Just a point about your mention of grouping so many Asians or Latinos together. That’s been done to white people for decades now. Guess what we all actually have cultures and originating countries too. I’m tired of the white label which has become a derogatory insult for the most part if not even spelled yt.

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One thing to consider: without the Witch Trials, our Founding Fathers may not have so strongly formulated the rights that were so easily violated so readily by the panic. Out of that dark period the drew lessons that informed their decisions creating the feeling of acceptance that you experienced at the VFW.

And in the quest for egalitarian, higher ideals of Marxism, we get no ideals, we get no equality save for keeping us low for benefit of the public interest. In Michigan we had a circuit court judge rule that a township board must comply with a contract entered into by the previous board that was thrown out in an election. The previous ignored the township, entered and agreement with the CCP based Gotion, the town voted out all the board members for the purpose of stopping the project. In the name of public interest while citing Gotion's financial peril, the township must comply. This is basically binding legislation. Tyranny in the name of the public interest, to benefit CCP.

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The core emotion of the totalitarian is hatred of Creation. His cherished goal is the erasure of the individual by transforming them into a creature without agency whose role is to serve the vanity and self loathing of the manager type. This is not marxism, but is like marxism in these aspects. The amorphous and non-existent collective of marxism, or "the planet" of the environmentalist totalitarian, exist to justify the obliteration of the individual and human agency. It took a few thousand years to go from Rome's Republic through the darkness and back into the light of Renaissance Christianity to create political systems based upon economic rights, essentially property ownership, that would provide concrete protection of individual civil / human rights. The elites were held at bay by the shared property system. To strip an individual of his rights the powerful had to imperil their own rights to their unearned wealth. And really, most wealth is unearned. In this manner, with property protected, the individual had enough sovereignty to invest his time/ lief-force into capital intensive pursuits that have led to first ever levels of human prosperity. Our own depraved elites have been toiling endlessly (the only thing they actually do) to steal our lives back from us. The core of this robbery is the stripping of property rights, along with neutral rules of law, from the individual. If property rights for individuals go, there is NOTHING to prevent the usual human exploitation regime. The law that defines an individual as possessing one's self disappears. Poof! Now do you see the goal of the bogus climate scam? The "one health" con? All designed to erase individuals and thereby jettison their rights so they live only to serve those who possess status, currently referred to as "stakeholders."

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Naomi Wolf dancing at the VFW. This really brought a smile to my face.

"A Distinct Alien Race: The Untold Story of Franco-Americans: Industrialization, Immigration, Religious Strife" by David Vermette is also a very good read.

Also, off topic (but on topic) I wanted to shamelessly promote the work of Stephan Sander-Faes, an Austrian Substack friend. His grandfather was a recruit in the German army during WW2 and he is coming to terms with his service record. In the meantime, he is going through his grandfather's immense postcard collection he was willed.

This edition is old postcards from NYC, and I thought you would enjoy them: https://espc.substack.com/p/im-leaving-today

His grandfather Erich Sonntag survived two years in the 'Russian cauldron' while conscripted in the Wehrmacht. If anyone knows about WW2 history...well this made me gasp when I read it. Brian may be interested: https://espc.substack.com/p/who-was-erich-sonntag-1922-88

Also (again thinking of both you and Brian) I did a deep dive into the Australian army (the Anzacs) horsemen and cameleers in Ottoman Palestine during WWI. I went through thousands of photos and curated them according to the Bible. I even found video. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/through-the-lens-of-history-australian

I wrote the article for Anzac day in a state of total fury about the British Empire's blood lust for war, which always destroys the lower class.

Thanks again for your writing. Always a pleasure to read.

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Salem was a great town to visit, but sounds like it’s being systematically ruined by Marxist government. So sad to read this! No one’s grocery prices should be predicated on their “privilege.” I sure hope this doesn’t spread, but I fear it will. 😕

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so much ta unpack here! LOVED it all tho!

First Naomi, Salem houses a REAL witch so be careful (energy-vibe wise). Not to sound "woo" but Laurie Cabot is no joke.

Dark energy there an' Laurie's still goin' strong in her 90's (Gloria Vanderbilt, another High Priestess--finally died--an'uther story--she wuz also a High Priestess, believe me--her son Carter was a SRA sacrifice...). Anywho, seriously, do listen to SRA survivor/whistle blower Jessie Czebotar -- she's spoken about Laurie. Cathy O'Brien may have more info fer ya too on Miz Cabot--but this is DARK DARK energy there, still goin' strong there. eek!

