The real targets are Christian Conservatives (and I'm not a Christian.) The goal is to divide everyone using historical biases and differences to have everyone at each others' throats. If we do that, they win. The radical, globalist, communist Left will betray every single group of which they claimed to be champion. They end up in great harm too, as their vulnerabilities are exploited. Bravo to Jaimee Mitchell for having the courage to speak out and give others a voice. Tragically, you continue to see, as Naomi Wolf has seen, how former "liberals" deal with dissenters. It's right out of the totalitarian playbook.
Coming to the party a bit late here but only just got around to listening, and wanted to put in two cents' worth of what I see as missing from the discussion, both in the podcast (although excellent as always! I love you Naomi!) and in the comments: PARENTS. The rise of gender dysphoria in youth correlates strongly with the rise of social media, esp. Tik Tok, and the rise of screen-addicted parents using technology as child care as they become more and more self-involved and devolve into the click-obsessed dopamine fiends most Gen-Xers are these days. This is something Naomi has written about lately, although she has blamed it on the jabs. Perhaps she's correct, although I tend to think parents have been strolling blindly down that path since 2009. Maybe it's both; when it comes to social engineering, who knows what multi-pronged approach they may have devised??? In any case, parents - whether leaving their kids to cyber-babysitters or helicoptering them with Baby Einstein screen time when they're toddlers - are exposing their kids to way too much tech without understanding the effects. I think it's a big part of the issue.
The word “gay” is a word with a real historical and etymological meaning which has been stolen by a group of people who have chosen to defy God’s design and to rebel against what He commanded in Torah. I refuse to use the word in the corrupted way it is commonly used nowadays. I realize I’m fighting against the current in a world that is going down the drain, but that is nothing new for me. I wish everyone would refuse to go along with sin and corruption and the perversion of words.
God designed human bodies as male and female and He made Havah (Eve) to be Adam’s counterpart. He also made creatures male and female. There is design and purpose to what He did. They are designed to be different and together.
God specifically gave Israel His standard in Torah in regard to homosexuality. Vayyikra/Leviticus 18:22. “Do not lie with a male as with a female. It is an abomination.”
Most of that chapter is in regard to God’s standards as far as sexuality and He makes it very clear.
I find it particularly sad when the people to whom the Torah was specifically addressed (although much of it applies to all of humanity), do not pay attention to what God said.
When will more people be brave enough to say that what God says is wrong is truly wrong?
Yeshayahu/Isaiah warned people who ignore God's standards of right and wrong. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Verse 25… “Therefore the displeasure of יהוה has burned against His people and He stretches out His hand against them and strikes them, and the mountains tremble…”
The whole chapter is very interesting and I recommend reading it.
“Now the LORD spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they had approached the presence of the LORD and died. The LORD said to Moses: “Tell your brother Aaron that he shall not enter at any time into the Holy Place inside the veil, before the atoning cover which is on the ark, or he will die; for I will appear in the cloud over the atoning cover. Aaron shall enter the Holy Place with this: with a bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering.“
The above verses made me think of the consequence that befell Aaron’s sons for going against God’s instructions. Was it pride and arrogance that led them to do things in a way that contradicted the Lord? Or did they just not take God seriously? Whatever the reason, the fact that they died shows that God will not be mocked, and that He should be taken seriously!
God’s specific instructions to Aaron were not to enter the Holy Place at just any time, but rather during a very specific time that God set, or else Aaron would die. If this sounds “harsh” to us, then it’s more of a referendum on us than on God. It shows that we have lost our reverence for Him and take Him casually. When we prefer our own comfort over accepting God’s ways, then the problem lies with us, not Him.
Naomi, I admire your willingness to stand up for what is right to the point of forging new allies in realms you are just becoming familiar with. Fortunately there are enough people speaking up about each of these seemingly foolish new cultural paradigms that we can begin to sort out who benefits, and as some commenters noted, it helps to follow the money trail. I would contend that the power trail is also key: who gathers power over others lives and futures?
Surely the two overlap: money provides power, and the culture benders of all stripes are using money to get people to go against their own best interests in the long term by leaning into bribes and subsidies and bribes and grants and bribes which keep them economically afloat in the short term. Money to colleges, to public schools, to hospitals, etc.
