My daughter, in her mid twenties, changed I was horrified to notice; far less empathy for others, far more selfishnesss which is very noticeable because she used to be very kind indeed - still is but far far less. Laughing when some not nice topics being spoken about.... A kind of narcissism and lack of self awareness. I noticed all this but had assumed she had not been injected because I had told her so much about the dangers having looked into the topic for many months. So I was very surprised at her behaviour when we met or were on the phone (she left home years ago to go to University & lives with her boyfriend etc). She told me a while after that she did get injected & I cried & was very il for months knowing how many hundreds of ways they damage and kill people. Personality change apparently is not unusual & must be I guess linked to the brain being affected by the injections. I feel that I have lost my daughter, the real her, and have a a rather difficult character in her place but see glimpses of the real her sometimes.
Interesting commentary, and I won't say that some of what you say doesn't resonate with my own observed experience. There have certainly been changes in the quality of the relationships I have with my injected family and friends, but much of that could be attributed to the aftermath of having battled with them over the happenings of the last few years. And I will say that I notice plenty of "un-vaxxed" zombified humans as well, unfortunately. I think the shift that is happening is greater than what we can understand by only framing it within the context of the injection rollouts. Some of my "awake" friends are also some of the most despondent, as they try to cope with having their world view and prospects for a beautiful tomorrow shattered into a thousand pieces, many seeking distractions and disconnection by burying themselves in their screens. I'm finding that we are all stressed and distressed, and subjected to many toxins beyond just the injections.
Majority of earth inhabitants is Zombified, but not Humans, although they too, and only in the first decades of their lives, can be indoctrinated to some extent (not too much).
Humans are given to disassociate themselves from "herd psychology" even in their younger years.
They abhor "adorning with the foreign feathers" of any relatives or compatriots, just as do not shame themselves because of the misdeeds of satans or criminal idiots from "their" country. They have nothing to do with them, nothing at all.
Zombified is only "cattle". Exactly so, the masses are called by your satanic rulers & elites (in their internal conversations).
There are many tame (but without any virtue) and enough wild beasts among "cattle".
Many inhabitants of Earth are not zombified, they understand enough what is going on on the planet, but, because they too, like their rulers, belong to the satanic kind, they gladly continue to spread the lies/ propaganda, and take pleasure in the fact that the cattle "swallow" it.
Humans are the rarest species who dwell/ live in these primate bodies, and their great concern is (among other things) to inform as many persons as possible truthfully.
(This has nothing to do with racism or similar idiocies, but only with RECOGNITION)
In their younger years, Humans have a sane (not to big) respect for their rulers/ governments, authorities ...; later, only abominate them (except for the rare HUMANS among the mentioned abominations).
Those who think of themselves and everyone else as apes can never understand/ recognize such simple and obvious things - because they are "cattle".
Some of them can later begin to recognize things, overcome their animal state and become Humans.
That is a long-lasting process of development/ becoming Human.
I enjoyed your video version this essay. As a parent of a toddler, I can relate to the horror of seeing so many parents defaulting to screens as a lazy form of parenting. This doesn't seem pandemic related to me at all though—I noticed it before—it's just the smartphone generation coming more into parenthood. The part which is covid related is the lack of support those parents are getting, in terms of emotional and social and childcare, so they are defaulting to lazy parenting just to get a break, or to work. If it makes you feel better there are heaps of parents like me who have a no-screen rule and hope to continue this as our children grow, despite the goldilocks effect of pressure from their peers.
But to you point about seeing more parents not safeguarding their children. I think this is actually more about what you seeing, more than what is actually happening more now in 2021 rather than before (eg in the 1980s). I have suffered from post-natal anxiety since giving birth in a pandemic (and multiple miscarriages) and I see this EVERYWHERE—parents not watching their children, not safeguarding them, not holding hands in crowded places. But I know now that due to my anxiety I am picking out these examples wherever I go, hearing more cries from children than I can manage, and finding them very difficult to process, due to my anxiety.
From what I understand, it was worse when I was a child—parents barely watched us at all, boomer parents had a lot of support, so their children (like me) were given free reign to roam around parks and streets on our own getting up to all sorts. I for one watch my child like a HAWK, I hold her hand everywhere and I run after her and ignore people trying to talk to me (often boomers, to give me some trite opinion from their own time) in order to get to her.
