John Richardson, founder of RNC, is back to share with us the dramatic differences between allopathic, medical-industrial complex cancer treatments, and the several important more natural cancer treatments, including laetrile or B17, that have been suppressed.
Let's start with forcing big food, water municipalities, and the wef to stop poisoning our food, water and air. Then stop big pharma and the fda to stop putting dangerous meds and vaccines on the market. Then go back to 1970s vaccine schedule for children. 72 !!! Is too damn many, most they don't even need.
I wish to second the comments of Someone Else. This read told the story of Casey and Calley Means very well. I have her book and it is way too technical and not easy reading. Your concerns seem to mirror Dr McColloughs in the Shannon Joy interview that there are those who originally rejected any criticism of the Covid vaccine and now seem to be hijacking the concern of the vaccines for “poisoned food and water”. I have no doubt that Trump and RFK have concerns for the outcome of all vaccines and will jump on that if Trump is elected. But first he needs to get elected. Vaccines are a hot button topic and for some voters might dissuade them from voting for Trump if he jumps on them too hard. You must agree that pesticides and processed foods are harming Americans, young and old. Your work has opened the eyes of so many and your voice is important. Let’s hope those who are jumping on the food and drug bandwagon are sincere. If they aren’t, they will be found out. I think the concerns for vaccines train is too powerful to stop.
Naomi, thank you again! 3 items. I bought the original Pfizer papers book with Bannons Warroom over a year ago. Is this new one different? Bravo for doing this.
I am old enough to remember the laetrile battles in the 70s and 80s. A man I knew tried to import several tons of apricot seeds Into the US to begin production. He was mercilessly attacked And ridiculed and canceled, Though I only learned And experienced that Diabolical term ( canceled) in the past 10 years.
This recent focus has made me remember him and feel pity And better understanding. He was destroyed. His wife was battling cancer And had gone to Mexico for laetrile treatments where she greatly improved But ultimately they had to come home and that's when he ran into problems.
Now with the covid fiasco and my eyes are much more open into the pharmaceutical And medical journal corruption that has been going on for decades, I'm much more willing to consider these alternative treatments. I've heard a number of podcasts by Mr. Richardson, did my reading too and actually ordered his bitter apricot seeds several months ago and take a handful every day just in case!! Why not? Plus I like them. I was worried they would be horrible to choke down but not for me at least. For someone trying to save money and thinking they can make their own. Good luck! The outer covering of these pits is incredibly strong and you will have bits of wood flying everywhere as you hammer it outside on concrete! His product is a very good deal, Trust me.
Dr. Wolf, I was surprised to hear you assume that Casey and Calley Means have “come out of nowhere” and that you need to look into it further but you believe they must be motivated by paychecks because they’re gaining traction now instead of gaining traction back in 2021. Well, they have not had the years of experience in public speaking and writing as you have had, pre-plandemic, so when they each made the highly ethical decision to quit their super high-paying careers in order to speak out against the corruption in our food processing industry and establishment medical practices, they didn’t have the skillset and experience to get their message rapidly out to the public. Even so, they have been working to get the word out. For example, Casey Means set about writing her book, which is now out. (Backing up the claim that she didn’t have much prior experience in communicating with the public, I have friends who feel that her book is bogged down in technical details, and I’ve heard you often say that you worked hard with the experts writing reports on the Pfizer documents to make sure their write-ups are relatively easy for nonspecialists to read). In another significant effort, Calley Means was advising both the Trump campaign and the RFK Jr campaign for many months on issues such as regenerative farming and getting the toxins out of our food supplies. Apparently in that role, Calley Means reached out to RFK Jr on behalf of Trump, shortly after the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, PA, to initiate a meeting between RFK Jr and Trump. They certainly haven’t “come out of nowhere” on these issues, but have been working steadily to influence public policy in a direction that is good for all of us. Casey and Calley finally had a big break when Tucker Carlson interviewed them about their work trying to educate and eradicate the dangers of processed foods and the large-scale spraying of our farmlands with pesticides, and so forth. Please watch their interview on TCN, and please welcome all newcomers to the effort to improve the health of all children and adults, here in the U.S. and elsewhere. It’s awesome that you’ve been making the efforts and impacts that you have made, and all that you’ve endured and overcome as a result of your efforts. Rest assured that anyone else who is also opposing Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food, and Big Govt are also enduring plenty of difficulties. We all need to work together, and welcome all of the new talent wherever it may come from. The only way we will prevail is by uniting.
Please also note that Casey and Calley made their courageous highly ethical decisions to leave behind their very lucrative paychecks relatively early in their careers, not very long after all of their years of preparing for those careers. Although there are relatively few people who have courageously spoken out since 2021, there are even many fewer who have spoken out in their early 30s. These two deserve full credit for their courage in speaking out on behalf of the changes that are really needed, and we need to support the millennials who are courageously willing to engage in cleaning up the mess that many of us have inadvertently created for them.
