If you are in the health field, you know you are not allowed to say anything other than a pharma medicine is "effective" or even "works" OR you will be PROSECUTED> That is why those websites and published studies are constrained by that knowledge and have to hedge their words!

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this won't be won by heroes

but by all of us zeroes

when we reach critical mass

we will find this too shall pass


it takes true grassroots movement

to make some real improvement

the strategy we apply

steadfastly DO NOT COMPLY


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

#poem #DoNotComply

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Dear Naomi Wolf,

besides the inflationary use of the term "hate" these days in general,

just as a matter of fact, and I can speak to it, because I actually own a real garden, with lots of what nowadays is being called "biodiversity", and that includes the front yard, where I don't have everything buried under stone as is sadly the fashion these days,

It's not a "hate campaign".

The weed does practically destroy the lawn, if you want one.

It multiplies heavily and it just grows over the grass in no time flat, taking the daylight away.

Has nothing to do with possible healing potential, which I don't dismiss.

Just for the records. And while I may hate to spend hours with eliminating unwanted stuff, which is a bare necessity, doesn't make it into a "hate campaign", in the bigger picture.

A "hate campaign" is what the pseudo ecologists are doing against conventional cars, for instance. Untold millions of globalist-leftist cash go into that campaign, annually, and have been since decades.

What has provided regular people with important opportunities and quality of life gets smeared and slandered, demonized and denounced for no scientific valid reason. (Yes, cars have gotten much much much more safe AND clean AND comfortable all the time. Today, with a modern combustion engine there's hardly detectable … let alone significant … pollution coming out of it.)

I can say, because as opposed to 99% of folks speaking about it relentlessly, I actually am a professional expert on the stuff, including having written a thick book about it.

Just as a point of comparison. THAT is a "hate campaign". [WINK]

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Since I’m old and my eyes really bother me, I especially appreciate that you provide us with audio casts. Thank you! And PS, I love Dandelions.

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I’m an amateur wild crafter/herbal medicine grower in Kentucky. Yes! There’s lots of us. I make an amazing dandelion salve for all sorts of skin ailments and we drink dandelion root tea - best harvested in the fall.

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word spelling is telling - I have an older Websters dictionary that spells out what business really means and as I posted a comment here on the path to end "big pharma" I looked at p harm a.

big (p) public harm (a) accruing .

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👍 You are scaring me James. (spoiler alert I'm setting you up for a joke ... ready ) If there's someone else who's brain is like mine ...no one will be safe.😊😊😊

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I remember reading "“where two or three are gathered” ... ." Yes, no one of "them" will be safe.

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I have been practicing Chinese herbal medicine for 36 years. Dandelion has been used for millennia in China to cure hepatitis and cancer as well as other infectious diseases. It is virtually non toxic and works very quickly. It usually is used in combination with other herbs (there are many others which do the same sorts of things) in a "tea" to enhance the effects and address other issues such as pain and blood stagnation according to the condition of the patient. All parts of the plant are good for us and in fact it is eaten as a salad green in Europe and around the world. It can be eaten prophylactically to cleanse the liver, especially in the Spring which is the "liver time" of the year when the liver is most active and tends to get toxic or congested.

Years ago when I was a pharmacist, before I studied Chinese medicine, my best friend contracted Hepatitis B and it lingered on with no real help from Western MD's until to my horror he died at Cedars Sinai Hospital in LA. I had tried to get his doctor to consider Vitamin C infusions which I had read were useful but didn't know about dandelion at the time. They refused and after 3 weeks his liver disintegrated. He bled to death at 35 years old. It was terrible. Shortly afterward I picked up one of my books on herbs and looked up "hepatitis" and dandelion was the reference. I read about it and thought "what a shame, I wonder if it could have helped Ken." A few weeks later I was in a drugstore filling in and a man came in and asked for help. He said he had Hep B and his doctor told him to come to the pharmacy and get some Vitamins from the pharmacist and go to bed for two months. I was excited for the opportunity to tell him about the Vitamin C and then about the dandelion root tea. I told him to take 10Gms of Vit C daily and 3 cups of dandelion root tea made fresh each time. He thanked me, purchased the Vitamin C but we didn't have dandelion at the time. He left. Two months later I was back in the same store working when a man's face popped up at the counter and he said "Hi! Do you remember me?" I said "No I am sorry" and he said "I am the man you recommended the dandelion root tea to for hepatitis !" I was a little leary of what was to come but he then said "I have been looking for you to thank you and I kept calling the store and when I called today they said you were here and I decided to drive over and thank you in person!" I was astonished. He said that he'd started the Vitamin C and dandelion root tea on Saturday after he left and by the following WEDNESDAY he "felt so much better he called the doctor"! The doc said it was way too early but come in and lets do a blood test which he did on Thursday. When the test came back from the lab on the following Monday the liver panel was "almost normal'. Two weeks on dandelion tea and Vitamin C 10,000 mg per day and this man was CURED of Hep B while my friend DIED at Cedar Cyanide hospital with a $100,000 bill!! How many OTHERS could be cured for a few pennies worth of dandelion and Vitamin C... both of which are good for cancer TOO! That was in 1981 and since then I have had the good fortune to recommend and now use dandelion in my practice many many times, knowing it is REALLY "Safe and Effective"! No Pfizer shysters could ever make a dent in comparison to God's Pharmacy! It was after that that I began looking around for a place to study herbal medicine and just stumbled into Chinese Herbal medicine a few years later .... and that is another story... I won't go into here.

