You are genius and your logic clearly shows how good America could be....if people like you had the position to run it...thank-you.

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Oh, how I do hope that the Trump/Vance team sees this! They are truly getting terrible council - or none at all.

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Could you please put this in a format we can share on X and try to get many to send to Trump? I feel like this could be the difference on winning or losing the election we so badly need to win. Or would you be okay if I copy and paste this into a document with your name as authoring it to post on X? I wish you were on the Trump team!

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Yes! PLEASE?!!

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

I've been meaning to comment on your article for several days. Two thoughts. 1. Naomi, you hit it out of the park this time. Extraordinary work. 2. I have a different take on the "attempted" Trump assassination. From accoustic analysis of shots fired, sources reported hearing shots from a second shooter with a different sound profile than those from Thomas Crook's rifle (or whosever rifle it was). Assuming this is true, I believe this was an assassination warning. The shooter who hit Trump's ear was an excellent marksman who intended to only hit his ear, letting him and his team know how vulnerable he is and that, if elected, should avoid taking on the Deep State. They are that powerful.

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Numerous valid points about how to run a campaign when an actual election is occurring. Don’t know if we’re going to have one of those old fashioned events.

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Thank you Dr Wolfe! Tremendous and thoughtful suggestions. I hope the Trump and RFK Jr folks will listen.

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This whole article - discussing election tactics IN A COMPLETELY CORRUPT SYSTEM - is simply IGNORANT. Grow Up Naomi, or did you forget that there have been at least 5 (FIVE) COUPS (9-11, GFC/Obama Reign of Terror, COVID, 2020 Election, Biden Replaced) in the last 24 years?

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

Youre right. I lose all hope when I read these articles that help spread the lie that the elections are close. All the fraud we see and that gets caught and they still claim its neck and neck. They could stop the count and kick out all the Republicans poll watchers and people would still believe the election was legit. Oh wait...that already happened. There were 22 million more votes in 2020 than there were people registered to vote. The internet of course changed this information since but not before I checked. Now they claim 161 million as of 2023.... which would mean almost every registered voter voted in 2020 which we all know is nonsense. Many have registered since. Its discouraging reading articles based on CNN polls as if they are the gold standard and couldnt possibly be faked.

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SADLY very insightful. Likely correct given the history, which is long and w/o end.

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Numerous smart people have given him similar advice, including in 2020, but his hubris prevented him from listening to or taking it. His lack of discipline is going to lose us our country.

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Trump is not applying your essential steps to bridge the gap in our lawful voting populace. For a brief moment after assassination he awoke announcing he was seeking office for all Americans. I was hopeful but IT DIDN'T LAST. He has reverted to his populist MAGA mantra. He is not convincing new voters to switch but further alienating them when desperately needed

Meanwhile Harris's repeated "I can imagine what can be, and be unburdened by what has been." is devious. It is a Marxist incantation (not just simplistic word salad) according to New Discourses author James Lindsay). Further public "struggle sessions" pressed upon "White Dudes" evokes demeaning confessions for change expiated by voting for her.

RFK JR neither insults or indoctrinates in his appeals for address what changes are needed to get America back on track starting w free speech and ending catastrophic "Forever Wars" which started with uncle JFK's assassination in 1963.

51% independent voters is a large swing vote to persuade & engage to vote at the polls....changes in course.

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This article is so spot on I don’t think Trump is trying to win independent voters. He never speaks to them from their perspective or tells them where he plans to go for that swath of America. In other words it seems like talking about crowd size is more important than how we feel. People have been trained to live life based on feelings. The great education experiment in socialism. Kamala’s team is tapping into the new culture of people moved by emotions. That is why they are winning. The programming is working as planned. Then you throw in non citizens voting and they have it in the bag. People put too much faith in humanism and not enough in what could actually save them. It’s the heart stupid. Either it is good or it is not. Americas heart is no longer rooted in righteousness.

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You are right but they are not winning. They are lying about their numbers, as always.

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I have attributed many of America’s problems to our own sins, especially against the apple of his eye.

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God always preserves his elect.

today we do not recognize who the elect are.

Go to sermon audio.com search for topics like “who are the Jews”

The true Jew has always been those with the faith of Abraham looking forward to Christ

And after Christ ascended into heaven, those who have accepted his blood as Messiah.

Ancestral links to Abraham, do not matter anymore.

The writers the New Testament especially Paul went to great lengths to explain this

if you take time to study God’s Word it’s very clear.

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None dare attribute this to God’s wrath and judgment for failing to obey His Law.

Read Isaiah 19 substitute America for Egypt.

It does appear that America is in Habakkuk Chapter 1.

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I love how articulate you are. You really are telling the R's how to win the presidency and other races. AS well as How to be mature adults and stick to what matters. Do not go into the bedrooms, do not go into frat rooms... Stick to what is important, States rights around abortion, economics, groceries, gas and border! Stick to these topics.....No blaming, no shaming. You are amazing, I am so glad to know you.

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Border, finish the Wall, find the 85,000 lost children, orderly deportation, renew Trump tax cuts, not Tax on Tips or Social Security, Negotiate peace deals with Ukraine, Russia, renew sanctions on Iran-bleed them dry, let Israel finish its war, be an ally and provide weapons. Bring hostages home.

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You're like a fox news version of the Onion. You eventually make some decent points, unfortunately you needlessly ramble on and on.

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I agree with what this lady writes about the scamdemic, but on some other issues..? No one to welcome the war criminal Netanyahu? You’ve got to be kidding….Harris did the right thing by snubbing the psychopath. Not one word about stopping the billions sent to the criminal state of isra-hell? Ms Wolf, do you think it’s ok what Israhell is doing to the innocent old people, women, and children in Palestinian with our tax money? Not a word about stopping the billions going to prop up another criminal enterprise, Ukraine? Along with immigration and the avoidance of WWIII that israhell and supporters of war in Ukraine seem to be leading us into, these should be the top issues of any presidential campaign. Thomas Massie for president!

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The first and only sentiment of Kamala's (VP Harris?! Please.) that I ever found worthy of endorsement was her snubbing of the genocidal Bibi. (Prime Minister?! Please. Please. Please!) Would you have honored Adolf? No? Then why do you honor Bibi? C'mon Dr. Wolf. You're smarter than that. You have a kinder heart than that. You are more compassionate and fair minded than that. When will you be willing to call out the Zionist murderers for what they are?

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13

Just so you know my biases: My favorites include: Brandon Smith of alt-market.com, Jimmy Dore, The Duran, Catherine Austin Fitts, Max Blumenthal & wife Anya Parampil, Aaron Maté, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Russell Brand, WillDoFreedom (Willem Engel who bravely speaks out against tyranny and was arrested for it), Norman Finkelstein, Jewish Voice for Peace, Lewrockwell.com, and of course the illustrious Dr Naomi Wolf, etc.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14

I engage with at least half of that list on a daily basis. I appreciate you providing so many worthwhile sources of community and analysis! The Duran (Alex and Alexander) are very focused and an excellent source of intelligent commentary

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Ole JD is right there to put a knife in Trumps back for the globalists lol .... at least this selection cycle will not be without massive drama lol

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