I also highly recommend staying current with the interviews on TCN. Yours was also terrific.
The blinking lights in live blood analysis have been seen by a few doctors and people using their own microscopes. The rectangular shapes or fibers are one thing, could be a result of airborne contamination (especially if doctors have a clinic without adequate protection and air filtering and a revolving door of sick patients), but blinking lights? That is the one area where I am thinking I should run a nano triangle or EMF pulse against my body. Crazy times.
Naomi, please try to have a discussion with "AMD" author. He's on Substack - look for The Alternative Medicine Doctor. He's anonymous so he can speak freely about the evil without being canceled, but he has some live audio interviews. AMD has a career of experience treating vaccine and modern medicine induced injuries. He's unique in that he truly seeks the truth and what works (including the moral importance of informed consent in lamen's terms).
He's just done an extensive post l, 2 parts so far, on DMSO. He covers the cellular science, clinical trials, the FDA influence, and the important "forgotten medicine" that often has been silenced because the Big Pharma Mafia cannot profit from it or it will destroy their existing (and dangerous) profit stream.
Highly recommend reading for everyone. He has hundreds of thousands of Substack subscribers.
"As outlined in the previous chapter, cartels and monopolies result from an effort to escape the rigors of free enterprise. In the long run, the best way to do that is to enlist the aid of government, to seek the passage of laws that will put the regulatory power of the state on the side of the business venture and against its competition.
An individual or a corporation can succeed in breaking the cartels if they are determined and talented enough and can raise the necessary capital. The capital is relatively easy if the promise of profits is great—as it will be if the cartel's marketing and pricing policies are far out of line. If they are not out of line, then the harm they do is relatively small and there is no pressing need to disrupt them.
It follows, therefore, that cartels and monopolies could not flourish as they do if they existed in a political environment of limited government. Conversely, the more extensive the power of government, and the more it is accepted by its citizens as the proper regulator of commerce, then the more fertile is the ground for the nourishment and growth of monopolies and cartels.
It follows, also, that if big government is good for cartels, then bigger government is better, and total government is best. It is for this reason that, throughout their entire history, cartels have been found to be the behind-the-scenes promoters of every conceivable form of totalitarianism. They supported the Nazis in Germany; they embraced the Fascists in Italy; they financed the Bolsheviks in Russia. And they are the driving force behind that nameless totalitarianism that increasingly becomes a grim reality in the United States of America."
👆 Griffin wrote that at least 20 years ago. Maybe 30. There have been something like 26 editions of World Without Cancer. I knew that COVID was a scam before it ever started because I know this book so well and have recommended it so many times.
"THEY" being those who run the world and have been running it for centuries, but kept under ground so the average person could not find out. Except, those who know real history and those who study the bible prophecy know w/o one doubt that this is the Vatican/jesuits who hold the world hostage to their diabolical decrees and force the world with their lies to believe what is untrue and unwise. History and even bible interpretations have been totally compromised by these evil, diabolical men for the purpose of their ultimate goal to have world dominion, just as they sought it during the evil Dark Ages when they had very little opposition. They have led billions of people to hell and millions to the slaughter of their persecutions in their 1500years of existence. Surely their seat of power is given by the dragon, Revelation 13:2. and they continue to deceive and even to be deceived and soon God will bring about their eternal judgment.
Off topic here but we ALL need to pay attention to what is about to be implemented regarding the IHR Amendments. This is happening whilst ALL distracted. PLEASE contact James Roguski ASAP
John is such an amazing and energizing spirit; a wonderful blessing to many as well as myself.
I’m greatly troubled by the FLCCC’s “friendly fire” at the lowly apricot seed. I can’t fathom how Paul Marik could be so careless, and how Scott Marsland would be so shamelessly ruthless towards William Makis, nor why Pierre Kory would restack that attack. I just may have to follow up this latest rendition of Medical Freedom Malfunction by exposing his censorship within his own Substack.
I have been following Marik's updates/revisions since his tome first came out, and I think he only categorizes his recommendations based on the available studies, and since B17 was squashed long ago and is basically cheaper than anything, why would anyone pay for a study on it? My exact thoughts on food grade hydrogen peroxide, readily available, cheap, and VERY effective against cancer. Check this interview out
3 years ago it was proven thru a peer reviewed study that the body spike produced by mRNA sheered the bodies dna at the location which recognized cancerous cells 🤔 ummm, ya, it does cause cancer needless to say the sv40 and glycol plus all impurities in the jab also cause cancer!
Please include relevant links to websites etc. in your show description.
Its not just the kibble thats killing our pets.
