Gays against groomers???? From the woman who thinks beauty is a myth.


This sounds like grooming.

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All LGBTQLMNOP groups eventual goal is to normalize pedophilia. The current push is to erase any concept of distinction between the sexes, especially in children. Once society accepts that concept (or lack of concept) it is a small jump to erase any sexual boundaries based on age differences. To be sure, straight white adult males will still be prosecuted for affairs with minor girls ( as they should be) but the "Love is Love" culture will wholeheartedly embrace the rebranding of pedophiles as minor attracted persons. The concept that gays are "born this way", which has been the LGBTQLMNOP position since day one, is an attempt to implant the idea that children are born as sexual beings into the greater social consciousness. Sadly, this falsehood has been accepted by most low information people in our society .Many actually believe there is a "gay" gene, which is laughable, but also sad at the same time

The truth is most gay people, especially gay men, became gay as a result of being raped by an adult when they are a child. Few gays will admit to this reality because if society came to understand the roots of homosexuality we would be better equipped to end the cycle of child rape that creates it.

The push to normalize pedophilia and view children as sexual beings are just tactics to allow for the practice of homosexual reproduction to be brought out of the shadows and into broad daylight, first to be accepted, and then to be mandated. Young boys will be required to participate in "sexual education" with NAMBLA members to discover wether or not they have the gay gene inside of them. Young girls will be required to go on feminist "girl power" retreats to teach them that men are not needed and that sex between women is "natural". They will point to the massive amounts of homosexuality presenting in young boys and girls as proof that homosexuality is the norm and it has just been repressed in all previous generations of mankind.

Gays Against Groomers is just a controlled opposition group meant to lull society into thinking that not all LGBTQLMNOP people are mentally ill and willing to rape children if society would allow them to. Don't fall for it.

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Couldn't have said it better.

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Transgender is the logical, albeit perverted logic, of the LGBTQi+ activists. It is what comes of going against God's laws in the first place. It was never about affection which is sadly lacking or real sacrificial love, the 'agape' of the New Testament but misplaced 'eros', sexual love.

Satan is LGBTQi+ etc. and that is the root problem. He (I use 'he' advisedly) went mad and the world has not been the same since.

Of course much of the current issues are due to the pharmaceutical drugs in people whether legal or illegal, in the food, water and air. It leaves people open to psychological manipulation.

And of course so much of the transgender side is about money and control.

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pharmakeia: Sorcery, witchcraft

Original Word: φαρμακεία

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine

Transliteration: pharmakeia

Pronunciation: far-mak-I-ah

Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah)

Definition: Sorcery, witchcraft

Meaning: magic, sorcery, enchantment.

Word Origin: Derived from φάρμακον (pharmakon), meaning "a drug" or "spell-giving potion."

Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: The Hebrew equivalent often associated with similar practices is כֶּשֶׁף (kesheph), which also refers to sorcery or witchcraft, as seen in passages like Exodus 22:18 and Deuteronomy 18:10.

Usage: In the New Testament, "pharmakeia" refers to the practice of sorcery or witchcraft, often involving the use of potions, spells, and enchantments. It is associated with idolatry and the manipulation of spiritual forces through illicit means. The term is used to describe practices that are contrary to the worship of the one true God and are often linked with moral corruption and deception.

Cultural and Historical Background: In the ancient Greco-Roman world, "pharmakeia" was commonly associated with the use of drugs and potions for magical or religious purposes. Sorcerers and magicians were believed to have the power to influence the spiritual realm, often for personal gain or to harm others. Such practices were prevalent in pagan religions and were condemned by Jewish and early Christian teachings as they were seen as attempts to usurp God's authority and engage with demonic forces.

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Many thanks. I was slow but I was aware. The anagrams here are significant although it might be a bit tedious.


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Raging hormones are enough to send anyone at any age bonkers. Anyone taking advantage of the situation in a profession to help is a criminal.

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I live in the world of equality. Society should not twist itself out of recognition in order to accommodate the deviant behavior of a tiny minority

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Lots of mic drops here. Thank you Naomi!

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Melania Trump just hosted a fabulous fundraiser at Mar-A-Lago by the Log Cabin Republican organization . . . A Gay and Lesbian Republican organization! Another to be held in the Hamptons later . . .https://www.oann.com/newsroom/melania-trump-introduces-dr-oz-caitlyn-jenner-and-more-to-gop-fundraiser-at-mar-a-lago/

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I totally agree. Please read A Midwestern Doctor’s latest Substack on Transgenderism. It gives a clear overview of the situation. Very informative. I’m hopeful the pendulum is swinging with some red state passing laws against the practice.

