Excellent interview, very edifying

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Interesting conversation. I didn’t know what the SEC was until almost halfway through when he said the words. :)

The subheadings are really bad. People being “debunked” (instead of de-banked), and much more. I have to ignore them. They drive me crazy.

I’m very glad the Supreme Court made a decision to protest liberty in this case, and that the guest has been vindicated.

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American HERO….. a true David vs Goliath story ( & yet another blatant Obama political target hit….). So proud of you Mr Jarkesy & grateful for your fortitude- Thank you!

Thanks to you too Dr Naomi for bringing this story forward- a face, name, voice, heart - wonderful “J”ournalism!

To anyone who knows: Why on appeal, are there no damages, court fees & recompense awarded in these sorts of battles?

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Huge interview. This is the guy who made it happen. Really interesting.

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Excellent work Dr. Wolf. Thank you for this. This is a monumental ruling by the SCOTUS.

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It is interesting what he had to say about small businesses. I was with a client on Monday and they brought up the topic of the debate, but it circled round to the general issues of just how hard it is to do business today. This couple is semi-retired, came to the US probably early 80s, had their own business. I asked the guy, if you were the age you were when you came to the US today, would you? The answer was no - too difficult. I think that says a lot. (I am I SF and I brought up the issue that is it the US or CA? They did concede that things might be different here. Still....)

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Who are my fellow "Americans?" Who...ITAF...are my alleged...fellow..."Americans?" The "public servants" "working" in the "government," better known as the largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate? Are they my "fellow Americans?"

Who are my fellow Americans? And more importantly, where are my fellow Americans?

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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So very often these days I feel like I'm watching an old Elliot Ness episode....just sayin'.

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George JARKESY is a true American hero to stick out this fight for freedom and justice for 13 years. Generations will thank him for his tenacity and bravery.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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It’s amazing how many times I lose internet connection when I open up Substack in a separate browser window. I then have to wait for who knows what reason. So, besides this issue, my question is…will parents with a child who has been killed or injured due to the CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule ever be granted a trial by jury?

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Have you contacted CHD for Some Guidance?

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Well done Mr. Jarkesy! SCOTUS has been on a run lately of actually upholding Americans' rights...

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Great news. Thank you! 💖

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Just wait til inside-trading begins to be busted with CUSIP (cue-sip) numbers, in a big turn-around of the present situation. I cannot remember where I first heard about this--possibly from something on seeking-alpha and/ or Zero Hedge.

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