Theme continues: Ya'acov "talks with' God and sees His face directly - again -- but later mistranslations elide both those encounters. God is "imadi" - "with me" intimately --but this toois later cut.
You spoke frequently this evening about the absolute beauty and unique qualities of Hebrew and those were the things that converted me from 40yrs as a Christian to the past 8 or 9 as a Noahide. I used to think that all of the mistranslation was just that but I am now certain that it was for the purpose of manipulation. I think the Rabbis I learn from would be very proud of you for everything you have done for the past few years and probably more. You have taken on the deepest of topics at a most important time in human history. The forces of evil intend
to wipe us out and the more voices working on waking humanity to these very real threats, the better chance of a faithful remnant surviving. Thank you for being one of those voices!!
Beyond Chabad and the Tanach, I have relied primarily on the Rabbi who knows the New Testament as well as the Hebrew scriptures. Rabbi Tovia Singer. I'm sure there are many more good sources specifically for the Noahide Laws but in 9 years of study, I have found those three sources to be about all I can handle. I will have to say that being raised Christian from childhood and sticking with it for nearly 50yrs, stumbling across Rabbi Singer was the single greatest thing to ever happen to me. No matter what faith one follows, there's great benefits to giving away a few hours to his teachings. Living by and in the simplicity, logic and absolute undeniable truth of the 7 basic laws is incredibly freeing. It's not good at all for organized religion but incredibly good for humanity.
I "settled" years ago but nobody made me. It's just what makes the most sense to me after decades in Christianity and then nearly a decade of study with more than a few Rabbis. Out of curiosity, what do you find to be lacking in the 7 basic Noahide Laws?
I think we have nearly the same beliefs as far as I can tell from a brief exchange. Since it is believed and taught that Adam was given the Laws directly from God and Noah received them in a slightly expanded version, also directly from God, it would seem they are mankinds oldest contract with the creator. I have missed any indication that the Noahide Laws exclude anyone but I will be looking for anything that I might have missed.
I love how your reading of Geneva Bible with Hebrew translations is leading to knowing that God is, that God is not only around us with us everywhere but within us. Thank you again, Dr. Naomi.
Thank you again for continuing these. I've been reading more of the Geneva Bible while you've been traveling, but it's so helpful to have your commentary. I've also bookmarked
Dear MizNaomi. The sincerity of your devotion to the task you've taken on is tangible in its wholeheartedness. I hope we all live long enough to see you reach into The Revelation that God gave apostle John at the isle of Patmos. In that Revelation at one point (3:16) God describes his disdain for lukewarm, half-hearted people, and his treatment of them. By no means are you lukewarm, my dear.
3 things I've learned over the years from my studies and my teachers about God and his word:
1. The old rabbis of ancient days at one point described the living Word of God reflected in the Hebrew characters as "a black and white fire... ." I have seen evidence of this with my own eyes.
2. Along with the poet John Milton, I believe Immanuel Velikovsky is a prophet God has provided for our time. Dr. Velikovsky says (in discussing the beauty and depth of meaning in Isaiah's prophecy), "As beautiful as the English translations may be, the Hebrew transmits implications and sensations that cannot be described in any human language."
3. RE: "El Shaddai" One of my teachers gave its meaning as "the many breasted one" implying that God our Father is well-able to nourish every need of His children. Us! Amazing Grace!
Naomi, after years of reciting the 23rd Psalm often, I followed your example and read the Hebrew in my little book of Tehillim--shocked to discover that rather than "The Lord is my shepherd," the Hebrew says "G-d sees me," or "roi." Talk about intimate, right? As you would say, so beautiful!
How very kind of you to share your expertise in languages with us to unlock our understanding of the intended closeness with God. Thank you sooo much for continuing onward in the reading of the 1560 Geneva Bible! This is my most favorite episode of anything I see or listen to these days.