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Ask a Catholic exorcist... there are MANY mortal sins (i.e., sins that will send you to hell), but some of the sins that often bring LOTS of demonic infestation and affliction are straight-up idolatry (paganism, satanism, tarot cards, spiritual mediums & channeling, astrology, witchcraft, etc.), and homosexuality / trans.

Sex is **sacred**, a gift given by God for creating new life and for uniting the "opposites" of man and woman, as a sign pointing to the transcendent, holy spiritual union between the opposites of God and humanity.

The reproductive system is the only human organ system whose biological purpose (reproduction) is divided between two people.

See the book by Jonathan Cahn (a Protestant), Return of the Gods. Evil spirits are pushing the homosexual / transvestite agenda to 1) send people to hell, and 2) bring back the worship of demons, as they were worshipped in pagan cultures.

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This is your opinion. I am a Christian and I am sorry to tell you this, but demons do not infest people simply because they are gay. And I hope that people steer clear of you.

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It's not my opinion, it's the experience of many Catholic exorcists who are dealing with terrible demonic afflictions in people. There are many sins, most of them non-sexual, but exorcists say that homosexual actions and trans stuff are just a couple of those transgressions that more often than some other sins, but *not always*, seem to attract many demons.

I'm not a theologian, but one *possible* reason I can think of is that heterosexual marriage is God's metaphor for Christ and His Church - a fruitful, joyful, loving uniting of *opposites* that lasts "forever" (metaphorically forever in the case of human marriage). Transgressing the union of opposites attacks that central sign of Jesus and His people... two persons have to be "apart" to come "together," so if they're the same, there's no apartness to overcome. Second, God designed the great gift of sex to bring new life (and opposite-uniting, spousal love), not *primarily* pleasure. Homosexual actions take the pleasure of sex without any possibility of giving life, a little like taking the pleasure of food but refusing the primary gift of nutrition. Also, demons are non-sexual and so they want people to be like them, instead of how God made us, male and female.

Catholics don't hate homosexuals and trans people... we love them! Some of us used to be them! It's just that God has said that this activity is harmful to our souls and our society. He made us, so He knows what will hurt us and what will help us flourish.

Check out (on YouTube & podcasts) Father Chad Ripperger, Father Dan Reehill, & Father Carlos Martins. The workload of exorcists has skyrocketed in the last couple of decades. God bless you & yours! :)

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Catholicism is itself demonic. Every ritual, symbol etc. is pagan. Catholic exorcist? How about a pro-life pedophile obstetrician. Not dissimilar.

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Hello? Jesus said "Let those without sin cast the first stone." you need to think about that, monkey. You cast a lot of stones. You also said that Jesus Christ condemned lesbians and gays to hell. Give me scripture and verse. He never said ANYTHING about that. In the olden days someone may have washed your mouth out with soap. Jesus also said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Ignored that one, too, didn't ya.

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Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

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Your zeal for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is so beautiful! I have two websites that I can recommend, if only to better refute the Catholic position… Eternal Christendom (https://eternalchristendom.com/becoming-catholic/) and Catholic Answers (www.catholic.com).

Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world!

May our holy King, Jesus Christ, reign in your heart, and may God bless and guide you & your loved ones.

“The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make His Face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up His Countenance upon you, and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

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Not sure why you directed me to these. But God bless you as well.

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You know, I presume, that Jesus Christ, while never critical of homosexuality, was critical, at length, of divorce. But you never hear these self-righteous Bible-thumping preachers and others speak of that. Could it be that is because most of the congregation would be offended? Hypocrites. You are the ones who should apologize for condemning others to hell. Shame on you.

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Jesus Christ condemned all acts of same sex activity to hell if they did not repent. What Bible are you reading?

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Jesus never said a word about that. Where is your chapter and verse? There isn't one.

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Real Christians (especially me!) are not often morally superior to anyone else. We just mess up again and again, and apologize to God again and again, thank Him for His love, mercy, and care, and we try to get back on the right path, with His guidance. We just believe that there *is* such a thing as God's path versus the wilderness ... there *is* such a thing as God's beautiful musical score, even if we still play the violin like a second grader. We just keep trying, and praying, and practicing, and helping others who are even bigger newbies than we are, and letting other people know that there is a beautiful path, there is a beautiful musical score, because we've seen the saints walk it and play it, and we have spiritually "met" Jesus, who is mind-blowingly beautiful and gracious, humble and strong and good.