Don't get me wrong, I think the pandemic messed us all up in lots of ways—but making parents more neglectful? It sounds more like you have an anxiety-lens mind like mine which is just picking out more of these examples to nourish your anxiety. It's hard but try to think about how these parents likely need help, and so it's nice to think that you're looking out for the child too. In Japan they raise children by community where all older people, who have more freedom to step in and help, who do so. Let's do this together, be more accommodating, and help each other.
Wow - just saw this about Naomi Klein at the Brooklyn Public Library (in Wokeville), tomorrow night. She's been having a hard time these last few years, Ms. Klein, because there's another Naomi - "whose views she found abhorrent but whose name and public persona were sufficiently similar to her own that many people got confused about who was who." . . . " New Age wellness entrepreneurs turned anti-vaxxers are scrambling familiar political allegiances of left and right; and liberal democracies are teetering on the edge of absurdist authoritarianism, even as the oceans rise. Under such conditions, reality itself seems to have become unmoored. Is there a cure for our moment of collective vertigo?"
The bravery of Naomi WOLF is the cure. I guess we should feel bad for Naomi Klein, I don't know, is she aware of how dark this all is or is she just a pawn? I mean, if "safe and effective" were actually true, and "no treatment besides vaccines" were actually true, she may have a point.
But we know what's true. Much respect to all the doctors and researchers on the dissident side. But how I really - really - understood what was true was through the sources themselves. Through the Pfizer documents that Naomi WOLF gave her time and soul to gather a team to dig through point by point.
I knew not to trust these shots all along. I knew corporations cut corners for profit, and I knew "safe and effective", "harmless spike protein" couldn't possibly be true.
But what got me to really understand that they KNEW how dangerous these shots were, to the next generation also, so dangerous that they may actually be unwise if the focus is financial profit, so dangerous that I had to seriously hold the possibility that the motive here is not profit, or even profit + compliance ... what got me to understand that was the work of the Daily Clout / War Room team in analyzing the primary sources.
-And of course, that was a crime - collaborating with Bannon and the War Room (Gosh, Naomi Wolf, couldn't you have screened EVERY volunteer for adherence to 100% liberal views? Oh, wait, none of them would have the least curiosity beyond the press release what the Pfizer docs said).
Naomi KLEIN, your scornful framing of someone braver than you ever could be will not age well. But the pin cushions here in Wokeville won't be able to comprehend what's actually true.
Some of my high school time spent in Alaska. When I came home, native Floridian that I am, I was shocked by all of the naked people!! My knee jerk response was to hide my eyes!! But it’s hot here so just like the Ancient Romans and Egyptians we get accustomed to fairly naked pretty damned quick!
Now I was only there for less than a year. The god-awful blazing-assed sun forced me to get over my conditioned modesty. This situation conditioned our perception for years and there is no catalyst to reverse the notion.
Go through the motions. Hug your friends and loved ones, warmly, tightly, affectionately. Hug them as if you have not seen them in years and this is the past chance you will ever have to say “I love you!” Seize the day and get all the goody you can possibly get while there is still goody to be had. (caveat don’t touch the highly jabbed. Perhaps we should start a trend pinkie promise among Naturals? Hold offer your pinkie in a subtle way. If the other person completes the promise, TOUCH! Infants perish without it! The Modified will not return the promise and you will know to distance at least 6’. (Soon from what I’m seeing, you’ll be better served placing dirt in that 6’ buffer zone!)
Listening to audio on sub-stack is even more unreal . The world has been altered in the most basic instincts our emotions can display . Dr Naomi I don’t disagree with your opinion but when I think about all my friends and family’s that have taken this jab . Children have this in their bodies and they’ve to grow up and make a future . What does that mean for society..
About trans issues - I think anthropologically gender dysphoria via genital surgeries/severing/amputating, is very old, going back endlessly in recorded history transculturally. Body dysmorphia if you will. That said, I would propose that like the production of Eunuchs, it is just as much perpetuated by others in the creation of servants, as with surgeons AND surgical requirements for gov ID, so you don't end up living like an illegal refugee in your own country. Such autobiographies are advertised to trans folks as their only method of freedom and if you don't get it, you might as well just like living in black markets like sex work. Its what I've seen everywhere. I would also propose that many societies that never had such surgical traditions like with North American First Nations, likely had more robust and healthy trans populations. This is my suggestion, if not gut feeling as XY v Ontario, the applicant. Its also my experience, variously.
If you can find a copy of ‘Little Shield’, I’m sure you will find it interesting. She was Sitting Bull’s granddaughter and allowed to be interviewed at Ft. Laramie. Her earliest memories were of the time before the white man came and she speaks of the rolls of braves and squaws, not to be confused with men and women. It really is an amazing story.