Another key: when someone wanders too close to the ultimate goal in a given area, here by encouraging self-damage by hormones and surgeries which can't be reversed, they are attacked viciously in a coordinated manner. The old flak when you are over the true target paradigm. Is the target here reducing world population? Is it providing fodder for even further transhumanist experiments on people who are distressed already, with implants and Borg tech which are supposed to "make it better?" I would contend that all of these "spontaneous" cultural aberrations are related and trained on closely knit long term targets, some of which we can't see yet.
One of the most interesting comments was related to the money trail. If you win the gay rights fight, there is no longer any money to be made. Kind of sounds like the medical industry. If they actually made people healthy, where would the profit be? I've actually found the follow the money argument to be the most effective in getting my Covidian friends to see the light. Who stood the most again? Was it the people who lost their working class jobs by refusing to get vaccinated or the medical doctors who lost their licenses by insisting on providing effective early treatment to patients?
Thank you so much, Naomi and Jamie Michell, for this really important discussion around the issue of Gays Against Groomers. I have also wondered why the Gay and Lesbian community has not spoken out against this ugly--Groomers as you call them--movement "to target children and erase women." So well put. I understand the fear of speaking out in the face of this bombastic oppression of anything that stands up against it. These 'men' masquerading as women are very threatening and certainly do at times resort to brutality. But a very important point to observe here is that Canada has, or is considering passing, a law that would construe any speaking out against trans people as "hate speech" and could be punishable by heavy fines or life imprisonment OR both. Of course, this is exactly what they are hoping for--that we will all shrink back in fear and submission as they take all right to speak out away from us. You know my take on this issue, Naomi, as it is the same take on all the ways in which we are being bent into submission as they take away our rights and YES, they deliver the jabs that are either killing us or maiming us. And don't forget that they are also rendering many useless as 1 out of 30 children are now severely autistic and their parents are creatively hamstrung due to lack of time and energy. In my mind, this is the work of the alien Intervention present in our world for the last 8 decades--very aware of our weaknesses and using AI to divide us and determine the best ways to undermine our strengths. The transgender issue was a stroke of AI genius on their part as I think they probably were simply meaning to weaken us through GMO gene foods but the toxic inputs used to grow these crops led to emasculating our boys and AI must have recognized this as a door to further de-population through lowered reproductive ability. I've no idea where the idea began but I do see the connection between emasculated boys--through no fault of their own-- and the rise of gender dysphoria and the fad of joining the trans in-crowd. And there is another interesting possibility. If you have followed any of the UFO narratives flying across the internet in the last few decades, you are aware that many, many people have been abducted and their reproductive parts used to create hybrids who look like us but are loyal to their alien masters. I have often wondered how they plan to use these hybrids--other than WEF 'young global leaders' :) and it occurs to me that these big, butch, trans-women who show up at protest events and brutalize the women speaking out against being erased would be the perfect use of these loyal hybrids. I'm sure what I'm saying will appear to many to be pure speculation--but I know there is a presence here from other worlds. And I know that there will never be a better time to speak out against this newest ploy of the Intervention to silence and force us into submission. Now is the time to speak out and to force them to back down. Know your enemy.
Naomi, your essays and interviews are always on point. I look forward to them. As opposed to your ‘doppelgänger’ who was at a Passover Protest protesting the ‘False Idol of Zionism’. What the hell! Does she not realise that modern Israel was created because no other country wanted to take in the displaced survivors of the Holocaust? Anyway, I digress, I’m sure you know it already but Mr Lucky is also not a friend.
Great discussion. I wrote an observational essay of my experience growing up as a woman in the 1980's and the progression of gender paradigm and today using the trans agenda to fulfill a transhumanist agenda...then my website was taken down! Jennifer Bilek is very loud around this subject! Thanks for doing this. There are many traumatized humans that are not gay, and eventually with healing they marry and have children. Naturally, this is not all. Another consideration are the estrogenic chemicals that affects hormones. Studies have shown!
As a gay man, I'm very concerned about children being coached to take hormone blockers and opt for gender reassignment surgery. I think this is a discussion for people who've gone through puberty and find, as an adult, that they want to make an adult decision to have gender reassignment surgery.
In the past few years, I attended a tour in my city about the history of the LGBT... movement. There were some very good aspects to the tour. Yet, the tour guide - when speaking about Stonewall - contended the protesters at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in June 1969 were all trans-women. In the telling of that history on the tour I attended, the gay men were disappeared from the story. What is going on here?
good gay, bad gay.... the good one as a 'helper' can invite or infiltrate and further their cause..... when we think of some being good (and they might be in a limited sense) it brings our guard... I remember reading something about the Romans to the effect that as society degenerated, the leaders at that time became able to understand their enemies sort of empathize with them..... and then they were goners... got to have a level of hate and disgust about n enemy.
