You keep talking about the Palestinian leaders you met back then as being such good people. They might have been, but do not forget that the Palestinian(by the way there is no Palestine) elected Hamaas/Terrorists as their leaders. They have also rejected for decades every land offer Israel made. These Palestinians can't live in peace in another country, all they want is no Jews.

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And for good measure, here's an excellent new backgrounder from Amy Stoken. 🔯 https://jewdicious.substack.com/p/marching-toward-madness-the-hate

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So very well thought out and recorded. I too wish there could be found a peaceful solution, but the odds are against it.

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So glad you wrote this. Such a beautiful article, so true, so needed. The ignorant audacity of Naomi Klein to dismiss you as "other Naomi". This perspective is such important medicine ...

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Naomi, this is from Cliff Mass, a Jewish professor at the University of WA, “I am more than disappointed with the University of Washington administration.

I am dismayed and saddened by the efforts of pro-Hamas students and their radical supporters in the community.

Three times during the past month there have been rallies on the University of Washington campus supporting genocide.   Rallies that called for the elimination of the State of Israel and the removal of its Jewish inhabitants.   Rallies for genocide.    

Such gatherings have no place on any campus.  The First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech, an essential foundation of American freedom, does not protect calls for violence.

Would the UW allow hundreds of KKK members on campus, their faces covered with hoods, calling for the elimination of minorities in the U.S.?  

I think not.

But the UW will allow hundreds of students and outsiders to call for the elimination of the Jewish State.

Much of the organization of these gatherings is associated with an official UW Student Group (UW-SUPER-Students United for Palestinian Equality & Return), whose first rally advertisement celebrated HAMAS killers descending into Israel on paragliders.

At all three rallies signs and chants called for a Palestinian state from the river to the sea (the Jordan River to the Mediterranean), with Israel erased from existence.  Like the KKK, many covered their faces, but with masks or Keffiyeh.

And if their intent to kill Israelis and Jews was not clear enough, there were repeated chants of “One solution: intifada revolution".    As you know, the intifada featured the murder of civilians and the setting of bombs on buses and public places.    It was a call for murder by the UW crowd.

To attempt to prevent the outside world from knowing about the genocidal calls at these UW rallies, the organizers had bouncers in masks and yellow masks that attempted to cover the lens of smartphones and cameras of those trying to record the proceedings.

How can the UW administration allow such rallies for genocide on the UW campus?  Why is the SUPER group still an approved UW student group?  

The UW provides unending "training" about microaggressions and the importance of using the correct person pronouns.  There is a very expensive UW DEI bureaucracy (about 20 million dollars per year) that supposedly is there to prevent minorities from being discriminated against.  But there is not a peep from this huge bureaucracy when Jews are being directly threatened with extinction and Jewish students on campus are in a state of fear, a situation that has gotten international attention.  Jews don't count.  There is a name for this.

Remember the violence in 2020, when many stores were looted, damaged, and destroyed in Seattle?  Same attitude: violence for a righteous cause is OK.  And the city still has not recovered from their actions.

A week ago, a local evangelical church put on a rally FOR Israel on the UW campus and invited the son of one of the Hamas founders to speak at their church.  A few days later, one of their churches was broken into and trashed.

Political violence is never ok.  Genocide is never ok.  And the University of Washington has failed grievously to teach its students this lesson.”

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This article speaks to how we got to this astoundingly hypocritical, terrifyingly hateful place ... https://hollymathnerd.substack.com/p/when-crisis-brings-clarity

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Thank you for sharing your powerful story. Beautiful, heartfelt, real.

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Beautiful essay, Ms. Wolf.

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The leaders of the two sides - Israeli and Palestinian - pushing hatred and division are not just prejudiced partisans, they are controlled by higher-ups - the same ones who purposely manufactured & coordinated the international COVID & vax nightmare. All wars are bankers' wars. (Organizational chart here: "Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box" https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/organizational-chart-bank-for-international?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2). And these international bankers are luciferian, pedophilic occultists driven by satanic religious fervor and, at the top, likely perfect demonic posession.

As ridiculous as it probably sounds to every normal, sane, busy person who hasn't yet followed the evidence -- and this evidence is admittedly *very, very* well hidden in a plan that has slowly come to fruition over at least a few centuries -- they are probably clearing out Israel to build the Third Temple and introduce what some of them may think is the Messiah, who is actually the luciferian antichrist.