I am not vaccinated with any of the Covid-19 vaccines, for which I continue to pay an extremely high financial price (which has implications for my overall health and emotional well-being).
Honestly, I have not observed what you are describing, and really wonder how much you are simply projecting your expectations on what is around you. I do not sense any dramatic change in people's behavior (particularly in relation to children) since the vaccine roll-out. I am in Texas now, but was previously in what is basically a blue state at this point. (And yes, I moved primarily because of a vaccine mandate that took my job away.)
A couple quick counter-examples: I was shopping in H-E-B a couple days ago and a couple in their 40's or 50's were cuddling and singing along together with some songs that were playing which seemed to have personal meaning for them and their relationship. When I moved into the apartment complex where I am now living, there were some young children who played outside one of the other nearby apartments--I think their family has moved out now--and they were charming and all smiles, like happy children normally are. Also in H-E-B, I smiled at a little boy in a cart. He did look away, but with a smile on his face; he just seemed shy.
I agree. I live in NY, and I do notice some subtle changes, but it is all much in line with what I've been expecting to see, so I'm not sure what to make of it. I observe a full spectrum of behaviors in both the vaxxed and unvaxxed around me
After her 2007 book, "The Shock Doctrine" exhaustively and brilliantly connected the dots between crises and consolidations of power, Naomi Klein became a cheerleader for globalism, either tiptoeing around or remaining entirely silent as new crisis after crisis was rained down on struggling communities. Klein sinks to a new low devoting a book to trashing Dr. Naomi Wolf for daring to connect the dots differently when her name is also "Naomi." It is a condemnation of all critical thinking and free speech dressed up as an intellectual undertaking. Excerpt in #VanityFair.
Yes, she's very disappointing. I returned somewhat recently to something she wrote a while back about China's surveillance system being a model for what was to come in the west, something she proposed as a warning. It seemed moderately prescient. I have never read any of her books in their entirety, but she has been on my radar for a long time.
I read The Shock Doctrine, which laid out an argument, then example after example. I tried to read "This Changes Everything," which seemed weak, vague, "word salady." She's been completely bought, like Bernie Sanders, Cornell West. They all epitomize the empty, sad, state of intellectual inquiry and discussion.
I would encourage you to read a book called The Spark in the Machine, which covers a lot of topics about energetics and the heart. This book (and other sources) describe how heart transplant recipients can take on new memories and personality traits, making me wonder if a protocol that alters someone’s heart (substantively or energetically) also alters their personality and/or connection to the energetic self.
The comments about wi-fi etc are also interesting. It makes sense that it is not just one thing.
I live in a big city, and around spring 2021 I felt all of the energy drain out of it. I also have two very heartbreaking (I guess in all sense of the word) experience of witnessing altered family members completely disconnect to the point of moving away without saying goodbye and then failing to keep in touch, or keeping in touch only superficially. To experience a living death like this is much harder than to lose someone to death.
This type of existential trauma with no words can make it hard to grieve, hard to describe, odd to navigate when you can talk to the person you have lost but can’t explain why they just aren’t there. Some people I know and have talked to have shared my observation, and I’m grateful you are brave enough to help people feel less lonely and make sense of something so hard to process. 🖤
Dr. Wolf, I am so happy that you are with us. I love your body of work and I think the stakes keep growing. I too have noticed a chaange in the vaxxed. My entry was from the persective of reason while yours focuses on the heart. I strongly feel that most vaxxed people have lost IQ points. Maybe it is just mass formation, but my formally perspicacious friends seem to have become "Bluetooth Speakers" for the propaganda of the MSM. They no longer can talk criically about the ideas and false facts pushed upon us. And, of course, they are always on the edge of anger at people who question their received ideas. A protective anger, since they know they cannot defend their positions.
I think the observations Naomi noted could also be caused by excessive mask use. This outward behavior imposed by society and enforced by useful idiots severely impacted one's ability to interact non-verbally. Coupled with the adverse effects of the lipid NPs, the lockdown and enforcement of masks over a span of years eviscerated a generation and its ability to interact on a societal level.
