Because I was able to obtain it through a free trial to audible I decided to begin to, for the purposes of truly fact-checking it, listen to Doppelganger as read by Naomi Klein. Now I realize that's going to have to be someone else's task though what I can definitely definitely do is highly highly recommend Doppelganger as the greatest SLEEP AID the world has ever seen. Forget melatonin, forget being more active during the day, forget avoiding excess caffeine late in the day. I mean sure sure sure those are all great tools but the primary treatment for sleeplessness should be the audiobook of Doppelganger. I'm not even kidding. This is the best sleep I've obtained in weeks, no months and Dr. Klein's next project BETTER be an official ASMR recording because I'm throwing down cash when that hits shelves.

Though It says on my audible app I've completed only 3 hours of Klein's 14 hour ASMR masterpiece miss-classified as non-fiction I know I went waaay beyond that because I'm telling you I slept AGES courtesy of Klein's soothing Canadian coos.

Going back to the project of fact-checking I abandoned - I'll just do instead things that stuck out the first 3 hours edition off topic post here. Honestly I may have went the whole book zzzzzing and then it just looped around again but for the purposes of these off topic reviews this is Doppelganger an ASMR hours 3 of 14 highlights.

First of all - the amount of research, two years, - that's biography level research. I'm an avid avid Dr. Wolf fan but... but Jesus I've got NOTHING on Klein. The amount of research Klein has admittedly done for this well exceeds what she claims the books purpose is about. This is a woman who in interviews literally said "I knew this book would be misconstrued as being about Naomi Wolf" -- um Klein you merged y'all's faces on the covers together - you admit to studying Wolf's public (God let's pray that's been the extent of it) career, appearances literally every interview, etc, you admit studying Wolf exclusively two years to write this book against the advice of numerous people in her circle. It's like yeah there's a reason they advised against this Klein, it's unprofessional, and petty, period.

Klein worried her kid would catch Covid at school from a kid unvaccinated kid because that kids parents took Wolf's advice; um aren't children the worst spreaders of this disease and didn't Covid kill ultimately very very few under 18, and aren't all the kids masked up ridiculously anyway. Just an awkward concern.

Klein admits to getting mean comments but also nice ones of congratulations and thanks for being confused with Wolf - who wants to bet the latter is the real rub.

Then she said Wolf was in many ways was a Doppelganger of herself - which begs the question, why NOT make that the book then how Dr. Wolf replaced herself in essence by becoming her own Doppelganger. I think if Klein ever entertained that idea it was shelved, and again I'm not 1/2 the Wolf expert Klein is, but I know just from 2007 when Wolf got on my radar there's been themes threads that continue from that 2007 Wolf to who I see today howling righteously.

Klein clearly has a great deal of respect for Dr. Wolf's first book, the feminist classic the Beauty Myth, but mentions it not just to juxtapose a supposedly new and old Naomi but also to show research mistakes with Wolf are a pattern. What Klein fails, purposely probably, to point out is that if there's any such pattern in Dr. Wolf's work, it's an exponentially declining one as the Beauty Myth's (1990) mistakes were MOUNTAINS compared to the molehill sized errors of Outrages (2019); which let me state without any doubt OUTRAGES is my absolute favorite non-fiction book ever, period bar none. I urge readers of Dr Wolf here who may be reading this; track down that book if you haven't yet. Outrages is the best damn book the Wolf ever wrote - WOLF WAS crucified for that books tiny errors because she hadn't been good party-line towing PC leftist for some years preceding it's population.

Klein brings up Wolfs reporting from 2018 about aluminum being sprayed into clouds -- um y'all that's been officially corroborated as far as im concerned - don't ask me by whom or where look it up yourself- some sciencey mainstream article did a little blurb on it- some months ago I saw it somewhere and I was like Holy Shit - that Wolf don't lie!!!

Oh yeah more telling. This one's more important than others but Klein is like Dr. Wolf sees something nefarious or conspiratorial in the most basic public health measures. You know the Covid measures we all saw where the judge on zoom threw the book at the single mom hairdresser who was like your honor I don't cut my kids don't eat. Basic public health measures. Close down your business - the means by which you survive in this world. Basic public health measure. Your job or this admittedly EUA injection -- basic public health measure. In obvious defiance of spirit of HIPPA & ADA show proof of your vax or you can't shop, get on a bus, etc basic basic basic health measure. Chick with clipboard limiting how many can walk in Wal mart at a time. Basic public health measure. It just seems there's a real gulf between what Klein and the average person would excuse as basic public health measure.

So that's all for now. I'm not starting at the 3 hour point into Kleins ASMR session until late tonight when its time to sleep.

More tomorrow after I wake up

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I was surprised and dismayed not to see any mention of ballot access in the proposed bill. Seems somewhat akin to a set of building codes that omit a structure’s foundation.

