We woman have own talents, not competition against men. It’s silly. We are unique in our own way. There shouldn’t be competition, but coordination!!!

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This is about men who would never succeed, and so they have the strength to conquer woman who have less strength . They should be ashamed because woman do not have the physical strength that men have.Therefore the reason for men to compete together, and women to compete amongst themselves. It has been so for decades. The poor men who have no talent can only win, because of their strength against woman. Woman should not have to compete with men, whose strength; ie, hight, weight strength. It is why men play sports together and woman play sports together. Stop the stupidity and let the men play, as well as woman in their own environment! Stop this stupidity and let woman and men continue in their own space.

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Then again, it's kinda awesome to see women whining that they lost their Gold Medal Position on the Podium at the Oppression Olympics.

You reap what you sow.

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NO men in woman's sports! They (men) are stronger than woman and thus it isn't fair. It is not fair to woman to have a man enter a woman's looker room and tell her what to do.

It deprives woman of their Constitutional, and Bill of Rights. It also Military, medical, and educational institutions should not be forced. Grocery stores other stores, banks, and churches should NEVER mandate anyone !

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And paging Gloria (fraud) Steinem and Hillary (Marxist) Clinton. Martina N (tennis player) sure shut up from her initial very public outrage about all this. Women, you were had since the 1960's. Look at the destruction of the family and homes and now this since all the feminism lies.

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I don't take my youngest daughter to the public library or the public pool, like i did with her seven older siblings.

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Sadly you can't. I live in the town where the guy was caught clearly on video placing his phone under a girl's skirt (she was wearing an extremely short dress - what he did was wrong, but ladies, come on dress appropriately) and only was caught because this woman saw him following her and sensed something was wrong. The store? Target.

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Such a shame on us. I recently visited for the first time an old mineral-water swimming complex, now in ruins, where my mother and uncle swam as kids in the 1930s. There were two large pools. On the wall and still visible in fading paint over one pool are the words, “Men’s Pool.” On the wall over the other pool, “Women’s Pool.” We used to understand and observe propriety. We need to find our way back. “This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls’” (Jeremiah 6:16).

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Sadly there is no "find our way back." God said these days would come. And it is important to take the Scripture in its' context. Jeremiah was speaking to the nation of Judah.

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“The ears of those who hear will listen” (Isaiah 32:3). “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Let it speak to you, and never give up. You’ll be less tired : )

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Uh, what? Yes, all Scripture is inspired by God. You still shouldn't take Scripture out of context. Sorry.

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"All is ... and is." Revelation 22:19. "And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll."

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Torah is very clear about God’s perspective on homosexuality and transgender issues. Both are condemned by the God of Israel. Homosexuality was to be punished by death. (Leviticus 20:13) Dressing like the opposite gender was forbidden to Jews and is abhorrent to God. (Deuteronomy 22:5) Anyone who truly believes in God will not participate in these behaviors or activities.

I do not support the LHPAPMaaoP agenda. For those who need assistance with this alphabet group, that stands for Lesbians, Homosexuals (I refuse to use the word they have tried to co-opt to describe themselves), Polygamists, Adulterers, Pedophiles, Molesters, and all other Perversions.

What is the point in “women’s sports” if they are not for women? David Crowe (The Infectious Myth podcast) interviewed a lady about this several years ago. An excellent interview about this topic. One thing that was pointed out was how it took about 100 years to get women’s sports and about 1 year to lose them. The interview can be found here: https://archive.org/details/TheInfectiousMyth/256+%E2%80%93+Male+Bodies+in+Women%E2%80%99s+Sports+%E2%80%93+Linda+Blade+%E2%80%93+The+Infectious+Myth+(26.05.20).mp3 It is called “Male Bodies in Women’s Sports – Linda Blade – The Infectious Myth (26.05.20)”

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I agree with a Christian man who has written several books on the subject, David Fiorazo, by saying all of this is to move our culture to legalizing allowing children to be used for whatever these demons want (I can't even write out the term). People need to look around. Our innocent children are being thrown to the wolves.

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I said from the beginning of “covid” that it was going to be like the Spanish Inquisition.

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Agree. I wrote to one of the WH officials that was on Facebook in the beginning that the "15 days to slow the spread" was like martial law. (It was.) She slapped me back saying how horrible I was to not believe that the government was looking out for us. Where is she now? Hyper critical of the former President. I've asked for an apology many times since I was right. Crickets.