My daughter, in her mid twenties, changed I was horrified to notice; far less empathy for others, far more selfishnesss which is very noticeable because she used to be very kind indeed - still is but far far less. Laughing when some not nice topics being spoken about.... A kind of narcissism and lack of self awareness. I noticed all this but had assumed she had not been injected because I had told her so much about the dangers having looked into the topic for many months. So I was very surprised at her behaviour when we met or were on the phone (she left home years ago to go to University & lives with her boyfriend etc). She told me a while after that she did get injected & I cried & was very il for months knowing how many hundreds of ways they damage and kill people. Personality change apparently is not unusual & must be I guess linked to the brain being affected by the injections. I feel that I have lost my daughter, the real her, and have a a rather difficult character in her place but see glimpses of the real her sometimes.
Interesting commentary, and I won't say that some of what you say doesn't resonate with my own observed experience. There have certainly been changes in the quality of the relationships I have with my injected family and friends, but much of that could be attributed to the aftermath of having battled with them over the happenings of the last few years. And I will say that I notice plenty of "un-vaxxed" zombified humans as well, unfortunately. I think the shift that is happening is greater than what we can understand by only framing it within the context of the injection rollouts. Some of my "awake" friends are also some of the most despondent, as they try to cope with having their world view and prospects for a beautiful tomorrow shattered into a thousand pieces, many seeking distractions and disconnection by burying themselves in their screens. I'm finding that we are all stressed and distressed, and subjected to many toxins beyond just the injections.
Majority of earth inhabitants is Zombified, but not Humans, although they too, and only in the first decades of their lives, can be indoctrinated to some extent (not too much).
Humans are given to disassociate themselves from "herd psychology" even in their younger years.
They abhor "adorning with the foreign feathers" of any relatives or compatriots, just as do not shame themselves because of the misdeeds of satans or criminal idiots from "their" country. They have nothing to do with them, nothing at all.
Zombified is only "cattle". Exactly so, the masses are called by your satanic rulers & elites (in their internal conversations).
There are many tame (but without any virtue) and enough wild beasts among "cattle".
Many inhabitants of Earth are not zombified, they understand enough what is going on on the planet, but, because they too, like their rulers, belong to the satanic kind, they gladly continue to spread the lies/ propaganda, and take pleasure in the fact that the cattle "swallow" it.
Humans are the rarest species who dwell/ live in these primate bodies, and their great concern is (among other things) to inform as many persons as possible truthfully.
(This has nothing to do with racism or similar idiocies, but only with RECOGNITION)
In their younger years, Humans have a sane (not to big) respect for their rulers/ governments, authorities ...; later, only abominate them (except for the rare HUMANS among the mentioned abominations).
Those who think of themselves and everyone else as apes can never understand/ recognize such simple and obvious things - because they are "cattle".
Some of them can later begin to recognize things, overcome their animal state and become Humans.
That is a long-lasting process of development/ becoming Human.
I enjoyed your video version this essay. As a parent of a toddler, I can relate to the horror of seeing so many parents defaulting to screens as a lazy form of parenting. This doesn't seem pandemic related to me at all though—I noticed it before—it's just the smartphone generation coming more into parenthood. The part which is covid related is the lack of support those parents are getting, in terms of emotional and social and childcare, so they are defaulting to lazy parenting just to get a break, or to work. If it makes you feel better there are heaps of parents like me who have a no-screen rule and hope to continue this as our children grow, despite the goldilocks effect of pressure from their peers.
But to you point about seeing more parents not safeguarding their children. I think this is actually more about what you seeing, more than what is actually happening more now in 2021 rather than before (eg in the 1980s). I have suffered from post-natal anxiety since giving birth in a pandemic (and multiple miscarriages) and I see this EVERYWHERE—parents not watching their children, not safeguarding them, not holding hands in crowded places. But I know now that due to my anxiety I am picking out these examples wherever I go, hearing more cries from children than I can manage, and finding them very difficult to process, due to my anxiety.
From what I understand, it was worse when I was a child—parents barely watched us at all, boomer parents had a lot of support, so their children (like me) were given free reign to roam around parks and streets on our own getting up to all sorts. I for one watch my child like a HAWK, I hold her hand everywhere and I run after her and ignore people trying to talk to me (often boomers, to give me some trite opinion from their own time) in order to get to her.
Don't get me wrong, I think the pandemic messed us all up in lots of ways—but making parents more neglectful? It sounds more like you have an anxiety-lens mind like mine which is just picking out more of these examples to nourish your anxiety. It's hard but try to think about how these parents likely need help, and so it's nice to think that you're looking out for the child too. In Japan they raise children by community where all older people, who have more freedom to step in and help, who do so. Let's do this together, be more accommodating, and help each other.
