
interesting article not to do with this, but in terms of your piece on how people seem to have changed.

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yup 2 1st statments total contradictions ? Wordy salad. Well the world is a banana republic now, corporations have run riot with licences to loot and and tax us into poverty, 'you will own nothing and be happy'

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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Never occurs to the left that martyrs change the world. Who'd have thought Trump, whose entire life has been an exercise in excess, would redeem himself in the winter of his life by martyrdom?

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The bizarre comments on this page regarding Trump only serve to show how lost our country is. Barely a comment about brain dead Biden, his ties to China and the Ukraine, his detestable son, and how he’s brought our country into irreversible decline. But plenty of comments on Trump’s ego, as if the stark problems we face as a country don’t exist. And to see Wolf having “liked” the most offensive Trump comment so far… further proof to me that very little makes sense anymore.

I’m not necessarily supporting Trump here. I’m supporting truth. And logic. And I champion the ability of human beings to steel themselves from propaganda and brainwashing to find clarity. I don’t think there’s a comment here, just yet, that exemplifies any of those qualities—-for or against Trump.

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This is such an important point. It's not just metastasized TDS going to stupid levels of hypocrisy to take him down in hopes of taking him out of the election. And getting high on Trump-punishment fantasies. It's to stop all future inquires into elections.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome appears to be akin to rabies, mad-cow disease, Tourette syndrome, and demonic possession. I finally met TDS in all its seething irrationality. It infects an old friend I hadn’t spoken with in a while. He’s a well-educated professional, typically quite thoughtful and logical. He loves philosophy and claims adherence to the Socratic epistemology of “all I know is that I know nothing.” But he knows he hates Trump, and now I know it too. I didn’t defend or show any sympathy for Trump. In fact, I readily and multiple times acknowledged and denounced Trump’s ego and insults and a temperament which we would have never tolerated in a presidential candidate had not Hillary been his opponent. I simply commented that claims of election interference raise significant questions dismissed by courts on procedural grounds rather than close examinations of evidence. My friend literally lost his ability to communicate without spewing strings of anti-Trump invectives, like the venting of a fevered spleen. Nothing I said to show agreement with him or restore civility could penetrate the raw hatred. I’ve never seen anything like it. TDS may be incurable, and I’m afraid it’s terminal.

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Trump’s ego and insults!? At least he has a heartbeat. How do your brainwashed friends explain away Biden?

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One brainwashed and remote friend, my friend. Biden wasn't the topic. I threw him every bone I could imagine figuring he had reasons beyond Trump hatred to justify voting for Hillary or casting a protest ballot in 2016. He diatribed and wouldn’t even acknowledge the “lesser of two evils” and “enemy of my enemy” arguments. He still claims to be a conservative Socratic logician, but nothing touches his TDS. Maybe he’s embarrassed and too proud of himself to admit he got duped.

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I previously had TDS, not obsessively, but it flared up at the worst times - that kept me from understanding the depth of deception in the covid narrative much sooner. I was on the phone with a friend who said, "today President Trump ...", and it sounded like she said his name with a respectful tone. I was so taken aback by that, that I didn't hear the rest of what she was saying. I didn't erupt in an anti-Trump tirade, but I went on an inner mental loop of disbelief that anyone could say his name with respect.

Meanwhile, what I missed out on hearing, after that all powerful syllable beginning with T, was about hydroxychloroquine. I had an allergy to anything that could be associated with Trump, or the "right wing". I was able to listen much later, to the FLCCC doctors, because .. well, they were on Team Blue. And Blue = Good, Red = Bad.

What a stupid, judgemental, narrow way to think. I now see how ridiculous it was to judge so quickly, to internalize the narrative of fact checkers (ugh). I didn't trust big media like NYT / CNN / WaPo, but I thought further left media, that claimed to be independent, media was somehow better. I thought looking on google / wikipedia / and, cringe, Snopes, was part of doing one's own research to vet claims that seemed like speculation but I thought I was giving some openness to by being willing to look on google.

I had no idea how deep the deception went, and how much they used TDS as tool of manipulation.