Don't hate your enemy, as you suggest. Hate will kill you. A better approach is to defeat the enemy, and if that fails, stand aside as society collapses.
Yes, the Jews hate everyone else, and their hatred and greed has caused every country throughout history to kick them out. By the way, the Russian revolution was not Russian. It was a Jewish/ Bolshevik overthrow which resulted in the massacre of millions of white Christians.
Facts don't care about your feelings. Why don't you dispute what I have said, with some facts. By the way, I have been married to a jew for 28 years, and I know them well.
My statements ARE fact, your feelings are not. You spouse does not represent the entire Jewish population. And now you "know THEM well". Congratulations. She can't be much of a Jew to have listened to your denigrating drivel for 28 yrs.
You do not understand black magic. If you reveal your plans before the spell is cast, it serves to greatly strengthen the curse. That is why Lord Rothschild and Marina Abramavic (Tribe members) posed before the painting, "Satan summons his legions," just before Covid was released. A very powerful black magic spell.
insofar as black magic uses mind control and propaganda it creates power in the minds of its adherents and their enemies who fall under this influence.... its about mind power through focus.... nothing to fear in itself just in the frenzy. and mob mentality of those under its influence.
The real targets are Christian Conservatives (and I'm not a Christian.) The goal is to divide everyone using historical biases and differences to have everyone at each others' throats. If we do that, they win. The radical, globalist, communist Left will betray every single group of which they claimed to be champion. They end up in great harm too, as their vulnerabilities are exploited. Bravo to Jaimee Mitchell for having the courage to speak out and give others a voice. Tragically, you continue to see, as Naomi Wolf has seen, how former "liberals" deal with dissenters. It's right out of the totalitarian playbook.
Like cancer...find a cure and the $ dries up.
GLAAD took the Benjamins $.
Look up Jennifer Bileck. She has the receipts about the money behind this agenda and about legal moves to erase women's rights in the law.
Coming to the party a bit late here but only just got around to listening, and wanted to put in two cents' worth of what I see as missing from the discussion, both in the podcast (although excellent as always! I love you Naomi!) and in the comments: PARENTS. The rise of gender dysphoria in youth correlates strongly with the rise of social media, esp. Tik Tok, and the rise of screen-addicted parents using technology as child care as they become more and more self-involved and devolve into the click-obsessed dopamine fiends most Gen-Xers are these days. This is something Naomi has written about lately, although she has blamed it on the jabs. Perhaps she's correct, although I tend to think parents have been strolling blindly down that path since 2009. Maybe it's both; when it comes to social engineering, who knows what multi-pronged approach they may have devised??? In any case, parents - whether leaving their kids to cyber-babysitters or helicoptering them with Baby Einstein screen time when they're toddlers - are exposing their kids to way too much tech without understanding the effects. I think it's a big part of the issue.
Is anyone talking about NAMBLA?
I have personal stories about perverted homosexual men.
One perversion - homosexuality - leads to more perversions - adult-child homosexual activity.
Denying and defying God’s design for intimacy leads to all kinds of perversions. We are seeing where it leads now.
The word “gay” is a word with a real historical and etymological meaning which has been stolen by a group of people who have chosen to defy God’s design and to rebel against what He commanded in Torah. I refuse to use the word in the corrupted way it is commonly used nowadays. I realize I’m fighting against the current in a world that is going down the drain, but that is nothing new for me. I wish everyone would refuse to go along with sin and corruption and the perversion of words.
God designed human bodies as male and female and He made Havah (Eve) to be Adam’s counterpart. He also made creatures male and female. There is design and purpose to what He did. They are designed to be different and together.
God specifically gave Israel His standard in Torah in regard to homosexuality. Vayyikra/Leviticus 18:22. “Do not lie with a male as with a female. It is an abomination.”
Most of that chapter is in regard to God’s standards as far as sexuality and He makes it very clear.
I find it particularly sad when the people to whom the Torah was specifically addressed (although much of it applies to all of humanity), do not pay attention to what God said.
When will more people be brave enough to say that what God says is wrong is truly wrong?
Yeshayahu/Isaiah warned people who ignore God's standards of right and wrong. Yeshayahu/Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Verse 25… “Therefore the displeasure of יהוה has burned against His people and He stretches out His hand against them and strikes them, and the mountains tremble…”
The whole chapter is very interesting and I recommend reading it.