LOVE / LOVE / LOVE this Dear Dr. Naomi!!! GOD IS TRULY ... WITH YOU and WITH each of us. We must hold this as our SHIELD ... and FIGHT ON!!! We love you!!! Thank you for all you and dear Amy do! Heal and feel better. 💗🙏💗
Naomi, I'm glad to see your growth into Spirituality as in regards to Love. You seem to have broken away the bonds that have held you captive in the past. The devil comes to lie, steal, kill and destroy. Anything thing that embraces any of those things leads you back where you came from. You seem to of had a road to Damascus moment. I wouldn't of said this probably 3 years ago. Everything we were from the time we we're born has been a lie from the principalities and powers that rule the world and always have. Where living in the Days of Noah which I'm sure you've notice by changing the DNA and mutating it appears into demons via Transhumanism. It always goes back to the Garden of Eden. God knew you before you were born. People would rather worship the creature instead of the Creator. You might want to check out the first book of Enoch whether or not it was inspired by the Holy Spirit could be argued. There where originally 84 books in the canon until Constantine paganized Christianity. But it gives you a glimpse of the fall of satan, Noah, etc. Check Apocryphal 1970 and search for the The first book of Enoch. Take it with a grain of salt. Except for the part about satan. Keeping the law doesn't cover am evil heart. That's why there no salvation in the law. Legalizing evil won't get religious zealots to heaven. I'm kind of rambling on here. Lol Individuals who God breathe his life into have unfortunately fallen asleep. Unless they wake up from there stuper before they die will be spending life with the biggest loser of all time forever. The one who is behind every murder, rape, child sacrifice, dubauchery, etc. The 200 watchers in the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels appear to me remind of all the governments who all seem to be walking in lock step to the same fate of the watchers as well as mankind. God Bless. Remenber God is always love no matter what the world around you seems. The Holy Spirit is peace, love and joy and a sound mind anything else is the foolishness. Love to you and your husband. John Caleo. If you have any questions please email me. I'll give it my best Spiritual shot and stay steadfast in the Holy Spirit. 💪🤔😎
Yes doctor please send out email to subscribers when you're reading live. I am so enjoying this series. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
You spoke frequently this evening about the absolute beauty and unique qualities of Hebrew and those were the things that converted me from 40yrs as a Christian to the past 8 or 9 as a Noahide. I used to think that all of the mistranslation was just that but I am now certain that it was for the purpose of manipulation. I think the Rabbis I learn from would be very proud of you for everything you have done for the past few years and probably more. You have taken on the deepest of topics at a most important time in human history. The forces of evil intend
to wipe us out and the more voices working on waking humanity to these very real threats, the better chance of a faithful remnant surviving. Thank you for being one of those voices!!
I have never heard of Noahide before. Is this accurate:
Actually, I'm of the belief that it is humanities oldest Religious Order.
To my knowledge this is a very good description and definition of what the practicing Noahide believes and does his or her best to follow.
Any further resources you can suggest?
Beyond Chabad and the Tanach, I have relied primarily on the Rabbi who knows the New Testament as well as the Hebrew scriptures. Rabbi Tovia Singer. I'm sure there are many more good sources specifically for the Noahide Laws but in 9 years of study, I have found those three sources to be about all I can handle. I will have to say that being raised Christian from childhood and sticking with it for nearly 50yrs, stumbling across Rabbi Singer was the single greatest thing to ever happen to me. No matter what faith one follows, there's great benefits to giving away a few hours to his teachings. Living by and in the simplicity, logic and absolute undeniable truth of the 7 basic laws is incredibly freeing. It's not good at all for organized religion but incredibly good for humanity.
I "settled" years ago but nobody made me. It's just what makes the most sense to me after decades in Christianity and then nearly a decade of study with more than a few Rabbis. Out of curiosity, what do you find to be lacking in the 7 basic Noahide Laws?
I think we have nearly the same beliefs as far as I can tell from a brief exchange. Since it is believed and taught that Adam was given the Laws directly from God and Noah received them in a slightly expanded version, also directly from God, it would seem they are mankinds oldest contract with the creator. I have missed any indication that the Noahide Laws exclude anyone but I will be looking for anything that I might have missed.
I love how your reading of Geneva Bible with Hebrew translations is leading to knowing that God is, that God is not only around us with us everywhere but within us. Thank you again, Dr. Naomi.
Thank you so much Dr Wolf for continuing to read the Geneva Bible and comparing it to the original Hebrew and other versions. I am very grateful.
Thank You Naomi! I was so excited seeing this email come through this AM. Just watched and even got my husband watching. Your following grows!
Thank you again for continuing these. I've been reading more of the Geneva Bible while you've been traveling, but it's so helpful to have your commentary. I've also bookmarked
Thank you so much for exploring this and sharing it with us.
