I remember seeing a presentation made by someone at the rollout of the covid injections. It was said what if this is a bioweapon and we are taking out our military, doctors and first responders by accident or maybe on purpose. Sadly it looks like the latter. Just a constant slow drip of people being incapacitated or reaching room temperature and nobody notices.

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I really love your interviews - last one with Mattias Desmet was really great. I have been wondering as well, what happened, if it was conspiracy and how it evolved into this. Now after watching one older movie I think I have finally understood. Someone can call covid Mass Formation, Mass psychosis, conspiracy or others but in my humble opinion what we experienced was good old Witch Hunt. Nothing else and nothing more. It´s funny, that we live in 2023 age of enlightenment and we still didn´t change much since 17th century =)

Also the movie is incredibly accurate, it´s called Population 436 from 2006 and the story is about city, which believes it has to have exactly 436 inhabitants. When someone new came, they had to execute one of theirs and also when someone want´s to leave and don´t believe that the city is the greatest place to be they take him to doctor, because the person is sick and have dangerous fiber.

There is video trailer and I found it fasciately accurate: https://youtu.be/tezK4oppwiM?si=ecbMxtONZLJakGAE

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I wish this could have captions. So much of it is difficult to hear, and every word is well worth hearing.

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this is horrifying. Dr. Pierre Cory @ FLCCC is also crying aloud on this.

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I think this is one of the most informative interviews I have seen over the past three chaotic years. Facts were detailed. Kevin discusses the bait and switch done to the public. He explains why injecting mRNA for a respiratory virus was a terrible idea to begin with. He found plasmids in samples, he explains how some can integrate into the genome of the host cell, and act as promoters to turn on random genes, such as oncogenes for example. He explains how speedily recipients can go into anaphylaxis from endotoxin in the shots. Also, clearing occurs in the liver, and liver damage is occurring. How much more evidence do we need. This conversation needs to be widely circulated to get past opinion arguments and start and finish with facts. The goal isn't to prove our families and friends were wrong, the goal is to give them accurate information so they can make informed choices, even if they choose the same course of action, at least they are not tricked into putting themselves in harm's way to benefit pharma.

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I have been trying to make a simple power point for my granddaughter 10 yrs old to explain the double helix DNA code of life. Naomi like your hunch on the plastic fat molecule lipid nano particles, my hunch is the replacement of uridine bases with pseudouridine, which I am learning is off the base thiamine and is RNA to make proteins, the rungs inside the double helix so to speak. Well if you replace all your natural uridine with synthetic pseudouridine The Gene Expression in your body gets f uped after all it is #generape

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I hope you are aware of that Ana Milhaecia and Karen Kingston showed those dna fragments on Drew Peters show alrrady one year ago and that Milhacea is doiing ggreat digging .on blood analyses with enormous potential consequences for us all. They are in contact with scientists all over the world proving the austerity of their facts for humanity. Lots of exemplifying photos to be seen on their various addresses. God bless us all!

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I opened it but there was no video to play

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Click on where it says 'watch on DailyClout.io'

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WARNING: weaponized vaccines:



The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.

1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!

2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on

3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS

4. Heavy metals

5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies. Also, this artificial genetic disease could be passed to the children, grand-children, for hundreds of years.

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).

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Some criticism for accuracy..

Bluetooth nano-routers? Any idea of how complex and big those electrical circuits are? Ask any real technical person. What those people find are smart lamps and sometimes a smart pacemaker.

The Graphene-oxide findings are also fiction. What they did find is cholesterol-like crystals. The industry are still working on those in patents, and they look very different. Why would they even use that when lipid nano-particles are doing the job?

The DNA in the shots are probably causing all kinds of diseases. But we do not know its real effect yet. It may stay spread even to offspring and cause genetic diseases, but we don't know. It may also do nothing (so far I know). But we certainly need to investigate this. I don't think it is "hacked DNA", but circular DNA from the bacteria that are used in the RNA production.

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Kevin said that certain segments of the plasmids are taken into the nucleus and can act as promoters to turn on random genes, and the potential for promoting cancer cells is one possibility, we don't know outcomes yet, it is still too early in the experiment.

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Jessica explains it well.


There is DNA contamination. And the injections contain cancer promoters. It may be there on purpose, like in a bioweapon, but needs to be verified.

I focus on the exact definitions so we can present solid evidence.

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Proof of weaponized DNA?

1. Injected still produce lethal spike proteins: mRNA is supposed to destroy in weeks, not years

2. Carcinogenic simian virus SV40 sequence in the DNA

This is not contamination but extermination!!!

I'll soon post about the scientific proof of the nano-routers. In the meantime, get any BLE finder app and try it on your vaxxed family/friends which are not grounded (wear rubber soles) and where there is EMF pollution (used to power the routers).

