
I read "The Bodies of Others", which I highly recommend - and I'm almost done reading "Facing the Beast". Loving it! I highly recommend it also..... Interesting, re the chapter Rock of Ages (M'aoz Tsur), my maternal grandmother, my Bubby (she would have been in your great-grandmother's generation), was also born in a small town in Romania, and her name was also Rose (Raisa)! The family was also orthodox. Her parents moved to England when she was 3 yrs old and she always claimed to be English - she was quite insulted when anyone referred to her Romanian roots. Her own mother, my great grandmother, was an herbalist/healer in Romania. Six degrees of separation! :-)

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Congrats on the book!

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Do you choose 9th November as the publication date because you were aware of its significance? It's what the Germans call 'Destiny Day' (Schicksalstag) because that was the day the 1848 revolution was crushed, the day the Kaiser abdicated in 1918, the day of Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, the day of Kristallnacht in 1938 and the day the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. (There's also a theory that the Nazis chose 9th November deliberately for the events of 1923 and 1938 because they wanted to create the symbolism of a 'Destiny Day'. But that can't apply to the fall of the Wall - can it?)

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I held my nose - but I pre-ordered on Amazon. Arriving ust in time for the Holidays! ha ha.

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It's time! - I washed away the bad Amazon taste in my mouth by upgrading to "Founding" here at Outspoken. That feels better!

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Thank you Dr. Naomi Wolf and great job!

You are far from alone in this fight, as most of the population, and others of importance are fighting as well. Truth be told, Special Forces and our active duty military have been actively fighting the Deep State for some time, (since 2017!) I recommend everyone watch THIS SHORT, INFORMATIVE FILM!


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Thank you Dr Wolf for writing this book.

We are facing a formidable foe. Other than courage, determination and intelligence we have one weapon: truth. But that simple and primitive arm may yet prove all-powerful, because what we are facing is a world where everything is false: lies cemented by fallacy. Such a world can resist for a long time. But every truth jolts it invisibly, and one ultimate truth, whether it be a book, podcast, video, or social media post, will make it collapse all at once, like the trumpets resounding at Jericho on the seventh day.

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Congratulations on achieving best seller status before the book is even available! I mentioned it in my own Substack essay: https://monachopsist.substack.com/p/is-a-jewish-feminist-leading-me-to

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Thank you so much!

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Dr. Naomi---I just ordered your newest tome on Amazon--and it is, of course, on their "wait list"...looking forward to reading it through eagerly - the beginning November is the release date--correct?

Happy, Healthy Rosh Hashanah to you and yours!

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And to you! Thank you friend!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Ordered. Thanks for being a true hero in this information war.

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Thank you!!

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I will definitely be purchasing your book. Can't wait to read it. I also shared to friends and family and a couple of safe social media sites. Thankyou for being you!

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Thank you so much!

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I ordered 10 copies! Will give them to family, my staff and friends.

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You are amazing! Thank you!!

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I ordered my book, Dr. Wolf! Love you and pray for your blessing, protection, discernment, and prosperity, that God would surround you with His presence, you and your entire family! What you are doing is critically important. These are dark times, and as is SO apparent, there are a lot of demonic forces at play. I don't know why more people don't see it, it's not even hidden anymore. I take solace in knowing that mightier is He who is within us, than the god of this fallen world. Let us unite and be loving and supportive and joyful!!! God wins in the end.

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Done. Ordered from Canada.

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Thank you so much!

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I just sent this to Naomi Klein:

Subject: The non-contradiction you discussed on democracynow.org

Dear Professor Klein,

Your interview with Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh was very interesting. I valued your insights about the dangers of right wing co-optation of our medical freedom movement.

However, and with all due respect, It is my belief that your negative views about resistors like myself to Covid repression, are a product of groupthink: not genuinely critical thought. Just as much as your book, the Shock Doctrine, while very valuable, betrayed your capitulation to the unofficial religion of the West: anti-communism.

A case in point from the interview yesterday:

You noted what you took to be a "contradiction" between the following two views of the medical freedom movement:

the Covid 19 virus was a bioweapon,

We oppose masking and Covid 19 vaccines mandates.

You asked the following. If we really believed that it was a bioweapon, why wouldn't we accept any measure to protect ourselves against it?

The only contradiction here is with your own belief that we should trust Fauci, Gates, Schwab and co. to have our best interests at heart. Where is the contradiction in thinking that Fauci, Gates, Schwab and co. both engineered the virus as a bioweapon--the more prevalent view, btw, is that it was created to establish a phony pretext for the vaccine mandates--and also engineered the vaccine to enslave or depopulate, or at least weaken the global working and middle class population?

I urge to open up your mind to the possibility that Covid repression is a tool in the class struggle by the capitalist ruling class against the global working class, and that it is by no means "progressive" to support it.

I recommend reading the following:

Kees van der Pijl, States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check, Clarity Press, 2021

Down With the Lockdowns! - The Working Class Must Defend Itself (icl-fi.org)

Stop The Great Reset! – Red Fire (redfireonline.com)

I would be happy to discuss this matter further with you, at your convenience.


Professor Thomas Smith

Queens, New York

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Thank you sir! I heard parts of the same interview yesterday while driving. The idea of tradition-based/unco-opted left or environmental resistance is summarily dismissed. The concept of an anarchist resistance isn't even noticed.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf


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Thank you!!

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