Mzlizzy, A "like" from you warms a very special place in my heart.

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"CCP style control system" The irony being that China does not mandate vaccines, and contrary to popular belief, the Chinese are free to criticize their government, they are just not allowed to try to subvert it on behalf of foreign entities like the US State Department. The citizens of China overwhelmingly support the "social credit system," as it is not used to punish people for thought crime, but rather to keep order without wasting police resources on petty offenses like littering and public urination, among a populace comprised largely of nouveau riche country bumpkins, which itself exists on account of the unprecedented poverty reduction, record literacy, and support for small business without onerous regulation.

Yes, China has the *capacity* to be a high tech Orwellian hellscape, which is why so many Western politicians profess their admiration for it. As of now, they don't abuse it to those ends. When the control grid is fully erected here in the West, you can be absolutely certain that it will be.

If the "CCP" were so obsessed with having such control over their citizens minds, they probably wouldn't be so busy ensuring everyone has a job, an education, owns a home (again, highest rate of home ownership in the world), has internet and telcom access, and has the ability to traverse its vast geographic expanses cheaply, easily, and safely, on a modern, independent infrastructure we can only dream of. Just a thought.

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There is the fact that these evil people always, during occupation and gynocidal take over, kill all who could at the time and in the future turn on them or educate the un aware. The free thinkers who can easily see the corrupt murdering immoral actions of the occupier's, and in the mind of the evil, they must be removed ( educational institutions of older students ), being one of the free thinking institutions. I say occupier's because this is actually what is happening, people with no human compassion, morals, empathy or common decency what so ever, are infiltrating all institutions in all countries. This is a take over of the entire world by the most despicable humans there ever were. To attack the female reproductive system will keep the population from growing, these people don't care in the least the damage and suffering this will cause to the women of the world. As I have said they, in their minds know they can't afford to lose control. They also know that if they kill or cripple the police, the military, and as many in government, they can put more of their own people in their places and increase the speed of their rise to full control. One only need to think about the inaction from the RCMP to see this is true. In the past Trudeau would already be in prison for hiding where he put millions of taxpayers money. How many times has he done this? Far to many and once is to much. Our law enforcement institutions are just one where corruption is at the top positions.

The only reason the government is going after all guns that they can has nothing to do with safety of the people. The criminals who use guns don't care in the least about the rules. This is about disarming the population so there can be no retaliation against them for their murderous, thieving actions against the population. I mean how many people after realizing their loved ones died was because evil people wanted wealth and power, would once seeing the truth not want retribution. One or a mass off people are no match against machine guns in the hands of the brutes the government will put in the place of the moral in the police and the military.

These people have practiced the most immoral acts on the human race for hundreds of years, from immoral acts against children to women to manipulating the systems to make it so they can steal what ever they want and become insanely rich and have tremendous controlling power. They have gotten away with these demented acts for so long they have no choice but to make sure they will never have to answer for their crimes against humanity and they know they, in many cases they will be executed depending on the laws in their state, that they will be executed or imprisoned for life at the very least, if they lose control. When I read that Trudeau, in the last few years made $300,000,000,0 from using the Canadian tax payers money to buy the experimental gene jabs because he owns 40% shares in the company Acquits in BC that developed the delivery system for the gene jabs, It was obvious why he was pushing the gene jabs as hard as he is. You and I both know the reason the Canadian people don't hear of this, he has full control over the mainstream media and has for some years. The harm and killing of our citizens must stop, thank you for your efforts to wake the sleeping to the truth. Keep up the good work.

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I have sent a paper recently published in BMJ and presented by Steve Kirsch in his December 18 substack to the President of my alma mater, Connecticut College. I have implored her and her administration to read this research and to abolish the mandate for students (but not administration or faculty.....) to receive the COVID-19 injection and boosters in order to maintain matriculation. The paper by Bardosh et al: Extended essay

COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities

Kevin Bardosh1,2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8912-264XAllison Krug3, Euzebiusz Jamrozik4, Trudo Lemmens5, Salmaan Keshavjee6, Vinay Prasad7, Marty A Makary8, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5482-2419Stefan Baral9, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2341-6573Tracy Beth Høeg

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Pretty sad, but the entire NAZI movement started at the University level as well. Read Ominous Parallels.

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Why are you wasting your time with this? Anyone dumb enough to risk their health to be able to study at these institutions isn’t really deserving of your time.

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I thank God for your voice and the voices of others who clearly speak truth. You were made for "such a time as this."