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Excellent interview!

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NM is worse than San Francisco and many others. In Oct 2020 my son and family, 5 total, visited us. The 7 of us could not sit together at restaurants. Crazy people were given a number to report businesses and motels with customers and did. Many, many small businesses went under. We moved here in 5 of 2020, worst mistake of our lives. I'm in a wheelchair and Albuquerque followed mask mandates, etc. But ADA is not followed. When we moved, all rest stops were closed and no public restrooms. I got a severe UTI, left untreated first emergency room, had to leave AMA. Got so sick, I went to a different emergency room. I magically had covid, oh and a UTI. It was like being in the movie ET. Few medical workers, triple masked, owned and gloved. I didn't exhibit symptoms, disappointment from staff. I lived, praise God, obviously but after getting 3 days of antibiotics and certain covid treatments, I refused the experimental one and left AMA again. Security was the main number of workers. Fear porn still going on in Albuquerque. 100% democratic government. It pains me that you and this guest still identify as progressive. These people are killing and stealing from the middle class and working poor. The other party is not much better. They are so corrupt we need to speak out on so many issues.

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You ought to look up Steve Smotherman who is the pastor at Legacy Church. He went head to head with your horrible governor and refused to back down. She finally blinked. He has many interviews with several on the podcast Stand Up for the Truth. There are good people in NM trying to take a stand against horrible odds

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From the social divisions drawn during the COV2 fraud, to the falsification of Zionist criticism as anti-semitism to the current police crackdowns occurring across campuses to he insertion of XY into XX domains to the obvious, blatant stifling of speech to lopsided court decisions, all through the use of consistent mainstream media bourn messaging there appears to be a pattern developing of concerted, coordinated efforts to divide and disarm the public. Speaking directly to the concept of branding as Jennifer Sey brings out here is important as it highlights the collusion between brands necessary to perpetuate the effort to divide our culture, in this case along the line of XX identity, which is now being cynically cast as loose and non-specific to chromosomal differences. Witness the emphasis on androgyny in fashion adds. The "solution" ( to what is in actuality an imaginary non-distinction construct) which Jen noted e.g. that XY sports should be "open" to all comers seems a logical one. At the level of little league(LL) baseball and flag football this system already exists and having had a grandson involved in both there were definitely no complaints when in many instances some well disciplined and focused girls were clearly outperforming males on the same fields. I do realize that major physical differences between XX & XY do not become apparent until puberty and beyond, however, if this youthful acceptance of XX by XY players/coaches/parents were to be perpetuated past the puberty milestone during school sports into high school level competition/participation its rarity as an implemented "solution" would become instead commonplace. Varsity teams have always had tryouts and cuts and would continue to do so. If XX athletes are made aware of this as younger players, it becomes just a matter of course e.g. a 12 Y.O. girl's 60 MPH fastball in LL won the XX/XY team honors, upon tryouts in H.S. against boys pitching 80MPH, her pitching is not going to cut it. She will be well aware of this physical disparity and will have adjusted her sights accordingly ( with no hurt feelings) Or, conversely, if she can meet the H.S. team standard she will be welcome onto a team interested in highest level performances. JV XY or Varsity XX are always options as well. Maybe the reasons are obscure to me, but I can't see any reason why adult XYs couldn't handle a girl on their team(s) as long as they "make the cut". ("Club" status teams can have their own standards) Distinct XY & XX locker room facilities are always acceptable and available. XX should never accept XY anywhere i.e on the field, on the ice, on the court, in the gym, in the ring or in the locker room. Chromosomal differences would be revealed by confidential questionnaire and the honor system would serve for

enforcement. Physical observation of hip and facial structures are strong evidence of someone having falsified their personal information. If any of you remember the movie " The Crying Game" it featured a transvestite male ( very convincingly) dressed as a female. Their chromosomal ID was not revealed until fairly well into the movie when the audience was shocked at the male genitalia exposed for the first time. Although I didn't tell my viewing partner until after the movie, but I knew 'she" was a "he" the first time I saw them on screen. The hips were too narrow and short to be female. Besides which ( off the screen in life) estrogen leaves a very distinctive chemical trace in the atmosphere. Essentially, since these physical attributes ( though not infallibly detected and properly attributed) are usually fairly easily ascertained by the opposite sex, the honor system should work.