China has the oldest and most complete Materia Medica on the Planet with over 5000 herbs and extending back over 4000 years. The herbs are classified according to organs affected, flavor (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, bland), temperature (do they warm or cool the body), direction (do they move up or down), and their overall affect ... tonify, clear, purge, harmonize, etc. They are then blended to make use of all their qualities to create some of the most effective and oldest remedies on the planet. Some of the herbal formulas still in use are 1400 years old and created by Dr Sun Si-Miao such as "Golden Book tea" for diabetes and kidney issues..

One significant benefit of Mao's takeover was the rebirth of Chinese traditional herbal medicine which most likely would have disappeared under the rule of the Nationalist Chiang Kai Shek regime. Mao was a peasant raised in the country and they only had Chinese traditional practitioners there with their herbs and acupuncture as well as other traditional healing modalities. Chiang was born to wealthy parents and was in favor of adopting the complete Western model of "scientific biomedicine". At any rate under Mao the country went through 10 years of experimental medicine where everyone admitted to a clinic or hospital was first evaluated and diagnosed by a Western trained MD and then randomly, every other patient was sent off to see a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist. Then after a certain length of time the patients were re evaluated to see how herbs and acupuncture worked vs Western meds. In every instance the Chinese herbs and acupuncture worked at least as well and in many cases much BETTER than Western treatments. The recent Plandemic was knocked down in China in March of 2020 with herbal medicines tailored to the individual patient! Meanwhile Fauci and friends were just getting warmed up here with the fear porn and masks.

The Chinese Ministry of Health issued a directive on Feb 2, 2020 that all hospitals in China use their herbal pharmacies to treat Covid patients. Within 2 weeks the ICU's were emptied out and by the end of the month they were tearing down those extra wards they had set up.. In April of 2020 the Ministry approved the Over the Counter product Lian Hua Qing Wen Jiao Nong for first and second stage Covid... Cost: $8.00!! Two of Its main ingredients are "honeysuckle flower and forsythia fruit".. in combination one of the strongest and most versatile antibacterial/antiviral meds known... anywhere! If a patient progressed in China to "full blown Covid" they were hospitalized and the illness was treated with teas made just for them... a FAR CRY from our Over Blown scandalously expensive "killer vaccines" .. the "official death toll" in China from "Covid"? About 5000... Oh by the way, the Chinese doctors recommended their herbal medicine to the World but were laughed off the news pages in the West.....

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Excellent info…enjoyed the anecdote regarding your suggestion and the resumed healing.

Thank you 💝🙏🏻

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Thanks for the info. I noted early on reference to the Chinese using large doses of intravenous vit C to cure people of the severe respiratory problems.


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The Chinese doctors are allowed to practice medicine as they see fit for the most part. Unlike here where doctors are misinformed, disinformed and become overeducated idiots in many cases and their “success” depends not on good patient outcomes but adherence to Big Pharma controlled FDA “protocols” enforced with bureaucratic criminal threats of prosecution!

Here is the NBC “hit piece” from 2020 on the Chinese doctors triumphant announcement:


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I’ve been using tallow on my skin for about 6 months. I love how my skin looks. Thanks for this dandelion info.

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My grandmother and mother would make dandelion salad, fry up the flowers like eggplant.

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add calendula leaves & flowers to salad!

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Dear Dr. Wolf, I am so delighted with your discovery of herbal medicines. 40 years ago I came to the Berkshire to study holistic health,including herbs. I enjoyed amateur foraging as well. Over the decades I have kept a big toe in the water. But in the last two years, I have committed to finding herbal and natural solutions to health issues.

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Dr Wolf,

I remember picking dandelion leafs with my grandmother and making a salad with them.

All herbs are healing. Some more than others. Roots are probably better.

She also taught me the Malocchio the Italian “Evil Eye”. It involved Olive Oil and Water and stirring the mixture in a bowl. I never attempted to do it.

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There is a "smart Alec" in every group right. Well just call me Alec, except I'm not that smart😊 Are "all" herbs healing or is your use of "all" more accurately "generally speaking" all her herbs healing.

So I am completely new to the thought of "healing herbs" and so my inner 14-year-old wants to yell from the back of the classroom, "how about poison ivy... how about arsenic..." As I write this I'm thinking probably in moderation and properly "doctored" even those herbs could be helpful. Oh no will I get canceled I said "doctor." Sorry, I'm over 60 and the 14-year-old just keeps wanting to jump out. Blessings

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Even some poisonous plant are used in homeopathic preparations!

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Some herbs are baneful, very dangerous to take

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Thanks for the great video. I purchase organic dandelion leaves from Sprouts grocery store. I put them in my smoothie and in salads.

Does anyone know where to find the recipe for Naomi's tallow and coconut oil face lotion/oil? I would love to try it.

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Prohibit big pharma advertising to the general public and end their "revolving" door regulatory capture.

Tax big pharma to turn this evil into effectively low normal profit public benefit status well regulated drug manufacturing concerns. Separate them from profit oriented drug research.

Public funding for drug and nutraceutical research and elimination of all drug and nutraceutical patents.

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GreenMedInfo.com is a great place to look up information on natural remedies...in ALL of the various journals and published papers. I highly recommend the site and know them well. Good people.

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Many years ago I "surrendered" and gave our suburban yard to Creeping Charlie and the "lowly" Dandelion.

This year I heard of "no mow May" so I let it go and got away with it. I had a magnificent yard full of now organic status, beautiful brilliant yellow flowers then beautiful white seed heads, quite the contrast to my neighbors' well poisoned green.

Perhaps Dandelions and Giant Puffball Mushrooms will be listed as a selling point when my sisters sell their house.

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