Dr. Chris Martenson is heading up a "Citizens' Investigation" of the attempted assassination. Many people have sent him videos. Importantly (and I've seen no one else do this) he includes a careful analysis of the sound from shots that were fired that day.


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Dr. Chris Martenson is heading up a "Citizens' Investigation" of the attempted assassination. Many people have sent him videos. Importantly (and I've seen no one else do this) he includes a careful analysis of the sound from shots that were fired that day.


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Dear Dr Wolf,

I'm writing to request your considered judgement on an attribution issue relating to this piece. For September at my philosophy Substack, Stranger Worlds, I am running a series entitled "The Shakespearean Now", in which I take a different Shakespeare play and apply it to contemporary events, coming at the issue through philosophical themes that will typically run against the way the legacy media will prevent things.

One of these, entitles "Lady Macbeth in the White House...?" was partly inspired by this piece of yours. However, I do not as a matter of form include any links in these 3-minute reflections since they are capped at 750 words each and it is part of the form of the project NOT to take people elsewhere during the three minute read. Neither do I namecheck you in the piece. This is for two reasons. The discussion is about what are called 'conspiracy theories', and the way that political partisanship skews our interpretation of these. Firstly, naming you would give me issues, as the blue-team allied folks reading (about half, I hope - I aim to secure the political centre!) might then respond to this aspect of the piece and cease to think about its core message, given the relentless attempts to smear your reputation in recent years. Secondly, I literally ran out of words, since I cannot just drop your name in and not mention the bizarre propaganda campaign against you.

I hope to include you more directly in a future Stranger Worlds, but in this case it just hasn't been practical. However, I am mindful not to pretend originality where I owe a debt, and I do owe a debt to you for suggesting Macbeth for one of these pieces, although the idea for the theme predates the Trump assassination attempt.

Would it suffice, as a matter of satisfying my honour, if I provide a link to this piece in the comments after the piece has run? Or alternatively, I can issue a Note mentioning you in connection with the piece.

If you read this, please spare a moment to let me know your preference. I realise all sense of honour is dead on arrival today, but that does not excuse me from upholding good practice. Also, please accept my apology for the length of this comment, but I have not had time to make it shorter.

With unlimited love,

Dr Chris Bateman

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I am very glad that you have brought this forward and that your supporters and readers are awake and understanding the issues with uncommon wisdom. I believe they are the future for me, not the corrupt liberals

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A lot of people no longer believe a word of what’s said by:

Democrats, FBI, CDC, SS, CDC, NIH, MSM.

They have been exposed as irredeemable LIARS and PROPAGANDISTS.

As for the « sloped roof » and Wray ‘not being sure’ if Trump - in a hail of BULLETS - was hit by a bullet........we are well & truly into totalitarianism, where the regime LIES THROUGH ITS TEETH, knowing that The People KNOW they’re lying and they just continue to LIE.

Those who are paid to manage & work for corporate media should all be held accountable for their truly inexcusable role in all this. Without their slavish collusion, the GLOBAL MAFIA would have been deposed by now.

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About 2 weeks before this happened a poster at The Conservative Treehouse said he was friends with a SS agent protecting DJT and that the SS leadership had switched out 7 SS agents who were loyal to Trump and the agents removed were upset about this and worried because the replacements weren't considered either as loyal or experienced.

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And he was with Antifa but no one is mentioning it or how the FBI aided and abetted crooks, that’s if he was the shooter at all. They may have shot at Trump from the window,

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Her cconcluusionnss are the same as mine. I predicted months ago that the Dims would try to assassinate Trump after years of lies, lawfare, and other government tactics failed so miserably and only increased his support. I fear they will try again even after he iis reelected.

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Same here.

I said to a friend weeks ago, as the lawfare started to fall apart that if they couldn’t jail him, they’d try to kill him.

We have to protest as loud as we can to try & dissuade the villains from making a new attempt. They just might hold back - they know MILLIONS of people see what they’re up to. (« Lone gunman » my @ss).

Instead, they may attack a minority community event & blame it on conservatives - we need to WRITE & SPEAK about the possibility of that dirty trick so they can’t get away with it.

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I am in the same mind set, they wanted Trump out so Biden could slide right into 2024 without an election! But God has a plan for America, for good and not for evil. The wicked will experience real justice first hand, in this side or the next.

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They were not going to run Biden in 2024, Peggy. Biden being obviously brain-dead, they would have had to run someone else. Now they seem to be stuck with Kamala since dumping her would infuriate the Black vote and feminists in particular.

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Ever since i heard "DEI" referring to diversity-equity-inclusion i thought it was pretty weird, (like why are they trying to invoke God in this concept?

According to online LatDict, sourced from : “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 :

Deus, Dei: Definitions:

divine essence/being, supreme being


God (Christian text)

statue of god

Oh and btw, if the SS is truly DEI, what about seniors? i mean a 75 year old lady (or man) can surely hold a gun - and maybe even holster it!




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There are too Few insightful comments, however Yours is not one of them, unravelling the current psyop is very complex, complex in nature and in presentation.

As has been discussed in certain circles trump`s "assasination attempt" was likely what is known as a "bondage slave intitiation", its not the easiest subject to research as it is hidden behind layers of "bdsm" search results.