Dear MizNaomi. The sincerity of your devotion to the task you've taken on is tangible in its wholeheartedness. I hope we all live long enough to see you reach into The Revelation that God gave apostle John at the isle of Patmos. In that Revelation at one point (3:16) God describes his disdain for lukewarm, half-hearted people, and his treatment of them. By no means are you lukewarm, my dear.
3 things I've learned over the years from my studies and my teachers about God and his word:
1. The old rabbis of ancient days at one point described the living Word of God reflected in the Hebrew characters as "a black and white fire... ." I have seen evidence of this with my own eyes.
2. Along with the poet John Milton, I believe Immanuel Velikovsky is a prophet God has provided for our time. Dr. Velikovsky says (in discussing the beauty and depth of meaning in Isaiah's prophecy), "As beautiful as the English translations may be, the Hebrew transmits implications and sensations that cannot be described in any human language."
3. RE: "El Shaddai" One of my teachers gave its meaning as "the many breasted one" implying that God our Father is well-able to nourish every need of His children. Us! Amazing Grace!
Thank you for stickin' to the mission, MizNaomi. Yours truly, Oaf.
Naomi, after years of reciting the 23rd Psalm often, I followed your example and read the Hebrew in my little book of Tehillim--shocked to discover that rather than "The Lord is my shepherd," the Hebrew says "G-d sees me," or "roi." Talk about intimate, right? As you would say, so beautiful!
Oh WOW! I think that could be a double meaning. But -- right??? There is so much of God "seeing" humans in the original as we tread it to date!
How very kind of you to share your expertise in languages with us to unlock our understanding of the intended closeness with God. Thank you sooo much for continuing onward in the reading of the 1560 Geneva Bible! This is my most favorite episode of anything I see or listen to these days.
LOVE / LOVE / LOVE this Dear Dr. Naomi!!! GOD IS TRULY ... WITH YOU and WITH each of us. We must hold this as our SHIELD ... and FIGHT ON!!! We love you!!! Thank you for all you and dear Amy do! Heal and feel better. 💗🙏💗
Jacob never talked to God.
Christ made that clear.
Jacob wrestled/ fought with his (alleged) God all the night, and finally prevailed. Genesis 32: 29.
That must have been a really powerful God ;)
There is a lot of parody in the OT (and also some in the NT), but most people don't expect it, and therefore they can't grasp it.
wow imani a African word
Naomi, I'm glad to see your growth into Spirituality as in regards to Love. You seem to have broken away the bonds that have held you captive in the past. The devil comes to lie, steal, kill and destroy. Anything thing that embraces any of those things leads you back where you came from. You seem to of had a road to Damascus moment. I wouldn't of said this probably 3 years ago. Everything we were from the time we we're born has been a lie from the principalities and powers that rule the world and always have. Where living in the Days of Noah which I'm sure you've notice by changing the DNA and mutating it appears into demons via Transhumanism. It always goes back to the Garden of Eden. God knew you before you were born. People would rather worship the creature instead of the Creator. You might want to check out the first book of Enoch whether or not it was inspired by the Holy Spirit could be argued. There where originally 84 books in the canon until Constantine paganized Christianity. But it gives you a glimpse of the fall of satan, Noah, etc. Check Apocryphal 1970 and search for the The first book of Enoch. Take it with a grain of salt. Except for the part about satan. Keeping the law doesn't cover am evil heart. That's why there no salvation in the law. Legalizing evil won't get religious zealots to heaven. I'm kind of rambling on here. Lol Individuals who God breathe his life into have unfortunately fallen asleep. Unless they wake up from there stuper before they die will be spending life with the biggest loser of all time forever. The one who is behind every murder, rape, child sacrifice, dubauchery, etc. The 200 watchers in the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels appear to me remind of all the governments who all seem to be walking in lock step to the same fate of the watchers as well as mankind. God Bless. Remenber God is always love no matter what the world around you seems. The Holy Spirit is peace, love and joy and a sound mind anything else is the foolishness. Love to you and your husband. John Caleo. If you have any questions please email me. I'll give it my best Spiritual shot and stay steadfast in the Holy Spirit. 💪🤔😎
This one I suppose I need to hear again? It’s somewhat confusing. Thanks for continuing to share!