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I would reframe this as "DNA contamination which may act like a bioweapon". Because we can not proof any intent... yet.

Here is an interview with Jessica Rose about the DNA -> https://rumble.com/v3ndch9-dna-contamination-in-mrna-shots-with-jessica-rose-ph.d..html

You may look at my article on how non ionizing radiation affects biological systems. I also go into some grapheneoxide theories. -> https://thescienceanalyst.substack.com/p/how-non-ionizing-radiation-affects

And remember that people have smart lamps, smart clothing, smart watches, smart pacemakers. All clothes have RFID. People detect them everywhere, sometimes via reflections. To detect a transmitter you need directional information and go around a (naked) person. That requires a directional antenna.

There is also no whistleblower nurses talking about injecting chips, while they talked about everything else. Those chips must be pretty large for the antenna, and are clearly visible. And bluetooth needs power source.

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I thought it was the whole SV40 virus in the polio vaccine, here we have fragments which behave differently, although some sections of the plasmid can integrate with the cell DNA and promote cancer. So I guess it is all bad in the end.

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Even the last idiot must have realized till today that western Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna etc. are the Weapons of Mass Destruction, what "1000" specialized & reliable sources from "100" countries have proved beyond any doubt.

Russian vaccines are not, but you don't need them at all, because Covid kills no more than any other seasonal flu.

With the Covid Lie and increasingly also with the Climate Lie, the satanic forces that have united worldwide want to establish their satanic New World Order (i.e. World Dictatorship).

More about this https://twitter.com/TheMesseng_ao/status/1709194353640358266

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This is fantastic reporting, thank you.

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If the annual Flu Vaccine were inclusive of a Covid vaccince too, could/would that be a possibility?

Many Flu shots are administered as almost 'second-nature', to people accustomed to annual doses.

Thank you for what you are doing Naomi.

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Medicines That Cause Disease.


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Not sure I would call this rare. Very close to home for me, as I just lost a beloved family member to aggressive metastasized cancer that wasn't there before, 1 year post shots.

I truly hope this creates a landslide of outrage and action.

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Dr. Ryan Cole the pathologist said that cancers are exploding post shots. Taking any experimental drug poses such risks. So sad, so sorry for your loss.

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So sorry for your loss.

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Stick a needle in your arm?

That Fauci Francis Pfizer smell ...

Pope Francis urges people to get vaccinated against Covid-19

Pope Francis launches a powerful appeal for people to get vaccinated with approved Covid-19 vaccines, calling it “an act of love.”

The Pope has joined his voice to those of Bishops across North and South America to urge people to get jabbed against Covid-19.

In a video message, Pope Francis praised the work of researchers and scientists in producing safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines.

“Thanks to God’s grace and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from Covid-19,” he said in the video.

He added that vaccines “bring hope to end the pandemic, but only if they are ...

Pope Francis went on to say that getting a Covid jab that is “authorized by the respective authorities” is an “act of love.”



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So much for infallibility.

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While you're talking about the Pope ... he & the cathol. church are working diligently with the satanic builders of the New World Order.

Pope calls sex abusers ꞌChildren of Godꞌ who deserve ꞌLoveꞌ

(All persons support/ protect the persons similar/ same to them, because they have/ share the same "loves")


Satanic Fat Sow (f. Pig) called pap-oria Francis Declares, ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’ (My addition: "Especially when they RAPE the toddlers of their most pious followers.")


Read at least Matthew 23:8-12; Matthew 5: 28-30; John 8: 24. 41. 44. 47; John 15: 24.


NOT all Jews are of the evil sort, but such

Revelation 15:4

Who should not fear [you], LORD, and glorify your name? For YOU ALONE are HOLY!

See also Luke 17: 10

(In the source text, it is written "useless/ undeserving slaves"; "unworthy servants" is forgery)

In 1984, a student distributed flyers with the inscription "The (catholic) church is the biggest criminal organization of all times".

At the so-called "Bochum §166 trial" he was proven RIGHT.

Why? See theologe.de

See their satanic NWO https://stopworldcontrol.com/

Worship of Lucifer


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Perhaps it was just me, but the recording of voices was hard to hear. Hopefully, in future interviews this will be corrected.

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Yes, I noticed the static too.

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Thank you. We will work on improving the audio in future.

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I for one, and I am sure nearly everyone else, is most grateful for all you are doing. And will do. Your contributions to life on planet earth are remarkable and critical for a sane future (at some point).

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Naomi is on the front lines of the information war, pursuing scientific facts and exposing the science fictions relayed by the media which are putting everyone but especially innocent babies and children in great danger.

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Naomi is an amazing soul and example for all!!!!!!

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