Is this correct? I'm really wondering about this decision. Is it too late to switch? Naomi, maybe you should resign from DailyClout and be his running mate. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/03/26/nicole-shanahan-rfk-jr-2024-bio-00149015

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Right wing nut jobs MUST be defeated FULL STOP !!! 🛑

They are the downfall of the USA !!!

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RFK Jr and Trump are different versions of equalitarian liberalism. It's like the difference between Pepsi and Coke.

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Lived in virginia my whole life and never hear of the "Blue Mountains"... did you mean Blue Ridge?

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There is one topic that RFK, Jr assiduously avoids.....guns. There is a legion of potential supporters, or opposition, out there if he would simply and clearly articulate his vision on 2A. That's the ONLY thing holding me back from supporting him. How can you tell a nation of supposedly free people that they cannot possess the means to defend themselves in the face of the largest land invasion ever before witnessed?

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IF ONLY.....people would awaken, realize they've been duped, mislead, misinformed, propagandized, led far astray, and used to facilitate the emergence of the new global order. Our uni-party system of "governance" is already united - against its citizenry, in favor of the globalist takeover and the categorical and absolute control of every facet of our lives (those who live and are not culled or lobotomized by jabs, wafer, aerosolized hydrogels, foreign invaders about to be activated for urban warfare and the destruction of critical infrasturcture across the U.S., the weaponization of thought and word crimes and the complete and unqualified dedication to self-promotion and aggrandizement that characterizes our "public servants" who've long since sold out, been compromised or who just believe enough of the lie(s) to also believe there will somehow be a seat at the table when the dust settles and the worldwide reorganization is complete and the new power structure of the few over the many has been cemented and we're all part of the Wireless Body Area Network, hive-minded through AI-managed metaverse-confined, as pod-sitting residents of 15 minute prisons in the electronic panopticon that has been constructed for us - those worthy of survival....not replacement or elimination. There is no incentive to try to rescue an amazing 200 year old anomaly in history that was a great shining beacon in a dark world but is now itself mere embers and a haven for jackals and every kind of wicked, evil and malicious entity to thrive and dominate -- they have sold their souls and have decided to throw in with the evil one and to believe they will reap something other than what they foist on us...how wrong they are. Were not those days shortened....thank God HE will one day intervene and those who are His will see and know and be comforted even as justice -- not DEI, equity or some rarer forms of obfuscative lies, is meted out and grace and mercy and love once again prevail for the remnant. Now is the time to seek God and forsake the ways of mankind we have become altogether lost and our hope is not in this world or the continued deceit and lies of those who would be kings/queens over us but are themselves slaves of the evil one and expendable in their time.

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I fully endorse a Trump/RFKJr ticket. Both represent the best of both worlds - one a strict capitalist and the other a strict advocate for individual/human rights. Our republic was founded upon the idea that the President and VP would be a check on the other to balance interests. This woud be that.

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President warp speed is a gaslight Trojan horse in the GOP. Read my essay at momanddadmatters.substack.com to find out how cville figures deeply.

And by the way abortion *is* making war on the fetus fyi something both rfk and djt should but don't affirm. (But Rand Paul does)

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I would support Trump/RFK. This is despite my disagreement on some policies with each of these men. It may be the only way we save our country from the ultimate Marxist totalitarian one-party system some have in store for our future.

I agree Biden is a traitor and has sold influence around the world to enrich himself at your country's cost.

Watching Bret Weinstein explain his trip to the "Darien Gap" with Tucker Carlson is one of the most chilling things I have seen. We are at war, are being invaded, and we do not even know it.


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“ONE DIGITAL ID TO RULE US ALL” – RACING TOWARDS THE BIBLE PROPHESIED MARK OF THE BEAST", To read more, pls visit 👇 https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Left and right are false binary choices. Left slavery or right slavery is still slavery. We can make our own choices as creatively as we are inspired to do. There are millions of choices available to us to choose. If we but choose to.

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Hm. Read quite a few of the comments, and it sure looks like Naomi's readers lack real Righties. They would be quite skeptical of this proposal. Or at least cautious and critical. All the gushing here gives me pause.

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Greetings Dr Naomi Wolf, I hope that you are doing well.

Regarding the con artist known as Donald John Trump, I have collected dozens of links concerning him, his family & his associates in this section of my Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception) Web page:


Donald John Trump, Frederick Christ Trump Sr., and John George Trump

One often overlooked link in that section is a 2007 letter sent from Byron S. Wine III to the Donald Trump Organization concerning suppressed technologies. Please see the letter, the response from the Donald Trump Organization, and the original article where that letter was extracted from below:


Byron S. Wine III's letter to Donald Trump concerning oil replacement (2007)


From Veterans Today: Technology to Reduce Dependence on Oil has Been Known For More Than 200 years by Byron Wine & Posted by Johnny Punish, March 31st, 2010 [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]

It's important to point out that Donald's Uncle John George Trump was tasked by the FBI to review the papers left by Nikola Tesla (refer to https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44457471).

On another of my Web pages, I have a collection of links related to the topic of suppressed technologies and the science supporting Zero Point Energy/Free Energy devices:


EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Online Resources: What Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Synthetic Biology (“Precision Fermentation” / Extreme Genetic Engineering), Cloning, Nanotechnology, High-Technology (High Tech), Conventional Renewable Energy Technologies (“Solar”, Geothermal, Wind, etc.), and Related Technologies are missing

In addition to collecting links on Donald, I also have a collection on the Bidens, RFK Jr, the Rockefeller/Rodham "family", Barry Soetoro, the Bushes, the Gores, etc.; however, I am only enclosing links for the Bidens and RFK Jr below:


Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. {Joe Biden] and Robert Hunter Biden


Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.

I am enclosing 2 sets of links concerning the US Resident in the White House Selections (not elections) & how world leaders are selected for their roles (through selective breeding):


Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): The Resident in the White House (S)Election Process {the Blue Blood Stakes]


Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): US Presidents and other world leaders are bred and sElected into positions of power (Saturnism/Satanism, royal blue blood, pedophilia, blackmail, fraud, vote stealing and scamming, drugs, mind control, etc.)

Lastly, I am enclosing a link collection on the Illuminati since the United States of America was created by the Illuminati to bring about the New World Order (NWO):


Illuminati {mostly focused on the USA and its role in bringing about Global Human Enslavement (Trafficking)/New World Order (NWO), etc.]

If we, as US Americans, are going to make this country the best that it can be, we have to start with the whole Truth about this country's (pre)-founding up to the present-day & become responsible for ourselves and for the direction of our country.

I hope that the afore-mentioned resources provide useful reading material for you and your readers.

Thank you.

Irucka Embry

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Are you suggesting, dare I say, I think a Trump/RFK is unbeatable and if they run separately, they are doomed to loose.

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I don't follow the news much anymore, but noticed that 25 governors had pledged support for Texas in the form of troops to guard and maintain the border. It sounds like they're aligning themselves with a particular understanding of America while the other half of the country is aligning themselves with another.

The so-called "Civil War" is a misnomer in that a Civil War is fundamentally a struggle for power. The southern states were not seeking to overthrow the government, but to be allowed to secede from a Union that no longer honored the law. They were being treated as enemy combatants through tariffs. Texas is now being told they can't defend themselves from invading hordes.

Ultimately, the idea of America is just that; an idea. This idea no longer exists as originally envisioned but can still live in each of us as individuals. There is no representation so why not let each of us represent themselves?

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