It is very much in line with the "scapegoat" phenomenon we have witnessed the last few years, the red thread worn around the wrist being but one signifier, again this hides behind numerous attempts to confuse... however some of us are not that easily fooled, or "have the wool pulled over our eyes", pertinent me thinks ;0)

However i am digressing, whats the point of it?

imho trump accepts the initiation ritual (one of many he has "performed") in his quest to be the "great man", man of lawnessness we could say, in return for the great power he is being promised he it seems is happy for the "olam ha ba" to be carried out, kabbalic teachings he has consumed... grossly some might say, "senor" maddonna would no doubt agree.

As i write 29/07/24 a recent attempt to bring about the clash of the titans (behemoth and leviathan) has again failed, as did (to a degree) the october seven theatrics.

The "Hezbollah strike on the occupied Golan heights has of course been shown to be yet another False Flag an "own goal" and yet again marginalised folk take the brunt of the evil ones doings

As the timescale presses down on the dark ones desperation abounds, however it appears that calm minds and honourable hearts know all too well the deceptions and their ultimate destination..

As has been repeatedly observed the nature, origin and proposed destination of the "abrahamic" "faith" based psyop, its perpetrators and shabbos goy puppets need and will be dragged kicking and screaming into the light..

Obfuscation and censorship will not avert the revealing of the deception of the "messianic con job".. try as they might :0)

To be sure and imho things are going to get really messy, as we currently stand 11am GMT am-eri-ca has refused categorically to back the genocidal forces occupying Glorious Palestine, seems someone no longer has their back..

Interesting that the author here once purported to be ignorant of "satan" owing to her "heritage"

Pull the other one pet, its got bells on after all its all in a name aint it chuck?


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if you are able to simplify your post i would appreciate that as it is too much for me to understand, i went to your link and am even more confused!!! help!

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i will try, no promises.

As you correctly state this indeed involves "god", the confusion that abounds us all in this time is primarily a confusion regarding "god", with a large proportion of the world wrapped up in a multi level psyop based upon the abrahamic religions which of course focus on a singular, if bi-polar "god", with me so far?

The abrahamic system was devised by the talmudic/zoharians in order to prioritise their own personal relations with "god" at the expense of all others..., second the abrahamic system was devised in order to confuse, confound and divide the enemies being in order what we know as "islam" and latterly "christianity", ultimately setting the stage for the two to mutualy wipe each out and thus the talmudic zoharians claim ownership over all.

Its a plan that has been approx 3500 years in the making and unless stopped will lay waste to world we live in.

The concepts of the con involve invoking what s the very best of the people both via islam and christianity but invoking subtle differences of observance which create and fuel the tensions we so clearly see today...

When we understand who is at the heart of this and what their mo is then we can start to dismantle and heal the rift, what we do with the perpetrators is moot,

Understand that those who created the con adhere to the dark aspect of "god" what we call satan for them samael

the path currently unfolding is paved by those who worship satan yet call themselves "gods people", nothing, nothing could be further from the truth

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Ok I have a better idea now.

My question is 'how do we determine what is true?'

Where do we find truth? How do we prove it?

Explain as if you were talking to a baby, please.

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we are all "babies" here, we are all learning.

determining truth is a challenging path, of course

we know what is truth not perhaps when it reinforces our opinons, but challenges them.

what you ask is a huge ask, especially as things are about to get very intense, as you may know the attack committed by "israel" on the Druze community in occupied Golan heights has failed to divide those who are agaonst the occupiers.

Despite mass western media cover-ups of Genocide in Gaza and a continual, perverse re-writing of facts the truth just keeps getting out.

The messianical attempt by the "jews" is coming to its latter stages and where things now go is anyones guess..

i have no doubt that many who dwell in "israel" are utterly opposed to what is going on and no doubt highly fearfull of the impending retaliation they are about to receive from the neighbouring, indigenous populations.

The following is a usefull insightfull analysis which may help you:


some further analysis from the original Hebrew aspects (as have been hijacked by the occupiers) can be found via a great scholar known as Shmuel Asher, i strongly recomend his book "Soul revolution".

Getting back to your original request, "truth", that is inside yourself only you will know when you find it, its not about finding pleasing narratives that placate further enquiry its the ability to move on from what you thought you knew without remorse for the "loss" of what has passed..

Interestingly it is the egregoric nature of Yeshua that is proving to be the thorn in the side of the evil ones, something greater than the sum of its parts, collective consciousness.

they say "may you live in interesting times", currently that is very much the case,

i doubt this is the answer you required, but there you go, we get what we are given, i hope you find the sorenson video informative, it will expand on some of what i have written.

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Haha! They certainly weren’t going to ´fight ageism’ once they decided to dump ol’ Joe!

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Take a look as the men protecting RFKJ as he mounts the stage in Philidelphia PA on 10/9/23 vs the crew we saw delegated to Trump on 7/13/24 in PA - video on X:


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thank you for the link, here is the truth

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they were intitating the "bondage slave ritual" upon him for reasons that are becoming apparent, however the strike in occupied "Golan heights" has been shown to be a false flag, hence satanyahus little effort in am-eri-ca has failed, after all one cant discuss false flag attrocities and their justification for "all ot regional war" over the phone, can one?

Another home goal, another shooting of the own foot (or testicles if you prefer).

This ere kabbalic puppet show is coming very rapidly unravelled, lets hope that cool minds and homourbale hearts prevail, or simply the absence of the wish to be blown to shit by some ancient con job written up ye olde world desert, time will tell...

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Please don't call Jill Biden Doctor Biden.

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So many excellent points very suspicious. Appreciate all your work Naomi. 🙏 Blessings!

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Good points! Thanks for the accurate timeline. Stay safe!

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