I'm reading Naomi's book, "End of America" and I'm surprised we had that much of a dictatorship going on when already, compared to what he Project 2025, a 922-page document written by the Heritage Foundation that says the many ways we're going to have a full-on dictatorship next year, if they get who they want back in the White House. The Supreme Court already gave that criminal all the rights & powers of a king!

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Dear Dr. Wolf:

I hope you see this message. I would like to buy a hardcover edition of your new book. I hope you will offer that in future. If you sell signed editions I would gladly buy one to help support your mission.

Paperbacks do not hold up. Your book deserves better!

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Thanks, Dr Wolf, for reminding me that now is not the first time in history that evil and deception reigned! What we are going through is not “new!”

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100 years? Try 6000 years. Remember the god-kings of Sumer? And other Mediterranean city-states? Remember how the Levites murdered thousands of Israelites for not following prescribed law? It's in the Old Testament. Remember how Christians violently cancelled Pagan philosophers, destroyed their temples and schools and burned millions of books, kicking off the Dark Ages? Or how about those Muslims? They destroyed around 40,000 temples in Northern India alone and murdered millions of people "for the faith." Then after that, the British Empire. Then Capitalism, Communism, Scientism and Medicalism. Ideological terror is nothing new.

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Dr. Wolf, have you seen this presentation by Dr. David Martin concerning the virus and the vaccines? Someone posted it on Facebook but I found it on Rumble. I'm certain that you can understand better than I his slides and his logic:


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This should be a longer work. Thank you!

(Search, please, the "edited" comments to the NYTimes from 2012 forward, attempting to sound many such warnings. You willnotice that anyone who tried to highlight concerning tactics was shut down and off by the editorial staff.)

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Anyone catch the 1am sportscenter on ESPN at about the 1:10 mark. Seems Scott Van Pelt had an episode where he forgot were he was and seemed confused. I thought he was going to “die suddenly” live on air.

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Personally, I recognized the jab danger from my experiences as a dog breeder and the side effects of vax on dogs. Attended a seminar in '96 about canine vaccinosis, agreed immediately from observations of my own dogs, stopped the vax schedule, watched my next generation become healthier. Applied theory to myself, 64 years old, no medication, just vitamins. Was able to stop some friends from the jab.

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I knew from the very beginning that something was wrong with what we were being told. I started following the pneumonia virus in December of 2019. I followed it on sites that had direct reports from China and began reading personal accounts of people who had gotten the virus including one of a 22 year old Chinese man who was hospitalized but survived.

I believe it was the Holy Spirit who alerted me and told me to watch and learn. But I do have Irish blood so who knows. But if you paid attention and read, you would know this was a disaster in the making. But people just put their heads in the sand and blindly followed. There were treatments almost from the beginning like high levels of Vitamin D, quecetin, zinc, C monolaurin, Pepcid, hydrochloriquine and our doctors were telling us to do nothing until we needed to go to the hospital. It was madness. Then the game changer ivermectin began being talked about and there was a campaign to shut it down. Murdered happened by omission of treatment and gaslighting and we can’t mince that word. We have to hold these people accountable and they need to be jailed.

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Sep 26, 2023
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I was very close to my grand parents too and they sound like they were the same as yours. They cared for their community and showed us their faith in their kindness, love and serenity.

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There is a kind of ancestral memory, and it is related to epigenetics and the bible's talk of sins continuing down from father to son for 7 generations. So actions have consequences on the DNA and the DNA then affects what your life ends up with, and what your life is, affects your DNA.

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Having Irish ancestors doesn't seem to be stopping me Irish state itself from descending into a fascist hellscape at an alarming rate. The US elites would sell their souls for the type of "hate crime" laws that Ireland is about to enact.

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It's really the last edict of Oliver Cromwell. They are going to make it a crime in Ireland to even THINK something, much less say it out loud.

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Cromwell was much worse to Ireland. Though that would fall outside the "6 generations" time frame.

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I really enjoyed this whole essay, and I agree. I've seen this myself in those from Irish descent, or Polish, etc. here in Canada. For sure, they were the skeptical ones, the ones who said, "no way". I can see what they're up to, where this is leading.

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I don't think it is anything so esoteric as ancestral memories that drove some of us to foresee the impending disaster and start fighting back. If ancestry had anything to do with it at all, the source was genetic, not memories. If we are to survive this democide, we should face that truth squarely.

Some people seem born to behave like the cattle our "elite" imagine us all to be. Easily herded, they are the perfect asset for their psychopathic "owners." Predisposed to do as they are told, it seems quite likely that they, even those who know history, would willingly get on the boxcars and strip for the communal "showers." Their fight for survival begins only with their first breath of cyanide.

Others are born with genes that make them utterly unherdable. When ordered about by their "betters," they get testy and combative. When told "fact-checked truths" by "experts", they are naturally skeptical and elect to investigate and decide for themselves. When told bald-faced lies by their "betters," their mouths drop open in disbelief even as their compatriots willingly smother themselves with masks, impoverish themselves in quarantine and take poison as "vaccines". These people cannot help themselves any more than those who seem born for the slaughter.

By way of example, I have an Irish ancestry yet, until recently, I knew almost nothing about the way the Irish were treated. Perhaps more to the point, my ancestors set sail for America more than half a century before the potato famine. I have no memories, ancestral or otherwise, of that democide. Yet, here I am, nonetheless unherdable. If the source of that is anything definable, it is genetics, not ancestral memories.