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Dr. Wolf may you have a happy purim and drink a good glass of wine for Roscoe

i will certainly toast to you

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If a male non-fiction wrtier wrote a book entitled Doppelganger and on the cover merged his face with some other male non-fiction writers face -- it'd be seen as bizarre, unhinged, and homo-aggressive behavior. It would be noticeable right away-- Even though I immediately disliked Naomi Klein's book where she did just that --i was immediately turned off by that -- I'm just wondering even for me why it took me a good bit longer just to realize how deeply effed up, whacko that really is??

Does anyone have any thoughts why I see the degree of how fucked up that is when a man does it (had he) much quicker than I would a woman doing it to another woman??? Do you think it's just the more aggressive nature of men in general that set off the more serious red flags???

Further on the CREEP!!! scale why did Naomi Klein mention Dr. Wolf's father passing (so personal) - why does she cite that (which occured nearly a year before Covid-19 even started) why does she cite Wolf's grieving as Likely causing her to be vulnerable to conspiracy theories? Where is the evidence grief causes so-called conspiracy theories - conspiracy theories so many of us just know as reality our lived reality..... where is the evidence it happened in this case???? i think i don't remember exactly but i'm pretty sure Klein also bashed Wolf's husband Brian, like Wolf became right-wing for him?? not true and again so personal--- so this is what the trust the science and "facts and figures" people do ??? engage in weird disturbing behvior personal attacks more befitting a rap rivlalry (on Klein's end) than professional non-fiction writers

therefore in the key of Nicki

OKAY listen up BIG OX FOOT

i took it easy on you


the things you've twisted distorted

ad hominem attacked about

well you don't want your own familes associations comming out now do you

but since you think it's so funny to talk about other people's familes

maybe get some good psych meds out of your own Big Pharma connected family

cos you kleinclown

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thanks Naomi for your clear understanding of clean air and other v.i.p. issues. Dave P

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Try and get an idea out there to have bills proposed that will remove or at least simplify laws. If just the worst laws were removed the remaining ones would be tolerable. Every law student should have to write a thesis on what law does not serve the people while profiting capital that has to carry their own risk and include a shorter replacement law and a campaign to achieve this before being allowed to graduate.

Especially subsidies to powerful industries are a DIRECT TAX on everyone who is not receiving that subsidy.

If at all possible have subsidies removed or ramped down over a few years so the [playing field is levelled.

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Good morning, Naomi! It is morning here in Bulgaria.

I hope it is a good simple to implement practical bill you are bringing to important people that are willing to listen and that are seeing the writing on the wall, i.e., what is coming - and wish you great success! You have some time left till November, as a first important milestone.

Whether it is you reading the Geneva bible or pushing - so important - for clean elections - keep on doing the good work. Thank you very much!

It is a big spiritual struggle now, worldwide. Everyone can open their eyes, it is truly in their self interest. E v e r y o n e can bring something - big or small - to this fight for a better world - and should, too.

When a new idea arrives and man is ready for it, nothing can stop it. Absolutely nothing. And time has come for - I believe - a bunch of good ideas as to how we want to live together in what for society, in what for world. We have to first say what we want. This is the most important step towards the future we want.

Naomi: Please keep praying for help and keep doing the good work, keep bringing light to America and the world.

Thank you.


From the beautiful and everlasting Bulgaria.

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thank you for enlighten us on Wyoming--even thought it brings back memories of the Commie

Cheneys!! I was impressed by the current leadership and will keep Wyoming RED!! Thank you Naomi

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It’s ABSURD to send meat outside the US for processing! How do you know what they’re sending back? 🤷🏼‍♀️ We always have had local processing in Indiana. Grandpa’s cow went in and came out steaks, hamburger and roasts! 😂

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Inspiring and challenging to a sofa surfer to get busy and get going! Will download and share!

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A great point in her well written piece. Naomi Wolf is truly one of the last true jounalists we have.

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If u r in wyoming come visit jackson hole, I will be your tour guide! Wyoming is one of the best states and true defenders of democracy. Thats why I moved back here from the not so free state of New Hampshire

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Thank you! grassroots advocates in GA, March 16, 2023: https://x.com/NixHollowell/status/1758808935522263316

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Feb 17Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

I hope this message finds you well. A flaw in Rumble has caused me to unsubscribe from Daily Clout. It appears when you make new sub-channels/talk shows they show up in "My Feed" even though I didn't follow the shows.

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I was heartened to read this recount of your trip to WY to present the Clean Elections legislation proposal to the two WY senators who invited you to their resplendent capital statehouse. I wonder if you could even receive a response if you sent the Clean Elections legislation proposal to any DEEP BLUE state, Dr. Wolf.

What do you think--have you submitted this to Gov Hochul or any of the "Empire State" legislators as yet?

SHALOM, Dr. Wolf and Team Daily Clout

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Feb 16Liked by Dr Naomi Wolf

Americans need a system within which they can act with integrity. May these bills move us towards a better system.

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