In line with this, I just received an e-mail from Israel with this article:, part of which reads,
In Leviticus 16:1-3 we read:
“Now the LORD spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they had approached the presence of the LORD and died. The LORD said to Moses: “Tell your brother Aaron that he shall not enter at any time into the Holy Place inside the veil, before the atoning cover which is on the ark, or he will die; for I will appear in the cloud over the atoning cover. Aaron shall enter the Holy Place with this: with a bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering.“
The above verses made me think of the consequence that befell Aaron’s sons for going against God’s instructions. Was it pride and arrogance that led them to do things in a way that contradicted the Lord? Or did they just not take God seriously? Whatever the reason, the fact that they died shows that God will not be mocked, and that He should be taken seriously!
God’s specific instructions to Aaron were not to enter the Holy Place at just any time, but rather during a very specific time that God set, or else Aaron would die. If this sounds “harsh” to us, then it’s more of a referendum on us than on God. It shows that we have lost our reverence for Him and take Him casually. When we prefer our own comfort over accepting God’s ways, then the problem lies with us, not Him.
Naomi, I admire your willingness to stand up for what is right to the point of forging new allies in realms you are just becoming familiar with. Fortunately there are enough people speaking up about each of these seemingly foolish new cultural paradigms that we can begin to sort out who benefits, and as some commenters noted, it helps to follow the money trail. I would contend that the power trail is also key: who gathers power over others lives and futures?
Surely the two overlap: money provides power, and the culture benders of all stripes are using money to get people to go against their own best interests in the long term by leaning into bribes and subsidies and bribes and grants and bribes which keep them economically afloat in the short term. Money to colleges, to public schools, to hospitals, etc.
Another key: when someone wanders too close to the ultimate goal in a given area, here by encouraging self-damage by hormones and surgeries which can't be reversed, they are attacked viciously in a coordinated manner. The old flak when you are over the true target paradigm. Is the target here reducing world population? Is it providing fodder for even further transhumanist experiments on people who are distressed already, with implants and Borg tech which are supposed to "make it better?" I would contend that all of these "spontaneous" cultural aberrations are related and trained on closely knit long term targets, some of which we can't see yet.
One of the most interesting comments was related to the money trail. If you win the gay rights fight, there is no longer any money to be made. Kind of sounds like the medical industry. If they actually made people healthy, where would the profit be? I've actually found the follow the money argument to be the most effective in getting my Covidian friends to see the light. Who stood the most again? Was it the people who lost their working class jobs by refusing to get vaccinated or the medical doctors who lost their licenses by insisting on providing effective early treatment to patients?
Thank you so much, Naomi and Jamie Michell, for this really important discussion around the issue of Gays Against Groomers. I have also wondered why the Gay and Lesbian community has not spoken out against this ugly--Groomers as you call them--movement "to target children and erase women." So well put. I understand the fear of speaking out in the face of this bombastic oppression of anything that stands up against it. These 'men' masquerading as women are very threatening and certainly do at times resort to brutality. But a very important point to observe here is that Canada has, or is considering passing, a law that would construe any speaking out against trans people as "hate speech" and could be punishable by heavy fines or life imprisonment OR both. Of course, this is exactly what they are hoping for--that we will all shrink back in fear and submission as they take all right to speak out away from us. You know my take on this issue, Naomi, as it is the same take on all the ways in which we are being bent into submission as they take away our rights and YES, they deliver the jabs that are either killing us or maiming us. And don't forget that they are also rendering many useless as 1 out of 30 children are now severely autistic and their parents are creatively hamstrung due to lack of time and energy. In my mind, this is the work of the alien Intervention present in our world for the last 8 decades--very aware of our weaknesses and using AI to divide us and determine the best ways to undermine our strengths. The transgender issue was a stroke of AI genius on their part as I think they probably were simply meaning to weaken us through GMO gene foods but the toxic inputs used to grow these crops led to emasculating our boys and AI must have recognized this as a door to further de-population through lowered reproductive ability. I've no idea where the idea began but I do see the connection between emasculated boys--through no fault of their own-- and the rise of gender dysphoria and the fad of joining the trans in-crowd. And there is another interesting possibility. If you have followed any of the UFO narratives flying across the internet in the last few decades, you are aware that many, many people have been abducted and their reproductive parts used to create hybrids who look like us but are loyal to their alien masters. I have often wondered how they plan to use these hybrids--other than WEF 'young global leaders' :) and it occurs to me that these big, butch, trans-women who show up at protest events and brutalize the women speaking out against being erased would be the perfect use of these loyal hybrids. I'm sure what I'm saying will appear to many to be pure speculation--but I know there is a presence here from other worlds. And I know that there will never be a better time to speak out against this newest ploy of the Intervention to silence and force us into submission. Now is the time to speak out and to force them to back down. Know your enemy.