Let's start with forcing big food, water municipalities, and the wef to stop poisoning our food, water and air. Then stop big pharma and the fda to stop putting dangerous meds and vaccines on the market. Then go back to 1970s vaccine schedule for children. 72 !!! Is too damn many, most they don't even need.
Hi Naomi,
I wish to second the comments of Someone Else. This read told the story of Casey and Calley Means very well. I have her book and it is way too technical and not easy reading. Your concerns seem to mirror Dr McColloughs in the Shannon Joy interview that there are those who originally rejected any criticism of the Covid vaccine and now seem to be hijacking the concern of the vaccines for “poisoned food and water”. I have no doubt that Trump and RFK have concerns for the outcome of all vaccines and will jump on that if Trump is elected. But first he needs to get elected. Vaccines are a hot button topic and for some voters might dissuade them from voting for Trump if he jumps on them too hard. You must agree that pesticides and processed foods are harming Americans, young and old. Your work has opened the eyes of so many and your voice is important. Let’s hope those who are jumping on the food and drug bandwagon are sincere. If they aren’t, they will be found out. I think the concerns for vaccines train is too powerful to stop.
Naomi, thank you again! 3 items. I bought the original Pfizer papers book with Bannons Warroom over a year ago. Is this new one different? Bravo for doing this.
I am old enough to remember the laetrile battles in the 70s and 80s. A man I knew tried to import several tons of apricot seeds Into the US to begin production. He was mercilessly attacked And ridiculed and canceled, Though I only learned And experienced that Diabolical term ( canceled) in the past 10 years.
This recent focus has made me remember him and feel pity And better understanding. He was destroyed. His wife was battling cancer And had gone to Mexico for laetrile treatments where she greatly improved But ultimately they had to come home and that's when he ran into problems.
Now with the covid fiasco and my eyes are much more open into the pharmaceutical And medical journal corruption that has been going on for decades, I'm much more willing to consider these alternative treatments. I've heard a number of podcasts by Mr. Richardson, did my reading too and actually ordered his bitter apricot seeds several months ago and take a handful every day just in case!! Why not? Plus I like them. I was worried they would be horrible to choke down but not for me at least. For someone trying to save money and thinking they can make their own. Good luck! The outer covering of these pits is incredibly strong and you will have bits of wood flying everywhere as you hammer it outside on concrete! His product is a very good deal, Trust me.
can you make it possible for your subscribers to watch your interviews without the commercial interruptions?
Dr. Wolf, I was surprised to hear you assume that Casey and Calley Means have “come out of nowhere” and that you need to look into it further but you believe they must be motivated by paychecks because they’re gaining traction now instead of gaining traction back in 2021. Well, they have not had the years of experience in public speaking and writing as you have had, pre-plandemic, so when they each made the highly ethical decision to quit their super high-paying careers in order to speak out against the corruption in our food processing industry and establishment medical practices, they didn’t have the skillset and experience to get their message rapidly out to the public. Even so, they have been working to get the word out. For example, Casey Means set about writing her book, which is now out. (Backing up the claim that she didn’t have much prior experience in communicating with the public, I have friends who feel that her book is bogged down in technical details, and I’ve heard you often say that you worked hard with the experts writing reports on the Pfizer documents to make sure their write-ups are relatively easy for nonspecialists to read). In another significant effort, Calley Means was advising both the Trump campaign and the RFK Jr campaign for many months on issues such as regenerative farming and getting the toxins out of our food supplies. Apparently in that role, Calley Means reached out to RFK Jr on behalf of Trump, shortly after the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, PA, to initiate a meeting between RFK Jr and Trump. They certainly haven’t “come out of nowhere” on these issues, but have been working steadily to influence public policy in a direction that is good for all of us. Casey and Calley finally had a big break when Tucker Carlson interviewed them about their work trying to educate and eradicate the dangers of processed foods and the large-scale spraying of our farmlands with pesticides, and so forth. Please watch their interview on TCN, and please welcome all newcomers to the effort to improve the health of all children and adults, here in the U.S. and elsewhere. It’s awesome that you’ve been making the efforts and impacts that you have made, and all that you’ve endured and overcome as a result of your efforts. Rest assured that anyone else who is also opposing Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food, and Big Govt are also enduring plenty of difficulties. We all need to work together, and welcome all of the new talent wherever it may come from. The only way we will prevail is by uniting.
Please also note that Casey and Calley made their courageous highly ethical decisions to leave behind their very lucrative paychecks relatively early in their careers, not very long after all of their years of preparing for those careers. Although there are relatively few people who have courageously spoken out since 2021, there are even many fewer who have spoken out in their early 30s. These two deserve full credit for their courage in speaking out on behalf of the changes that are really needed, and we need to support the millennials who are courageously willing to engage in cleaning up the mess that many of us have inadvertently created for them.
I also highly recommend staying current with the interviews on TCN. Yours was also terrific.