I watched Plandemic, but a rebuttal to it from some mainstream media site made sense to me also. Then I saw Judy Mitkovitz in an interview where she simply nodded in agreement to someone saying that Trump is "a patriot". Then I closed down about her and Plandemic. If someone can see anything good in Mr T, then she probably is getting everything else wrong, I thought ...

Then I saw how the media treated the covid doctors after I finally listened to them. Groups like MoveOn I had once respected were sending emails about dangerous Senator Ron Johnson listening to horse paste quacks, and using that as fundraising to get him out of office. Daily Kos morphed from kinda obnoxious to seriously evil.

Now I see how so much of the immediate reaction around Trump is manufactured by the media. And in learning about cluster B, HG Tudor has a concept of a "lesser narcissist" - someone who is obviously obnoxious, immature, clearly big ego, poor self control, etc. Tudor says Trump is a "lesser narcissist". Makes sense. In general, they are far less dangerous than more calculated psychopaths, who want to control everyone's genetics, and thoughts, and movements, instead of settle for their name on lots of products and properties.

But because Trump's ego focus is clumsy and obvious, and the media does what they do, it's like he's the worst person in the world.

I see how that if he was president instead of Biden's corpse, we wouldn't be giving billions and blood to Ukraine, there would not have been "vaccine" mandates, even tho there would still have been horrific lies about safe and effective instead of taking them off the market and pursuing accountability, and there wouldnt be as much support for children being poisoned from the trans cult.

TDS isn't always incurable and terminal ...

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Once you understand that fascism is a thing of the left, not the right, everything becomes clear.

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Exactly. Nothing but hot air. Nothing criminal.

I myself would bring up the Twitter and Facebook Files in service of the case for election interference... but in any case, Trump has clearly done nothing wrong in contesting an election that was - even if it could be shown to be pure as the driven snow, which it can't - manifestly unusual.

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I find that wise words often come from those who escaped Totalitarian states and came to live in the US. They have a perspective that is outside the typical American's experience. Seek them out.

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How Corporations overthrew Democracy, detailing the specific measures instituted around the globe that have sought to guarantee private profits for major transnational corporations at the expense of democracy — measures that have included everything from violent coups to international “free trade” agreements that are anything but free… >>> An interview: Here’s Why You Don’t Live In A Democracy Anymore >>> June 4, 2023 >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__BTVcmRpcc

Worthy of reading: Silent Coup by Matt Kennard

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Dr Naomi Wolf, sensible, sharp, and always spot on.

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The fictional part is that Democrats have recently engaged in some sort of fake elector scheme. They haven’t. And in the relatively ancient cases cited, there was a genuine and colorably legitimate electoral dispute beyond just being a sore loser. Despite years of effort, Trump has shown nothing but hot air.

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It appears you created an account solely to make this comment. Therefore, I’m not going to reiterate the mountains of evidence that there was election cheating in a multitude of states.

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Please don’t rehash all the long-discredited “evidence” - it has all been debunked over and over and over and over. Here’s something for you to not read…


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Oh Bubba. If you had any idea what was really going on in the world, stolen elections would seem trite. But hey, you stay in your bubble! I don’t blame you. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.

Stay pompous, Bubba! It makes for a good defensive wall when you think you know everything!

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People within the cult have jettisoned all pretense towards analysis and critical thinking in favor of the drug they need...certainty. In an uncertain world, and in the increasingly obvious destabilization of our society, they can only stave off panic by asserting a bravado of certainty that somebody is to blame, and "authorities" are taking care of it. Much like the assertion that "the adults are back" within the ludicrous sham of a Biden Administration, their air of certainty is being blasted again and again. The economy is approaching lethality, permanent lethality. Ukraine reveals that the U.S. is in fact the world's great terrorist nation. And then there is covid....lie after lie that soothed the cult members are now impinging on their frail egos because they are no doubt coming into contact with death and disability, chronic illness, and the steady drip of the lies being exposed and the extent to which they were wrong-wrong-WRONG about everything in their certainty. Their worlds are collapsing and they are rocking in the corner terrified that the one thing that united them, certainty that Trump-ers were the evil that must be resisted, is coming to be the greatest falsehood of all.

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Precedent and discovery.

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Do not worry. It's going to be fine in the end 🙂

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