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Your rulers know *exactly* what genes make a person dangerous, intelligent and formidable as well as principled enough to fight for their freedom. They don't tell you they know which genes those are - because it might lead you to figure out a lot of things you have been told are all lies. Those genes in particular are more dangerous than the other 95% of people on Earth. They are the genes of peace loving, high trust and big frontal lobe people who would otherwise flourish and turn the Earth into a very good place if simply left to themselves. That's why the COVID virus was engineered to specifically kill Neanderthals above all other races. I also think it has already proven to have backfired on them. Even if it sounds too incredible to believe, you should know that this is not the first ruling class to try this. There is another lethal virus over 100,000 years old that they have sequenced that looked like it was specifically designed to kill Neanderthals. It backfired and then began attaching itself to people it was supposed to be unable to infect. This is the reason that the majority of the hominid races all perished during this period, from this epidemic. Except for Neanderthals. So the truth is that there is nothing new under the Sun at all.

I first studied the Irish famines in-depth in 2002 and in 2010 was still reading about them. Again, possibly a hoax so gigantic that it is hard to believe nobody ever questioned the official narrative. They just blindly accept what they are told. The British people were feasting on Irish cattle, eating Irish potatos and Irish crop yields when the Irish people were collapsing dead in the fields from starvation. The British people had decided after Oliver Cromwell stole everything they owned that they would simply genocide the race. They blamed it on a potato blight. All lies. By the way, I never see any honest pictures of Oliver Cromwell showing him as he truly appeared - a terrifying copper mask covering half of his face after his whole head began to rot from syphilis and his nose fell off and one fist in a copper gauntlet he called the Hand of God. Do you know why you never see an honest picture of him? He gave the Jews permission to enter Britain again. Therefore his evil deeds have been erased from the records out of gratitude by Jewish academics. You better believe that is not the only things they have erased. They are correct, all of you seem more like cattle than human beings most days.

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The brutish

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Growing up as a military brat (a whole book has been written about this strange and bewildering subculture as both detrimental and in some ways beneficial to those growing up in the midst of it: Military Brats: Legacies of Childhood Inside the Fortress) we experienced multi-culturalism before it was so dubbed and saw, from the early 1960's into the mid- to late- 1970's the segregation and polarization that grew (not diminished) with the post-civil rights movement era activities (even though the military declared equality as a mandate much earlier than most of society at large was willing to recognize and normalize it). We who grew up with friends of every ethnicity and from many other cultures and backgrounds thought little of it (and especially enjoyed the various ethnic foods, traditions, and stories from those differing from our own ancestries as well as the diversity in personality, lifestyle and familial fidelity that many white cultures were grossly deficient in) until it became a kind of forced emphasis that we found ourselves in the midst of -- frightened and yet outraged to see the division that came from it. Yes, there were individuals whose cultures bred contempt or disdain for others who were out side the eurocentric view of the world, but often there was discrimination in the other direction --- wanting black men to date black women, or for Asians to remain with Asians,, etc. But what we were learning in our public schools about evolution primacy as the origins explanation exclusive to any other ideology, belief or scientific justification should have been as apparent as it now is in retrospect and upon further scrutiny. Darwin codified rasicism and as it displaced special creation (the truth) with an outrageous excuse for not having to be accountable to our Creator God, it also promoted and gave voice and credence to the notion of superior and inferior races (another term that is inaccurate as there is only one race - the human race, with differing people groups or ethnicities, but we are all made of the same stuff -- melanin is hardly a prime differentiator). Never has a singular voice (many of his ideas on origins actually stolen from others) done so much damage over such an extended period of time -- when myriad of fallacies and errors as well as superior alternatives have surfaced, there is a stubborn resolve to cling tenaciously both to the theory (and the maligning of those who dare to question it) and to the extrapolations, as outrageous as they are, which accompanied it. The present day malignancy of Critical Race Theory and its relatives finds support in dividing us over differences instead of reigniting the resolve of Martin Luther King Jr's desire for brotherhood and equality in love and as a man of faith, in a biblical understanding of brotherhood, and the celebration of diversity within unity -- as conveyed by (amongst others) Francis Schaeffer or in uniting those deemed inferior due to disabilities via L'Arche, founded by Jean Vanier.... The use of Darwin's outrageous postulations by opportunistic and evil, powerful leaders to justify acts of atrocity and to perpetuate the spread and enculturation of these poisons is a real travesty from which we are still recovering -- ironic that Darwin and Malthus were relatives and the Malthusian ideologies have galvanized and been seized upon by global elitists who see the need to cull the herd of the inferior and preserve the resources and privileges of continuing life on the planet in the hands of those of superior breeding, intellect and aspiration who have amassed the means to execute against their nefarious plans which span generations of families with defective genes (Think the Crown in UK for example) -- these beliefs, like contaminated dogmas, are also occultist and derive much sustenance from satanic and dark traditions, rituals and practices favored by the elite for their perverted pleasure and entertainment. We all share a common ancestry and should make haste to heal and resolve the wounds of our past and the nefarious intentions held by the few yet disseminated and spread like poison to divide and further isolate and alienate us from brothers and sisters in this war -- not with one another, but with a common enemy who seeks our demise. The memories we have, however alarmingly disturbing and sobering, can inform and enliven and empower our visceral desire to see restoration and healing and the strength that come with it to resist the greater evils that threaten us and seek to consign us to abbreviated an shallow lives of enslavement ideologically and three dimensionally- the existential threat of being buried by lies and falsehoods.

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