Thank you for your excellent comment.
explodingnow mrna
Best information since "Sliced bread!" Thank you for helping the people"grow better!"
The blinking lights in live blood analysis have been seen by a few doctors and people using their own microscopes. The rectangular shapes or fibers are one thing, could be a result of airborne contamination (especially if doctors have a clinic without adequate protection and air filtering and a revolving door of sick patients), but blinking lights? That is the one area where I am thinking I should run a nano triangle or EMF pulse against my body. Crazy times.
Naomi, please try to have a discussion with "AMD" author. He's on Substack - look for The Alternative Medicine Doctor. He's anonymous so he can speak freely about the evil without being canceled, but he has some live audio interviews. AMD has a career of experience treating vaccine and modern medicine induced injuries. He's unique in that he truly seeks the truth and what works (including the moral importance of informed consent in lamen's terms).
He's just done an extensive post l, 2 parts so far, on DMSO. He covers the cellular science, clinical trials, the FDA influence, and the important "forgotten medicine" that often has been silenced because the Big Pharma Mafia cannot profit from it or it will destroy their existing (and dangerous) profit stream.
Highly recommend reading for everyone. He has hundreds of thousands of Substack subscribers.
"As outlined in the previous chapter, cartels and monopolies result from an effort to escape the rigors of free enterprise. In the long run, the best way to do that is to enlist the aid of government, to seek the passage of laws that will put the regulatory power of the state on the side of the business venture and against its competition.
An individual or a corporation can succeed in breaking the cartels if they are determined and talented enough and can raise the necessary capital. The capital is relatively easy if the promise of profits is great—as it will be if the cartel's marketing and pricing policies are far out of line. If they are not out of line, then the harm they do is relatively small and there is no pressing need to disrupt them.
It follows, therefore, that cartels and monopolies could not flourish as they do if they existed in a political environment of limited government. Conversely, the more extensive the power of government, and the more it is accepted by its citizens as the proper regulator of commerce, then the more fertile is the ground for the nourishment and growth of monopolies and cartels.
It follows, also, that if big government is good for cartels, then bigger government is better, and total government is best. It is for this reason that, throughout their entire history, cartels have been found to be the behind-the-scenes promoters of every conceivable form of totalitarianism. They supported the Nazis in Germany; they embraced the Fascists in Italy; they financed the Bolsheviks in Russia. And they are the driving force behind that nameless totalitarianism that increasingly becomes a grim reality in the United States of America."
👆 Griffin wrote that at least 20 years ago. Maybe 30. There have been something like 26 editions of World Without Cancer. I knew that COVID was a scam before it ever started because I know this book so well and have recommended it so many times.
"THEY" being those who run the world and have been running it for centuries, but kept under ground so the average person could not find out. Except, those who know real history and those who study the bible prophecy know w/o one doubt that this is the Vatican/jesuits who hold the world hostage to their diabolical decrees and force the world with their lies to believe what is untrue and unwise. History and even bible interpretations have been totally compromised by these evil, diabolical men for the purpose of their ultimate goal to have world dominion, just as they sought it during the evil Dark Ages when they had very little opposition. They have led billions of people to hell and millions to the slaughter of their persecutions in their 1500years of existence. Surely their seat of power is given by the dragon, Revelation 13:2. and they continue to deceive and even to be deceived and soon God will bring about their eternal judgment.
Off topic here but we ALL need to pay attention to what is about to be implemented regarding the IHR Amendments. This is happening whilst ALL distracted. PLEASE contact James Roguski ASAP
I can't believe you are going to be 62, you look fantastic!
John is such an amazing and energizing spirit; a wonderful blessing to many as well as myself.
I’m greatly troubled by the FLCCC’s “friendly fire” at the lowly apricot seed. I can’t fathom how Paul Marik could be so careless, and how Scott Marsland would be so shamelessly ruthless towards William Makis, nor why Pierre Kory would restack that attack. I just may have to follow up this latest rendition of Medical Freedom Malfunction by exposing his censorship within his own Substack.
Naomi, please you really should stop schilling for Foster Coulson and David Lopez of TWC… and expose them.
And it would really behoove all to AMPLIFY the question, “Kamala, Where is Jonah Rief?”
I have been following Marik's updates/revisions since his tome first came out, and I think he only categorizes his recommendations based on the available studies, and since B17 was squashed long ago and is basically cheaper than anything, why would anyone pay for a study on it? My exact thoughts on food grade hydrogen peroxide, readily available, cheap, and VERY effective against cancer. Check this interview out
3 years ago it was proven thru a peer reviewed study that the body spike produced by mRNA sheered the bodies dna at the location which recognized cancerous cells 🤔 ummm, ya, it does cause cancer needless to say the sv40 and glycol plus all impurities in the jab also cause cancer!