Frankly, I don't worry a bit 'bout wink wink "Bewitched" -- which wuz kinda cute as a show an' way too campy to be "groomy" imo--great cameos, in-jokes etc. FWIW I did read that Montgomery was Beta-Kitten Monarch MKUltra'd in Hollyweird--her "end" may not have been "natural" an' her far more disturbing role wuz as Lizzie Borden who took an axe to her parents--yup. So just a fyi bout Salem "after dark." Caution advised :-)

As fer the rest, how lovely ta find this intact and vibrant French-Canadian community still keepin' their heritage & traditions. Had no idear. They are (after much ado) accepted where as some've us others--once more-or-less assimilated, ain't (any more). I'm assumin' by way of analogy yer sayin' the silent part out loud: we Jews (I call us "chews") who have kept our roots an' identity, even with an equally strong American identity, are told "all over the innertubes" that we are traitors! That we cannot keep our traditions an' be "loyal" Americans. Hogwarsh! (unkosher too lol) We jews, however frum or secular, cannot be permitted to hope for Israel's survival AND be American citizens. I hate that dichotomy set forth for us--but that's what's on the grapevine with most of us feelin' on the defensive.

Truth be told, I'm jus' an unknown crackpot with a small stack an' even I've gotten that "heat" (so now I ain't American even tho' I've had fambly in the states since the 1870's, nu?--some came early 20th...)-- You likely have heard what folks say 'bout any of us that don't punch up fists fer "river to sea" (je refuse!) or (gawdferbid) speak Hebrew or say anythin' nice 'bout Israel even if we do NOT like how they treated the unvaxxed, even if we are not fans of BBGun (BTW, I'm SO appreciative fer yer wonderful readin's in Hebrew Naomi--an' yer poetically informed insights on the language! so new ta me as we only learned ta read Hebrew phonetically in Sunday school an' I promptly fergot all but the dang letters on the dreidle--NOW I see such beauty in Hebrew! an' I love the subtle meanin's ya point out)

Anywhoo-- I too grew up in the "meltin' pot" age an' city (Motown later NYC) around folks of all colors, cultures, yadayada--The School House Rock song still resonates! ("American Melting Pot") -- an' bein' a city gal we had all kinds of friends an' none of this racial malarkey--sure we had our diffs--but we accepted 'em, enjoyed 'em even, an' all wuz good and NOT remotely "peecee" (ugh). We were all "kids" together, an' I too SOoooo miss that! (Ah, the groovy 70's!)

The "Marxist" an' de-humanizin' faceless statures are just a riff on the "wear at mask" (we had a sicko sitter who even told my older daughter she looked "better" in a mask! OMG). The ugliness of the new (f)ahrt an' the tearin' down of the old beautiful art (includin' Teddy Roosevelt--golly that wuz a gorgeous statue at the Nat. History Museum!) is indeed pure communism. (Of course on the stacks we "chews" are blamed fer all that Marxism / Boshevism..even Stalin is our fault!)

Okay, wull I'm not sure what the solution is but I'll quote the (now regrettably woke) Cher an' sing, "If we could turn back time!" -- I'd do it in a heartbeat!

Hopin' for solutions--I'm 100% with ya on the problem tho'!

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I often wondered why so many art pieces of people were missing the faces. I did not realized it was a way to dehumanize people; it just made me uncomfortable.

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You always make me think.

Much appreciated.

I believe that following the money will lead you to the truth most every time. After recognizing the profit motive that drove the C19 hysteria, I have to wonder who made out like a bandit in Old Salem. It would be interesting to follow the money on that one.

I agree with so much of what you say, but deo volente, I would love to have a coffee with you sometime and discuss what Marxism is and isn't. Poor old Karl gets a lot of nasty baggage dumped on him that is undeserved. Me, I've been a musician a long time. Every band I ever played in was marxist. Quite different from bands that became property of record companies.

Indeed, the racial splintering and re-grouping, combined with the grocery market you describe, seems to me to resemble the "company store" of pre-labor union days. I don't think those big coal companies were marxist, do you?

Wouldn't it be a clever trick for malignant capitalists to imbue the opposition with all their own worst faults?

Apart from that, I'll take a seat at the mourners' table with you. This isn't the America I grew up in, believed in, loved. That America was by no means perfect -- but we kept trying to make it so.

Today, we seem to have given up.

Nothing sadder than an abandoned dream

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Apparently, the Salem Witch Trials have a wild two century long back story in England, predating even the Reformation: https://overcast.fm/+Bf1oxZHbM Right up your alley, Naomi: lots of geeky-obscure firsthand accounts and resources to bunny-trail if you want to dive into this again.

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Please tell me this is fiction. It’s a horror story of dehumanisation and control by puppet-masters. I can’t feel safe even in far-away Australia, where messages of oppressors and victims are seen a-plenty. We need to continue to claim our language as we see fit and not have it imposed on us to suit a wicked agenda. I have so much inherited history - Irish, English, Scottish, French, and who knows before that? Scandinavian? African? Maybe I could be classified as FISE, but English and French may not want to share a ‘special’ day or week. Irish and English might have issues, as could Scottish and English. I’ll keep it simple. I’m Australian and I write on medical or other forms that I’m a woman and Australian, rather than tick boxes for gender and racial origins.

