It is long overdue, so I have now subscribed, and I watched this video after clicking that button, I have been meaning to do this for what seems like ages. I am stunned and grateful for your recent books, Bodies of Others and Facing the Beast. (And we share an interest in the Tanakh (Bible) which is an added bonus for me. I also write picking up on important biblical themes).

Wishing you much mazel!

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I Always admired you, especially as you became more and more experienced and aware of the evil, that increasingly surrounds us. Keep up your valuable and appreciated, informed, writing. Thank you.

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Dr. Naomi,

THANK YOU many times over for your heart felt confession! We all need to know this! I have, do and will continue to support you! My prayers 🙏❤️🇺🇸 are with you continually. You are part of doing God’s work! May the peace and love of the Holy Spirit cover and speak continually be with you!

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"A bill that prevents school police and security guards from placing students in handcuffs or subduing them with pepper spray passed both chambers and moved on to Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk, where it awaits his signature." Why ARE we pepper-spraying 'neurodivergent' students like wild grizzly bears? If it's just 'neurodiversity/AWEtism'?


"On Tuesday, as many as five girls at Sterling Middle School were involved in a fight in the school’s lunch room and a resource officer used pepper spray to break up the fight. No one was seriously injured, and the combatants had been dispersed by the time Peoria police officers arrived.

But the matter did beg the questions: Why was pepper spray used on children between the ages of 10 and 14? And who can use the spray?"

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Please cover the ACOG C-19 crimes. Pregnancy is NOT a time to inject experiments

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Well this one Substack reveals me how vain I am but not just vain it revealed to me how the day to day workings and dangers are that goes with all that you and your team go through. I looked up the skin care line.. that’s the vain part and I my husband and I are going to support you. Just have to find the link.. anyway, so appreciate all you and your team which includes your husband, do. Love and blessings

CyberNan, Nancy

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Did you see how Zendesk , now handling Substack contacts and other services, deleted my subscription with you without my permission? I would complain if I were you, as I have. This terrible org.is like Internet cancer and they don't know what they are doing. Or Substack for that matter.

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I use GMX mail/GMX dotcom based in Germany, and thankfully, none of my subscriptions got deleted. Sorry this happened to you LionelM.

Is 'Neurodiversity' (Autism) Encephalopathy with IP36 Deletion/Mutation Syndrome? The Hutu-Tutsi Wars prove IP36 'zombie' CRISPR tech, existed decades long before 2020? https://www.bitchute.com/video/SNjW86hJ5YdJ/ (HopeGirl "The V--cinated Brain. C--V1D Zombies are Real")

Low frequencies (rage-inducing) and possible aerosol/aluminum spraying with 1P36 gene deletion syndrome (via CRISPR nanobots) caused the Hutus to rage and take out the Tutsis?

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"Part of teachers’ demands involve the work environment regarding special needs students and students with challenging behavior."

https://annedachel.substack.com/p/new-jersey-principal-claims-within?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 (New Jersey principal claims "within the field of education" about one in 10 students have autism)

"The news anchor interviewed the principal of an autism academy in Woodbury, NJ, and in the course her of talk about ways to ‘limit sensory triggers’ on Halloween, she noted that educators are now seeing ‘one in 10 individuals’ who have autism."

https://annedachel.substack.com/p/autism-we-have-to-pretend-all-this?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 (AUTISM: We have to pretend all this is normal)

https://annedachel.substack.com/p/how-we-are-all-being-brainwashed?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 ("Over the past 20 years we’ve been pretty much forced to accept massive increases in the number of developmentally disabled children. Many fall under the category of AUTISM, while others are labeled with speech and communication problems along with lots of behavior problems.")

https://annedachel.substack.com/p/the-complete-moral-and-intellectual?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 ("The complete moral and intellectual collapse of [everything]" Toby Rogers)

https://annedachel.substack.com/p/the-bad-news-about-autism?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 (The Bad News about Autism)

The Neurodiversity Police truck: https://annedachel.substack.com/p/conquered-by-autism?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 ("Over the past several days there have been seemingly unrelated stories from around the U.S. that clearly show how we’re normalizing autism.")

https://annedachel.substack.com/p/rapid-city-sd-the-dark-future-for?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 (Rapid City, SD: The dark future for young adults with autism)

"Right now the center of the autism crisis is focused on children and education, but the future is even darker for those with autism and their families." This is NOT about HFA nor Asperger kids with normal/above average intellectual abilities and normal motor skills.

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And it's so obvious at this point that

Wide spread civil unrest and outright

War resulting in the end of world as we know it will be the means that the great reset will be ushered in....and if you want to witness the art of lying at it's most brilliant tuned into the speeches made at the WEF

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The recently released movie, Caste,

Based upon the book by Isabel Wilkerson

Seems poignantly significant and

Apropos to the current information war

And it's casualties, in which a very slight

Retweeking of the narrative to a more

Comprehensive context we find ourselves on a gobal plantation with the

Brahman mentally ill social engineers

Convening at Devos to self proclaim to the World their implicit superiority as

Olympian masters and the almost axiomatic inevitability of the imposition of their inhuman world view upon the

Untouchable misinformation spouting

Conspiracy theory propagation by the mass Peasantry. And how are you going to overcome their dictum of " if we the

Elite say something is true then it's true

Beyond dispute, and if we say it's false

Then it's forever false...and we control

The message, because we control the

Medium, and can cast all the dissidents into the abyss of anonymity..."free your

Mind neo.....".

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To all listening here: this woman and her voice must be protected no matter the cost.

Those who oppose you are those who seek to devalue human life. They seek to dehumanize humanity. These are the ones who revel in slaughter and atrocity, and you can look no further than the events of October 7th for witness to my statement.

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