Naomi, your essays and interviews are always on point. I look forward to them. As opposed to your ‘doppelgänger’ who was at a Passover Protest protesting the ‘False Idol of Zionism’. What the hell! Does she not realise that modern Israel was created because no other country wanted to take in the displaced survivors of the Holocaust? Anyway, I digress, I’m sure you know it already but Mr Lucky is also not a friend.
Great discussion. I wrote an observational essay of my experience growing up as a woman in the 1980's and the progression of gender paradigm and today using the trans agenda to fulfill a transhumanist agenda...then my website was taken down! Jennifer Bilek is very loud around this subject! Thanks for doing this. There are many traumatized humans that are not gay, and eventually with healing they marry and have children. Naturally, this is not all. Another consideration are the estrogenic chemicals that affects hormones. Studies have shown!
As a gay man, I'm very concerned about children being coached to take hormone blockers and opt for gender reassignment surgery. I think this is a discussion for people who've gone through puberty and find, as an adult, that they want to make an adult decision to have gender reassignment surgery.
In the past few years, I attended a tour in my city about the history of the LGBT... movement. There were some very good aspects to the tour. Yet, the tour guide - when speaking about Stonewall - contended the protesters at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in June 1969 were all trans-women. In the telling of that history on the tour I attended, the gay men were disappeared from the story. What is going on here?
The evil has its tentacles most everywhere.
Societies begin to suffer, and take the road to collapse, with the increase of deviant sexual behavior.
good gay, bad gay.... the good one as a 'helper' can invite or infiltrate and further their cause..... when we think of some being good (and they might be in a limited sense) it brings our guard... I remember reading something about the Romans to the effect that as society degenerated, the leaders at that time became able to understand their enemies sort of empathize with them..... and then they were goners... got to have a level of hate and disgust about n enemy.
Don't hate your enemy, as you suggest. Hate will kill you. A better approach is to defeat the enemy, and if that fails, stand aside as society collapses.
tolerance or not really being able to hate makes us weak and our determined hateful enemy wins
Hate all you want. Enjoy yourself. However, don't be surprised when there are consequences for that approach.
that's judgemental.... your source, factual source for your conclusion
"That is judgmental." You sound like a liberal. Do your own research, I am not here to serve you. Or, just enjoy your delusion, I could care less.
you contradict yourself and are very judgemental.. definitely an overtone of hate
if your enemy is not worthy of hate how can you defeat him?
Hatred blinds you and makes you overly emotional. In this state good decisions are impossible and unintended consequences prevail.
no evidence for that point of view
Hate all you want. I encourage you to consume yourself with hate.
you really aren;t very perceptive.... also an inability to learn... black ,magic... so ridiculous
hate has kept jews strong and unified for 3000 yrs
Yes, the Jews hate everyone else, and their hatred and greed has caused every country throughout history to kick them out. By the way, the Russian revolution was not Russian. It was a Jewish/ Bolshevik overthrow which resulted in the massacre of millions of white Christians.
How would you know you're obviously not Jewish. Don't presume to speak for an entire group of diverse ppls
Facts don't care about your feelings. Why don't you dispute what I have said, with some facts. By the way, I have been married to a jew for 28 years, and I know them well.
My statements ARE fact, your feelings are not. You spouse does not represent the entire Jewish population. And now you "know THEM well". Congratulations. She can't be much of a Jew to have listened to your denigrating drivel for 28 yrs.
their undoing is not hate but pride and conceit.... these cause them to reveal their plans which wakes us the masses they have put to sleep.....
Not to mention the HOARDS THAT HATE THEM, TROLL. 🤮
justifed hate, right? watch this....
You do not understand black magic. If you reveal your plans before the spell is cast, it serves to greatly strengthen the curse. That is why Lord Rothschild and Marina Abramavic (Tribe members) posed before the painting, "Satan summons his legions," just before Covid was released. A very powerful black magic spell.
insofar as black magic uses mind control and propaganda it creates power in the minds of its adherents and their enemies who fall under this influence.... its about mind power through focus.... nothing to fear in itself just in the frenzy. and mob mentality of those under its influence.