Watch this... https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr

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I continue to be amazed by you and am so grateful for your transparency and sincerity!

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Can you setup direct credit card pay? I don’t want to use PayPal or digital wallet.

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Hang in there, Truth Teller.

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Dear Naomi. I apologize for contacting you this way when I don't have anything more to comment on this article. But I do wish to comment on Facing the Beast as I am listening to it now. I love your writing and wish I had the book rather than just an audible recording because I'd give you a better example of what I find so lovable. This is a hard book to listen to at times but you bring home the feelings of the "divide" so tangibly that I have to try. At one point you spoke of how those who can't see or hear the world we live in were akin to those figurines inside a "snow globe"--unreachable. I so relate to this strange phenomena. They are inside a fantasy world of "return to normal" while we on the other side are fighting for our--and their--lives. It is so surreal. Now I must speak about the book you founds so compelling--The Old Gods Return?--as a possible answer to the evil we are seeing played out before us. Again I'd like to suggest that there is a far more plausible possibility and that is visitors from the Greater Community of intelligent life. You are a very intelligent woman of great courage and I ask you again to consider that we are not alone and that races from several worlds are present here and working quickly to fulfill their agenda to take over our world. It is natural for us to reach into our religious past to call on the God of an old Covenant and hope that this will save us in this time of great darkness--but what we are dealing with is intelligent and technologically advanced races who are very adept in mentally manipulating us and who are very aware of our religious stories. They know how to prey on these weaknesses. It is not the old Covenants we need to restore but the great endowment of Knowledge--that deeper Intelligence that our Creator has endowed in each of us. It is here within each of us. It is where your great strength and courage comes from and it is within each Lion and Lioness of truth who stands against this alien power that is seeking to overtake us. God will not come and save us. Our Creator has sent each of us--endowed with Knowledge--to save our race. Yes, we can pray to our God and the Teachers of God who guide us, but it is the individual that will save the day. It won't even be the religions or any of the institutions from our past that we can rely on. It is within each of us and it is creative and requires the intelligence to know that we must unite and support this inner knowing in each of us. Yes, many will be totally freaked at the idea of an alien Intervention but we have always known we are part of a universe with billions upon billions of intelligent races that we knew we would meet one day. Well today is the day and we'd better get jiggy about opening to what can be known about them and their agenda for us. The good news is that God wants us to win and has provided us with briefings on just what is taking place here. If you can consider "The Return of Old Gods" surely you can consider that God has provided us with what is required to meet this evolutionary challenge. If we can connect deeply to the Mind of God within us and meet this challenge, we will go into the larger arena of the Greater Community as a free race, sovereign in our own world. If we do not rise to this challenge we will be enslaved--those who are left after their pawns finish with us. But if we do make this transition that all worlds in the GC must go through, we will enter a world that is much richer in relationship and experience than we can yet imagine. So lets dig deep for the answers that already lie within us and gird up our loins for the next stage of the battle. AlliesofHumanity.org We do have Allies in the GC as well. BTW, I am a subscriber. :)

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I just subscribed. Dr. Wolf is doing very important work, and I want to support her efforts.

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Thank you Naomi for being the calming voice of reason. Thank you for everything you do for our cause. God bless and keep safe.

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I subscribed! So sorry we live in a violent country with the most abusive, corrupt ruling class that encourages violence and division. This happened under Obama and Biden and the corrupt media NOT under TRUMP and not by his supporters.

KIRSTEN POWERS CNN: a Reply to Her Essay, The Way Americans Live Is Abnormal

As a CNN Reporter: How Powers Failed to Mention the Media's Role on Creating America's Suicidal State of Depression


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Off topic, but it looks like Substack itself is now under attack. The narrative is that Substack is now a "haven for Nazis.”


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Wow, I became a paid subscriber. You have poked a beast in your Covid work. Reading your accounts made me see there is a dark evil behind this Covid stuff and around it, a mind numbing spiritual deception, there is more than simple human stupidity, ambition and greed there.

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I love your writing, thanks

I am hard of hearing and you need to use a room in your house to broadcast which does not echo,


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Thank you for that feedback. I will work on that. Is the yellow room with the wood stove echoey, or is it the white room with the modern art behind me? Or both? I use two different locations. Thank you again.

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I’m not sure. Compare your sound with the person you’re conversing with. Thanks for caring.


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I have the same hearing problem with Dr Paul Marik with the flccc.net

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We are in the middle of what is now a recognized outing. The evil once outed has no more reason to hide and so will parade out in the open and dare anyone to oppose it. You are incredibly brave and I salute you. You probably don't remember my past correspondences, but I have been telling you for years you are at heart a libertarian, not a leftist. I wish you every success.

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Thank you -- I do and you are probably correct.

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There are some who criticize you for not taking a stand and calling out the true masterminds of this crime, the US DOD, the other world governments and their masters who actually run the world. The harshest critics are relatively safe behind a curtain of anonymity though, while you are not. I'm proud to have been supporting you for quite a while. ❤️

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I report on what I know. I know about the Pfizer documents and I do not know about DOD's involvement and I do not understand what has been reported. Everyone can't be an expert on everything and it's better to report on what one is certain of in my experience.

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I totally understand that you, or anybody else, cannot be an expert on everything, and I greatly appreciate your diligence. The more I learn, from a large variety of sources, the more I realize just how little I do know. I know your time is valuable, so I've found a single article for you which best sums up what I mean, from one of the best sources that I know. If you chose to go down this rabbit hole, I totally understand if you don't do so publicly; you have enough to worry about!


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Naomi, you are not a serious target yet. If you were they would completely.deplatform you and demonetize you like they did to andrew anglin at the daily stormer dotte IN .

What are your thoughts on that ?

Perhaps you should mention it in your next speech.

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I just subscribed, you kick ass, may our Lord Jesus protect and bless you, He is using you to do incredible work. You are saving lives.

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It is shocking to the degree our government and the UN are working with big companies to suppress our freedom of speech. Good luck to you.

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