Dr. Naomi,

I am a bit behind in following your study, but have my Geneva Bible and pencil for emphasis at the ready to engage as I am able.

Thank you so much for your commitment to initiate and carry out this vastly important task!!

With all that is happening in our world presently I believe God is giving comfort to His especially created beings to hold fast through your leading/reading.

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Thank you, Naomi. I have always found the stories with Hagar to be incredibly poignant. You brought it to a whole ‘nother level.

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“I see God seeing me.” What a beautiful encounter. Thank you, Naomi.

My parents read and had their kids take turns reading aloud the KJV for daily family devotionals. You’d have been amused hearing Gentile children sounding out names in the OT “begat” chapters. We understood that we were reading a history of real people, warts and all, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the supernatural, all pointing to the Messiah for all people. Best home schooling I could have hoped for.

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Following! Until March 2020 we were members at the Met for a few decades. Haven’t been back! One of my favorite paintings in regular exhibit is this one by Corot. There is something about the angel appearing like a spec in the infinite sky that captures bewilderment, wonder, relief and beauty ... it captures one’s stare and won’t let go.

I always made a point of visiting this painting and also the portrait of Madam Grand. A little off topic. I think she was the model of Aunt Alicia in the film “Gigi.” Abrám would have liked her. Talleyrand was the equivalent. He, too, had lots of sheep, goats and camels, so to speak.



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Your reading of Genesis chapter 16 was providential. "Call me Ishmael," I muttered in despair on the morning of April 3rd, a couple days ago. I am in my family what is called a black sheep, and I had never felt more discarded or held in contempt. All my life I have been at odds with those around me, and it has worked strangely to my benefit, being from the womb the dissident. But two days ago there was nothing about my God-given role that was flattering to my vanity or anything but profoundly lonely. I looked at my emails and saw a notification of your reading from the Geneva Bible: Genesis 10-15, which appeared because I follow your Daily Clout work. For no particular reason that I am conscious of, I listened (I had no inkling that Ishmael appears there). When you started speaking of Hagar testifying to God seeing her and then her seeing God, I wept. I told my wife later and wept again. I told her that if I ever again hear any male in the church tell me that women are not to interpret scriptures, I will ask him to listen to your exposition of the Geneva Bible, Genesis: chapter 16. That chapter of the Geneva Bible and your exposition of it are the best sermon I have ever heard. God spoke to me.

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I am so comforted by your readings of the Geneva Bible. I am going to order one from Amazon so I can follow along with you!

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