His roll was to get dirty data (photos, videos) on his visitors to black mail them if and when needed.
Naomi- just want to suggest you change the messaging on your advertisements by the time March rolls around since it isn't January anymore. :)
https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/whistleblower-claims-fbi-is-deleting?utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=2rhj5a&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email (some perspective to add to the exchange).
I think there is some concern as to whether Epstein was a "spook" himself, whether as a secret Mossad contractor or for others closer to home. There has been much talk that the whole Epstein saga was an elaborate blackmail operation to gain leverage in governments everywhere. Bondi suspects FBI. If J. Edgar was still in charge she would almost certainly be right.