“Late have I loved You, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved You! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for You. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which You created. You were with me, but I was not with You. Created things kept me from You; yet if they had not been in You they would have not been at all. You called, You shouted, and You broke through my deafness. You flashed, You shone, and You dispelled my blindness. You breathed Your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for You. I have tasted You, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for Your peace.” - St. Augustine, _Confessions_

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You're right about Protestants who allow divorce... they are wrong. The Catholic Church has always prohibited divorce.

Jesus brought the Jewish ceremonial and ritual laws to an end, since He was building His new Catholic Church on the eternal covenant of His Body and Blood. But He never brought an end to the basic moral laws - the Ten Commandments and their elaborations. Those stand forever. They include prohibitions on sexual sins like homosexuality, divorce, fornication, contraception, & masturbation, as well as stealing, murder, lying, idolatry, etc.

Nobody is condemned to hell unless they refuse to repent of the things they've done wrong (wrong according to our Father, the Creator of the entire universe and its physical and moral laws), and refuse to ask for God's mercy, which He joyfully and lovingly grants.

Heaven has strict immigration laws... hell has open borders.

God has set rules for living with Him in Heaven, so that there will never be any fear or hurt or shame or sadness there. If we don't want to live with Him in love, in His house, under His just laws which form the moral order, He doesn't force us to... we can choose to live apart from Him forever with the demons and other humans who refuse to obey His rules. But we won't like it... mostly because we will always be apart from Love Himself, Who is our only true joy, and also because we will never be parted from all the other lawless, immoral creatures who have rejected Him like we have (and demons are radically more powerful, intelligent, and cruel than humans).

“God made us: invented us as a man invents an engine. A car is made to run on petrol, and it would not run properly on anything else. Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself. He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other. That is why it is just no good asking God to make us happy in our own way without bothering about religion. God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there.”

― C.S. Lewis, _Mere Christianity_

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Yes - you best not masturbate! You will grow hair on your palms.

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The catholic church is not Christian and the Bible allows for divorce. The Bible condemns 'putting away' READ the Scriptures.

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Oh no, not masturbation, too? Who said that?

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Haha 😂 I’m so glad I’m not going to an exorcist.

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It's a Catholic teaching that comes from the time of the Israelites -- revelations from God in the Old Testament. It's in the group of sexual sins covered under the commandment against adultery.

God designed the great gift of sex to bring new life (and opposite-uniting, spousal love), not *primarily* pleasure. Masturbation, and homosexual actions, take the pleasure of sex without any possibility of giving life, a little like grasping the pleasure of food but refusing the primary gift of nutrition. (I give some other possible reasoning against homosexual activity that applies to masturbation as well, in my reply above to Heidi Lynn.)

Take care! I wish you blessings, peace, & much joy. :)

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They're pissed because this latest batch of degenerate kiddy diddlers operate in the open, and they've out the spotlight on all of them.

"Gay" male culture is awash in pedophilia and pedarasty; always has been.

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Ask law enforcement who is the most awash in child sexual abuse? IT IS HETEROSEXUAL MEN. PERIOD.

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That is true.

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Cool story. Now do as a % of population.

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You are spot on. So sad that there are still so many useful tools and fools out there falling for this crap.

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Thank God for some LGB people uniting and speaking out about the harm that has befallen our young people through transgenderism. I am sure it has made life difficult for those who merely wanted to live their lives. The real tragedy is to the children who lose the ability to have a truly meaningful life because of decisions they make when they are too young to make them. Laws say that we can’t drive until we are 16, vote until we’re 18 or drink until we’re 21 for a reason. Letting prepubescent children make life altering decisions is criminal and serves no purpose except to those who are exploiting them.

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It's a natural progression of child abuse which has been a very lucrative business and mutilating healthy body parts is the latest money making business.

But the people responsible for convincing others they are not the sex God created them as is one of the most criminal forms of human abuse ever promoted.

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It saddens me that any lesbian or gay man would subscribe to not caring. I know some gay men defend their outing at the hands of groomers but not all come out via abuse. All of us I believe would love not to be feeling this responsibility and to just be able to have fun etc but wickedness and harm to young peoples lives and sexuality really is our concern especially as many would grow up to be healthy happy lesbians n gay men

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Maybe if you knew your Bible you wouldn't be such a hater yourself. Some pretty strong words from a "tolerant" person. After Christ came we are under a new covenant, and the sins are still sins. We are to hate the sin, but love the sinner. True love involves warning the sinner. We don't judge the heart, but see the fruits, but the judgement will be carried out in the end by Jesus.

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Save the gay. Indeed!