It’s demoralising, but we can increase our control by not complying and by communicating with each other of our beliefs in our shared history as Americans and Australians. If others wish to name us with more divisive labels, such as ‘right-wing nutters,’ ‘conspiracy-theorists,’ ‘contrarians’, ‘far-right, tin-foil hat-wearers,’ that’s OK. They’ve been brainwashed to see labels, not individuals, but we can gently ask them what they mean by these labels. Digging deeper into these labels reveals ignorance and fear and we can hopefully lead them to see how much better it is to see the worth in each individual and that as individuals, we can make a greater America or a greater Australia. ‘We are one, but we are many,’ (Australian national anthem.)

I’ve discovered there are many people who feel the same as me. Mainstream media largely ignores us.

Thank you, Naomi, for a brilliant article!

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I am a direct decendent of Judge Samuel Sewell.

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More northerners are armed than you likely know. But, like pens, the time to deploy them such that brandishing would have been enough is past. I believe carnage is our future. We cannot even express oursrlves fully, at this time, for the security state is everywhere.

They have nearly reached nearly this power: Ecclesiastes 10:20

Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

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Thank you Karen for your supportive reminder to let go n let God.

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I had a traveling nurse assignment back in the mid 80's at the Beverly Hospital-- and visited all the towns along the north shore ,I loved to walked through the tree lined streets of Salem, Marblehead and Rockport with old historic homes with beautiful gardens -the hydranga and wild knockout rose bushes -I have not been back there since that time and this essay took me on a trip down memory lane -not sure I want to visit again as I know so much has changed-- last night watched an old movie -again - Fried Green Tomatoes --which depicts that sense of nostalgia when the world seemed normal !!

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When the government controls all the grocery stores, all that fresh, beautiful food will disappear, to be replaced by lab-grown “food” and bugs. The government is doing everything it can to destroy food producers. Look at all the food production facilities that are being firebombed. And the new EPA regulation designed to drive small scale meat and egg producers out of business. How about the push for people to register their backyard gardens with the government? The last thing they want is a healthy, strong population that can still think.

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Register backyard gardens with the government? Haven’t they got better things to do? I hope this doesn’t come to Australia.

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I’ve put it baldly. The registration is presented as something beneficial to gardeners. But when your goal is to bring about famine, you need to know where all the food is being grown.

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That is really important. I learned--after a fire at a Smithfield hams factory in Virginia--or was it just an article stating that many locations were going to be shut down--that Smithfield had been purchased by a Chinese company! Those are just the obvious Chinese companies (who are also buying agricultural sites in the U.S.--as is Bill Gates). There are also thousands of American, European, and Australian companies that appear to still belong to those societies but actually have massive ties and dependencies to China--just as our universities and scientific organizations do.

Remember the fire outside Paris amongst the massive food wholesale warehouses? The scares about animal diseases that force livestock raisers to kill all of their animals? The punitive watering regulations in England? The massive building projects to house "families" (this word gets many conservatives on board, unfortunately) of migrants--the re-wilding movement (which I probably support in some cases) which, nevertheless removes some land from cultivation?

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In the UK re-wilding of some land has improved it and can now produce cattle sustainably. Before they were trying to grow crops with fertilisers and pesticides I understand. Such an approach was sustainable.


The above is not that far from where my wife and I live.

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Yes, all that. And they’re using PCR testing to diagnose bird flu, then killing all the birds or animals. PCR tests aren’t supposed to be used for diagnosing illness and cycles are set very high to produce false positives. Plus bird flu running through a population kills some but not all, leaving many with immunity, which is a positive. What is being done is utterly evil.

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How did we get so far removed from the essence of the founding documents and dream. There is nowhere another America can blossom. A sickness is enveloping us all and will choke out the non compliant until all are "one with the Borg". Grieving in Ohio...

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How did we get here? Luciferians running this game: see the organizational chart for global-state-corporate fascism about halfway down this page...


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Thank you for this info. I've just had another veil removed, and now I'm certain the US is screwed no matter who is president. Drain the swamp, what a joke. God bless

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Yeah, I think politics is a puppet show & both political sides are absolutely "in on it," though who is "elected" may make a big difference in the short term -- they have to keep up the show. In the longer term, however, both sides are taking us where their satanist leaders want us to go, mostly though the media.

I believe we're in the end times, and set for a very large chastisement from God very soon: war, pestilence (hawthorn leaves cure for skin disease BTW), persecution. Pray the Rosary, fast/do penance, and evangelize while we still can. There is no "rapture" (https://jamesperloff.net/war-on-christianity-part-2/), but find a traditional Latin Mass in the Catholic Church and hang on tight! We will get through this and find spectacular, unprecedented holiness and joy on the other side! May God bless & guide you and your loved ones.

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We have not been living as we should. Too many--even among God's people--are addicted to comfort, convenience and (the illusion of) safety. God will chasten His children as a loving Father as it says in 1 Peter.

The lockdown was only possible through the sins of the masses. "Just following orders" was not confined solely to the bureaucrats but the "good citizens" who snitched for the fun of it and mocked the suffering or reluctance of others on SM. Very efficient how this time the totalitarians have convinced us to force one another onto cattle cars and ridicule those reluctant to step into the shower stalls smelling like gas.

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I'm reading Part 1, now that I've finished #2.. This is just amazing.

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