What better way to start a clearing-out war than to false-flag a horrific attack by your "enemies," or allow a "surprise" attack which shockingly and suddenly supposedly "defeats" all your best-in-class intelligence and defense forces? BTW I believe that ALL the top governmental leaders are in on this - Israeli but also Palestinian, Muslim, British, American, Russian, Chinese, etc., as well as, by now, leaders in all the major institutions including big business & finance, education, medicine, science, news media, major NGOs & charities, many top religious leaders, big tech, entertainment, sports, etc. And the governmental leaders are not the top leaders in their hidden cult organization. They don't all know the total plan, but they have to be willing to "play ball" with the occultist powerbrokers to move up in the ranks.

This aggression in the Holy Land will also propel the world into a wider war, massive death counts, & economic collapse, which they will then "solve" with the antichrist's "peace" through totalitarian control & the satanic mark of the beast. In another fantastic, hard-to-believe move for those who haven't looked at the evidence, there is likely to be some kind of false "alien contact" disclosure as well, that they've been preparing us for psychologically for a long time through the media. This will help to unite a fearful world that has been shocked & traumatized by their engineered wars, diseases, and economic disasters.

The answer to this is to come to Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, the glory of Israel and a light to the Gentiles, in His one Church - the Catholic Church (traditionally referred to in the feminine pronoun). She has been infiltrated in her hierarchy by the same luciferians that are on the outside, and she is currently going through her own "passion" to reflect the Passion of Her Savior, but the traditional Latin Mass community is generally clued-in more than most and will be a refuge in these end times, and in the very good times to come afterwards.

See these free resources for some of the evidence: Altiyan Childs (5 hour video on Rumble exposing Freemasonry), Jay Dyer, and authors/journalists/bloggers Joshua Charles, James Perloff (also has info on the history of the false Protestant teaching of "the rapture, https://jamesperloff.net/war-on-christianity-part-2/), James Corbett, Dave McGowan (now deceased, but his website Center for an Informed America is still active), Daniel O'Connor, Isaac Weishaupt (pseudonym; website IlluminatiWatcher.com). The pro-life website LifeSiteNews also has some of this. The deceptions have been very, very deep.

May God bless you and your loved ones, and may he send the Holy Ghost to sanctify us and guide us into all truth, virtue, and charity.

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Return to the Nakba. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html It started with Bolshevism and 200 years together by solzhenitsyn.

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I know this isn't exactly on topic for this post, but your newest book arrived a couple of days ago, and I just started reading.

You were hot out of the gate on this one! From page 24 concerning changes in the media, "They became media versions of sex workers, scheduling time to deliver blow jobs to whomever would write them the biggest checks."

Such talk from a liberal elitist! There is still hope in this world. I feel a five-star rating coming on.

Your book is now on the top of my reading pile.

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Naomi - please read this CJ Hopkins post and in particular the comments, from a person posting as HeadandHeart, an Israeli Jew who shares what is really going on in Israel right now.


She includes a link to an outstanding piece by Chris Hedges, which everyone should read right now. Here it is:


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Thank you for sharing your history and the observations that you have experienced through it in your times spent in Israel.

As I was reading through it a teacher I had in high school came to mind. There was several opportunities for people during that time to form opinions which could develop strong sentiments of opinions on taking a stance, one of which was the war in Vietnam. This teacher had our class participate in a project. She had several situations that we discussed which were subjects that caused people of that time, and in our class, to have very strong opinions tending to one or the other point of view,. potentially dividing those of opposing sentiments from one another on the social level. The project was to form teams of 2-4 people with strong pro and con feelings about something, like the war and develop points to be debated. That required us to do some deep thinking and research to support our stances. It was quite interesting. When those debates were finished, and we thought we'd be moving on to some other project, she surprised us by informing us that was just part one of the project. Part two was that we had to switch sides of the debates we had just had and to do so with the same vigor. Same teams, but approaching from the 'other side of the fence.' That required us to research and adjust our frame of mind.

I have never forgotten that project. I even saw her a few decades after the fact and told her that it was a lesson I try to incorporate in my life since then. It brought her to tears. It has also played a part of my considerations with all that has been happening, especially with the C-19 fiasco the world has been put through these past years and now, on the heels of that, the current happenings in Israel. It breaks my heart to observe and hear some of the postulations presented, while people from both communities are being attacked/threatened/suffering...

Your writing actually gives me hope that others can and do have similar ponderings.

I feel, with all that you have been writing about, researching and sharing the results of over the past few years, it shows a strength in your character that so many more would benefit from adopting and exercising. Thank you for leading by example.... By the way... that high school instructor whose project is one of the top projects I feel I ever really learned something valuable from during that time of my life... she is of the Jewish faith, and I think she would give you high marks for what you did as a 19-year-old and how that has played into you life since then. Kudos.... and blessings to you Naomi.