I've said for years, targeted transgenderism is just an extreme, dangerous form of gay conversion therapy---one that involves drugs and the scalpel instead of psychotherapy. And confused, vulnerable kids and their parents embrace it in some cases out of a sense of denial of the emerging homosexuality in the child; The parents are responding to the ubiquitous and shopworn "would you rather have a live daughter/son or a dead son/daughter?" with, essentially, "I would rather have a straight child than a gay child, by any means."

Things won't end well: We're creating a lot of future school-shooters, mass-murderers and suicides... and the tsunami of lawsuits will be enormous.

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My point exactly Alan, the reason im able to relay an event like what happened to me at 21 which is twenty years ago is because not only have I been exposed to that, but I have also been exposed to the dark side of furry groups where the leaders or lack thereof were harboring pedophiles that forced me to leave because I don't swing that way with group politics and the fact it is wrong to harbor people who think sex with minors is okay making the people who harbor them the real problem which is wrong with them as an individual. When it comes to family, they're in God's hands, Alan. God will be their final judgement when they have to face him because they can't understand the rainbow Mafia existing because of them forgetting every child is a child of God who is innocent until turned guilty by them shunning the choices their children are forced to make because the parents lack the courage to face the reality of criminal organizations like LGBT existing as the devil who took advantage of the apple dangled in front of their weakened child's face who is looking for friends to accept him or her into a hierarchy where they can escape from what hurts.

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Thank you Naomi and Jamiee for this much needed conversation. I have been studying alchemy for years now. What is happening to the children is much deeper than you realize. The jabs are also much more sinister than you can imagine. This is spiritual warfare on the human soul's light body which interpenetrates the physical body and is imprinted on by its physical incarnation. It is also called the etheric body, the ka, the rainbow body, the immortal body. But it is energized snd made stronger by pleasure: sex and orgasm are very potent ways to energize it. I could go on and on, but this seems like every effort is being made to trap souls from ascending during this time of great awakening.

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All alchemy, "sex magick," gnosticism, paganism, Freemasonry, New Age religion, & luciferian / satanic / occult societies are evil. They are traps set by demons. God is a loving Father and warns us about them.

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Oh Lord. More of the pious BS that Jesus had to face all the time.

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I will respectfully disagree with you because our bodies are designed for alchemy. They are also designed for joy, pleasure, and bliss. it is God's Love that gives us these gifts. Be mindful of where you are getting your information because a lot of books were left out of the Bible and there are also gross mistranslations of it. The Bible and religion can be used to keep people from God and from knowing their power. Nothing that came from God is evil; therefore, the body being designed for joy and pleasure means it is not at all evil but a way to be closer to God. Now alchemy, sex magic, etc. can be inverted and misused as so many sacred teachings are. That is what is evil.

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You're right, not all books were included in the Bible -- only ones directly inspired by the one true God. Lots of excellent, useful writings were left out b/c they were very good, but not God-breathed. Also, lots of heretical and evil gnostic works were left out for obvious reasons. The Bible canon (i.e., what books were to be included) was first set at the Catholic Council of Rome in AD 382, under Pope Damasus I. This "table of contents" was verified at several other councils.

God invented sex and it is a great, sacred gift, thoroughly good. However, like many of His gifts, it must be used properly because it is so powerful. Fire must stay in the fireplace to be helpful, and rivers must stay within their banks to be of benefit. Sex is to be used for creating children (an incredicle power, indeed!) and for uniting one man and one woman in lifelong love and self-giving.

If any of these gifts goes out of bounds, it becomes a dangerous liability rather than a blessing -- raging wildfires, destructive floods, or in the case of misused sexual power -- rape, adultery, jealousy, uncontrolled lust, abortion, pornography, homosexuality, gender confusion, etc.

Abusing sex through occult magick rituals (often combined with rape / torture / violence, bestialty, and ped*philia) is the very definition of turning God's good gifts into shameful horrors.

Demons only tempt humans to do these things, to transgress God's laws so blatantly, so that the evil spirits can have a "legal" opening to oppress us (or even possess us), and so that we can be damned to hell forever, if we never repent and turn to Jesus Christ. Catholic exorcists say that demons are extremely legalistic... basically lawyers from hell.

The people at the top of the alchemy / magick / satanic / occult circles are the leaders of our institutions ... those who gave us COVID, irrational lockdowns, and the deadly jab. Globalist, murdering, criminals of the "crimes against humanity" type.

You may think that "alchemy" is fine and gives you "power." But it is of the darkness, of evil, and these people and the demons behind them are the ones running it. Jesus Christ is not about grasping for power, but about self-giving in charitable love - willing, and when possible, working for the highest good of others.

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