Wow - just saw this about Naomi Klein at the Brooklyn Public Library (in Wokeville), tomorrow night. She's been having a hard time these last few years, Ms. Klein, because there's another Naomi - "whose views she found abhorrent but whose name and public persona were sufficiently similar to her own that many people got confused about who was who." . . . " New Age wellness entrepreneurs turned anti-vaxxers are scrambling familiar political allegiances of left and right; and liberal democracies are teetering on the edge of absurdist authoritarianism, even as the oceans rise. Under such conditions, reality itself seems to have become unmoored. Is there a cure for our moment of collective vertigo?"
The bravery of Naomi WOLF is the cure. I guess we should feel bad for Naomi Klein, I don't know, is she aware of how dark this all is or is she just a pawn? I mean, if "safe and effective" were actually true, and "no treatment besides vaccines" were actually true, she may have a point.
But we know what's true. Much respect to all the doctors and researchers on the dissident side. But how I really - really - understood what was true was through the sources themselves. Through the Pfizer documents that Naomi WOLF gave her time and soul to gather a team to dig through point by point.
I knew not to trust these shots all along. I knew corporations cut corners for profit, and I knew "safe and effective", "harmless spike protein" couldn't possibly be true.
But what got me to really understand that they KNEW how dangerous these shots were, to the next generation also, so dangerous that they may actually be unwise if the focus is financial profit, so dangerous that I had to seriously hold the possibility that the motive here is not profit, or even profit + compliance ... what got me to understand that was the work of the Daily Clout / War Room team in analyzing the primary sources.
-And of course, that was a crime - collaborating with Bannon and the War Room (Gosh, Naomi Wolf, couldn't you have screened EVERY volunteer for adherence to 100% liberal views? Oh, wait, none of them would have the least curiosity beyond the press release what the Pfizer docs said).
This article makes me so angry. I predict she will be ashamed of it someday -
Naomi KLEIN, your scornful framing of someone braver than you ever could be will not age well. But the pin cushions here in Wokeville won't be able to comprehend what's actually true.
Funny how the Sheep Eater has never confused herself with the tool, isn’t it? (Damn but I’m funny sometimes!)
Some of my high school time spent in Alaska. When I came home, native Floridian that I am, I was shocked by all of the naked people!! My knee jerk response was to hide my eyes!! But it’s hot here so just like the Ancient Romans and Egyptians we get accustomed to fairly naked pretty damned quick!
Now I was only there for less than a year. The god-awful blazing-assed sun forced me to get over my conditioned modesty. This situation conditioned our perception for years and there is no catalyst to reverse the notion.
Go through the motions. Hug your friends and loved ones, warmly, tightly, affectionately. Hug them as if you have not seen them in years and this is the past chance you will ever have to say “I love you!” Seize the day and get all the goody you can possibly get while there is still goody to be had. (caveat don’t touch the highly jabbed. Perhaps we should start a trend pinkie promise among Naturals? Hold offer your pinkie in a subtle way. If the other person completes the promise, TOUCH! Infants perish without it! The Modified will not return the promise and you will know to distance at least 6’. (Soon from what I’m seeing, you’ll be better served placing dirt in that 6’ buffer zone!)
Listening to audio on sub-stack is even more unreal . The world has been altered in the most basic instincts our emotions can display . Dr Naomi I don’t disagree with your opinion but when I think about all my friends and family’s that have taken this jab . Children have this in their bodies and they’ve to grow up and make a future . What does that mean for society..
Your experience is universal, John...I weep for the souls of our progeny!!!
About trans issues - I think anthropologically gender dysphoria via genital surgeries/severing/amputating, is very old, going back endlessly in recorded history transculturally. Body dysmorphia if you will. That said, I would propose that like the production of Eunuchs, it is just as much perpetuated by others in the creation of servants, as with surgeons AND surgical requirements for gov ID, so you don't end up living like an illegal refugee in your own country. Such autobiographies are advertised to trans folks as their only method of freedom and if you don't get it, you might as well just like living in black markets like sex work. Its what I've seen everywhere. I would also propose that many societies that never had such surgical traditions like with North American First Nations, likely had more robust and healthy trans populations. This is my suggestion, if not gut feeling as XY v Ontario, the applicant. Its also my experience, variously.
If you can find a copy of ‘Little Shield’, I’m sure you will find it interesting. She was Sitting Bull’s granddaughter and allowed to be interviewed at Ft. Laramie. Her earliest memories were of the time before the white man came and she speaks of the rolls of braves and squaws, not to be confused with men and women. It really is an amazing story.