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Thank you for sharing. So well said.

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I am on the side of those who suffer, whoever they may be. That means I am on the side of every single human being, because everyone suffers.

"Grief enough for all" -- I believe this contains the seed of some "solution". It is something that everyone has in common, something every Israeli and every Palestinian, every human has in common. We suffer and experience deep wells of grief. Rather than let that divide us -- "hurt-people hurt people" -- it is possible to use that as a common factor to bring us into communication, to bring us into empathy with each other, which your own personal experience demonstrates so well.

Upon reading some of the comments, I realized that your piece has helped a transformation in me. In the last month I has seen many people advocating for genocide in various ways, and it always made me extremely angry. I angrily confronted two of those people (on the internet) and they both responded that I must "support evil", etc. My hope was to simply point out that genocide is never a good answer, should never even be considered; I failed in that, unfortunately, and I believe it was in part due to my anger, which, however understandable, didn't actually create any opportunity for communication or empathy.

There are a number of people in the comments to this piece advocating for genocide (both of Israelis/Jews and Palestinians). First this brought up a deep grief for me, that people can be so blind to other's humanity, to their own humanity. But then I felt compassion for those people who were advocating genocide, because I understand that they themselves are operating from some deep wounds/trauma. Rather than anger, I felt compassion for their suffering, and prayers for all those who would destroy themselves by destroying others.

This is the transformation, anger to compassion, compassion for the wounds that lead people to dehumanize others, while holding the hope and possibility that they heal from these wounds and become advocates for all of humanity.

Wishing suffering on others is the same as wishing suffering on ourselves. My hope is that we can soon see this clearly, so that we will come together in our common suffering, our common humanity.

Thank you for writing what is terrifying for you. I'm hoping that you can take care of yourself in the face of the negativity that is directed at you.

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Read the comments, Naomi - you try to reach out, and the people reading support killing and raping you as a colonialist were you in Israel still - because despite never being an Arab state, despite the clear Jewish history and (small) Jewish population that had managed to stay for centuries, the fact that the ratio of non-Jew to Jew in 1917 or so was 8 to 1 means as that every grain of sand had to belong to non-Jews, and Jews could never be apportioned any land to rule themselves. Because Jews are lesser. So they celebrate the murder of civilian Jews as “anti-colonial resistance” and cry over deaths of civillian Gazans, trapped by Hamas murderers, because different rules apply.

You can’t win with them. They would kill you just the same. Not everyone is good. In fact, many people are evil. That you can’t comprehend the Nazis… or their spiritual dependent Jihadis… well, that is you weakness. Not everyone is good. Not everyone is decent. When you can fathom why the Nazis were Nazis, why the Sunni and Shiites in Iraq (or Yemen, or Syria) strap bombs to themselves to murder other Muslims… then you will be able to write with more wisdom, rather than extremely naive romanticism.

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There are decent people among the Palestinian Arabs… but not enough of them to matter.

Look at the Christian Arabs… under Israeli rule, Bethlehem was a Christian town. Under the Palestinian Authority, it has effectively been ethnically cleansed.

Or go back to 47 and 48. The British partitioned former Turkish controlled lands (parts of various units, not any “Palestine”) so that the areas with a Jewish majority would be under their rule, the parts with a non-Jewish Arab majority - many of whom were just as much immigrants over the prior 60-80 years as the majority of Jews, look at the census numbers, look at Chechen churches, etc., - to (another) Arab state. It was not the Jews who rejected that partition. It was the Arabs, who continued their prior allegiance with Hitler to again attempt a genocide of the Jews and the theft of the land. This following pre-Israel pogroms, and followed by terrorism that continued well before the Egyptian KGB asset Arafat was a thing.

They Arab attempt at genocide failed, and the Arabs suffered consequences… and yes, horrific things happened in war, including some committed by Jews. But the entire Nakba narrative is merely an attempt to continue the war of extermination against the Jews - and the more honest Arabs (annd Muslims) admit it, and the moral ones oppose it.

Meanwhile, Israel let its Arab population grow and grow… not just that, but today Gaza itself has more people than all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza had in 1947… so much for genocide - whic( Usreal could in fact conduct in days if not hours.

Naomi… I understand you want to find the good in people, but at the end of the day, the old saw is true, if the Jews of Israel laid down their arms, they would be dead. If the Palestinian Arabs did, we would have peace.

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