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Simple solution. Make clear that all these spaces for 'women' are actually spaces for 'females'. Sure, you're a woman *rolls eyes*, but you're a male woman. This is a space for FEMALES.

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What did feminist women do when men tried to have all male spaces?

What's good for the gander is good for the goose.

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I graduated from an all women's college in Macon, Georgia. (I only attended because of a professor who I would be studying with and got an almost full ride.) I vote every single all women's college or university have to immediately become co-ed. Every single one of them.

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There is an actual factual WAR on women as well as on our Mother Gaia - its so tawdry and blatant. But its not working. Perhaps we will have to operate our cown sports and media and fashion and life style and leave them in crazy town? This yet another ludicrous insult and retrogressive move i cant even be angry about it.The rise and rise of the Female Psychopath - who is currently rewarded inside the Babylon death cult ( Jezebel spirit) shown to us in the collective vias nasties like Anna Wintour Vogue Editor, Hilary Clinton, Ghislaine Maxwell, Elizebeth Holmes ( Thanatos fraude now in jail) and Anna solkin Fake heiress also in jail and on Netflix as a fantastic demonstration of this continued distortion. Just as you cant fix stupid - you cant negotiate with crazy. It is what it is!

Happily there is a really easy fun and sexy solution;

No. No is a full sentence. And if we the collective gently but firmly stand on this and Go Elijah - The Jezebel spirit crumbles. Look at Johnny Depp and his brave No to Amber Turd.

FYI I am about to go public in UK taking an actual factual female QC/KC Dominique Rawley to court then prison - caught with her pants down by me exposed as a satanist who stole my house furniture life and is an Apex predator suffering from something called 'Single White Female Syndrome' this another sick distortion playing out in teh collective so it can be healed. So do watch this space as im forcing a really nasty to exlpain herself in public and forcing her to tell the TRUTH the WHOLE truth and nothing but the TRUTH.

CONCLUSION; Interesting as we all know 'THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE' Poor old Ripp off Rawley will be set free by going to jail where she can muse on the fact crime doesn't pay.

Stand firm and gentle this is the last gasp of a dying and desperate distortion that gets more vapid and ridiculous every day.

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Should women's sport even go to these spaces? There was a reason for the the ancient "salt the ground" custom: leave that field and start anew?

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lovely comment. Salt in the ground. Gorgeous. Great suggestion. If we simply walk off the pitch they have nothing to fight. Its getting tedious now. Thanks for sharing. With a bit of luck they will all turn into pillars of salt soon. Dont look back!!

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Women need to stand up and speak up . I was fortunate to get a full athletic scholarship in the 70’s due to title 9. Predators were around in the 70’s as well . Coaches yelling about your weight and body shaming is nothing new at the elite level . Great interview, dug up old memories , we had similar paths .

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Totally agree. We have voices for a reason. And 'body shaming' is outrageous. I did a 30 year stretch in Fashion Vogue etc - and would NEVER allow such practise. Predators need a well aimed kick in the balls.

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Stop supporting sporting bodies and brands who endorse this lunacy!

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So, I’ve thought a lot about what this agenda means to accomplish… and this is what I’ve determined

The trans agenda means for every sane thinking person to affirm the delusion of the trans individual… affirm that they are the opposite sex … which is a bald face lie.

The nazi’s angled to do the same. They told sane thinking people… that a whole race of people was evil… that the aryan race was superior … and everyone had to fall into line and agree.

It was the same sort of underlying fraudulent agenda

Affirm a bald face lie… and silence any intent to speak the truth… in an ultimate effort to control people.

The playbook of narcissists and sociopaths is relatively small and repetitive

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The ultimate goal is to legalize and "normalize" sex with children and let those demons control everything. It is digusting and pure evil. But look back 15 years ago and compare to where we are. Obama did promise "change you can believe in." One day they will be held to account. One day.

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yes well said. Plus its now proven via science that they are all thickos. They are left brained vapid idiots. And once we get hold of that and square up to them - they are bullies and all bullies are cowards. They run. Those who need to control are out of control. End of!

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That is why they are wearing masks. Too much of a coward to show themselves. Can you imagine those morons on the beaches of Normandy or those who ran to enlist after 9/11? Our future is very bleak in America because these snowflakes have"flurries" coming right them. Thankful my hope is in the Lord.

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