I am not vaccinated with any of the Covid-19 vaccines, for which I continue to pay an extremely high financial price (which has implications for my overall health and emotional well-being).
Honestly, I have not observed what you are describing, and really wonder how much you are simply projecting your expectations on what is around you. I do not sense any dramatic change in people's behavior (particularly in relation to children) since the vaccine roll-out. I am in Texas now, but was previously in what is basically a blue state at this point. (And yes, I moved primarily because of a vaccine mandate that took my job away.)
A couple quick counter-examples: I was shopping in H-E-B a couple days ago and a couple in their 40's or 50's were cuddling and singing along together with some songs that were playing which seemed to have personal meaning for them and their relationship. When I moved into the apartment complex where I am now living, there were some young children who played outside one of the other nearby apartments--I think their family has moved out now--and they were charming and all smiles, like happy children normally are. Also in H-E-B, I smiled at a little boy in a cart. He did look away, but with a smile on his face; he just seemed shy.
So I am just not seeing it.
I agree. I live in NY, and I do notice some subtle changes, but it is all much in line with what I've been expecting to see, so I'm not sure what to make of it. I observe a full spectrum of behaviors in both the vaxxed and unvaxxed around me
After her 2007 book, "The Shock Doctrine" exhaustively and brilliantly connected the dots between crises and consolidations of power, Naomi Klein became a cheerleader for globalism, either tiptoeing around or remaining entirely silent as new crisis after crisis was rained down on struggling communities. Klein sinks to a new low devoting a book to trashing Dr. Naomi Wolf for daring to connect the dots differently when her name is also "Naomi." It is a condemnation of all critical thinking and free speech dressed up as an intellectual undertaking. Excerpt in #VanityFair.
Yes, she's very disappointing. I returned somewhat recently to something she wrote a while back about China's surveillance system being a model for what was to come in the west, something she proposed as a warning. It seemed moderately prescient. I have never read any of her books in their entirety, but she has been on my radar for a long time.
I read The Shock Doctrine, which laid out an argument, then example after example. I tried to read "This Changes Everything," which seemed weak, vague, "word salady." She's been completely bought, like Bernie Sanders, Cornell West. They all epitomize the empty, sad, state of intellectual inquiry and discussion.
Can I politely request that you do a recording of Soup? It’s one of my favourite essays of yours. Twisty, turny and comforting.
” In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext
of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human
body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human
being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
- Rudolf Steiner
"The Abomination that causes desolation." (Daniel 11, Matthew 24)
We don't yet know what that Thing is because It hasn't yet been "set up" for public viewing, but we are already experiencing Its influence.
"Desolation: noun. A state of complete emptiness or destruction."
Thank you, someone who gets it! We are the temple.
I would encourage you to read a book called The Spark in the Machine, which covers a lot of topics about energetics and the heart. This book (and other sources) describe how heart transplant recipients can take on new memories and personality traits, making me wonder if a protocol that alters someone’s heart (substantively or energetically) also alters their personality and/or connection to the energetic self.
The comments about wi-fi etc are also interesting. It makes sense that it is not just one thing.
I live in a big city, and around spring 2021 I felt all of the energy drain out of it. I also have two very heartbreaking (I guess in all sense of the word) experience of witnessing altered family members completely disconnect to the point of moving away without saying goodbye and then failing to keep in touch, or keeping in touch only superficially. To experience a living death like this is much harder than to lose someone to death.
This type of existential trauma with no words can make it hard to grieve, hard to describe, odd to navigate when you can talk to the person you have lost but can’t explain why they just aren’t there. Some people I know and have talked to have shared my observation, and I’m grateful you are brave enough to help people feel less lonely and make sense of something so hard to process. 🖤
Dr. Wolf, I am so happy that you are with us. I love your body of work and I think the stakes keep growing. I too have noticed a chaange in the vaxxed. My entry was from the persective of reason while yours focuses on the heart. I strongly feel that most vaxxed people have lost IQ points. Maybe it is just mass formation, but my formally perspicacious friends seem to have become "Bluetooth Speakers" for the propaganda of the MSM. They no longer can talk criically about the ideas and false facts pushed upon us. And, of course, they are always on the edge of anger at people who question their received ideas. A protective anger, since they know they cannot defend their positions.
I think the observations Naomi noted could also be caused by excessive mask use. This outward behavior imposed by society and enforced by useful idiots severely impacted one's ability to interact non-verbally. Coupled with the adverse effects of the lipid NPs, the lockdown and enforcement of masks over a span of years eviscerated a generation and its ability to interact on a societal level.