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reading aloud from Chapter 1 of Women, Nature, Scripture, and Opposition: An Autobiographical Journey of Faith - please share with anyone who might be interested - Mary Hollowell, author of The Forgotten Room: Inside a Public Alternative School for At-Risk Youth https colon backslash backslash pin dot it backslash 5K8Yqnw

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Dr. Naomi, you are to be praised for your courage, and service to truth and justice. Yale shall be remembered for these crimes against humanity. It is unlikely that they will correct themselves any time soon. Maybe after 25 yrs, if they do the right thing, they may be able to heal their reputation.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf, I did listen to your protest rally, read and just listened to your reading of A Great University Turns Human Trafficker. I have honestly been so busy trying to keep up with the outrageous inflation, with food, energy costs, taxes, gas, and all of the other costs of trying to run a business, I haven’t been able to comment on your tireless work. My wife is an OR nurse and finally is leaving the Boston hospital after 21 years and 3 poisonous shots. I do remember you saying how a husband who can’t stop his wife from getting these shots because as a couple we needed her income and health insurance, how horrible. Honestly I do feel a sad sense of inadequacy. I have told her no more shots I don’t care we’ll get by. So finally she’s getting off the race track or the Jamaica Way. Anyways you are a selfless hero to me. I find that we are in a psychological war. As you have said, not a war of bullets but a war many people don’t even no about. Without advocates like you it would be much more of a hidden crisis. Their censorship and banning of opposing views brings their weak and authoritative actions into the sunlight. I sincerely think many people are starting to finally round the corner and realize they have been lied to. So many people have been injured by the mRNA shots. I know you will continue to fight to educate people. Thank you for your hard endless work!!!

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As I expected, this was a tantalizing stroll down down into the rotting underbelly of Yale, I'm sure you could use velcro in that space and interchange it with any other school, Ivy League or not! There is seemingly only one way to bring this down that has begun to show its "efficacy', it's the relentless bleaching of the sun! The blessed exposure. All I could think of while reading your piece was the additional exposure that someone like Tucker could give it. No doubt that has crossed your mind, and forgive me for adding that in, it just slipped out. I am already feeling the warming rays of the exposure you have unleashed. Who said nothing good comes form Cali... Naomi Wolf, Ronald Regan.


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I was employed as a Grants Manager at a state university in NC when, one morning, an email appeared in my inbox announcing that two of the faculty in my department (Public Health) had received tens of thousands of dollars via the CARES act. I was fairly surprised and confused, as no proposals had been submitted for these funds. Even more surprising was that there were no award contracts, no guidance for the allowability or allocability of spending these funds. The faculty members pounced on this seemingly unsolicited pot of gold within minutes of course, with exhaustive lists of requested purchases of equipment and PPE, of the percentage of their salaries to be covered by these funds, of Graduate and Undergraduate students to be hired, or already-contracted students whose salaries were to be reallocated to be paid from these funds. In keeping with every instruction, every policy, every disparate bit of guidance that had been drilled into my head over the course of my career administering and managing external funding, I informed them that I couldn’t spend a single penny until I had something, anything, remotely resembling an award contract. To do otherwise would have placed the department, the school, and the university at risk of having to cover these expenses themselves were they disallowed by the sponsor. They were quite displeased, to say the least, with my desire to do that which I had been explicitly trained to do. This was, after all, their opportunity to be the great heroes of Public Health who would save the world from the novel cold virus in Biblical Plague-drag. I spent that morning making calls and sending emails, trudging my way up, down, and around the M.C. Escher-like bureaucratic pecking order, receiving no answers from any of my normal contacts for such matters. It seemed that the entire organism through which external funding flowed into the university was as clueless and blindsided as I. When all other avenues were exhausted, I was granted an audience with the Dean and his Chief Financial Officer, who, upon hearing my concerns, thanked me for my caution, and for my adherence to the policies and guidance of the university. It would be three weeks before any guidance was obtained, and said guidance amounted to *we don’t really know, so adhere to all university/state/federal guidance and expect to be audited once the funds are depleted.*

Flash-forward to a year later, and the same Dean’s signature was scrawled on the letter informing me that my position was “discontinued” without explanation, which I received less than two weeks after informing my department chair that, after consulting with my doctor, I had decided that I was not sufficiently at-risk to warrant being injected with an experimental gene therapy. Despite the look of unadulterated disgust on her face, as though I had squatted above her desk and dropped a leperous turd on her lap, I naively didn’t believe it would end my career. These were intelligent, credentialed experts in Public Health, after all. They wouldn’t abandon reason and indulge superstitious hysteria, right?

Turns out they would, for the right price.

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Mighty Dr. Illusion, It’s so hard to believe how far down this disastrous path our country has gone. You sound like an extremely smart competent person who should have got a promotion. This shows the lies, deceit and powerful corruption of the government medical establishment. With all of the horrific fall out from their policies I don’t know how these people sleep at night. J.Goodrich

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Wow. 💪🧠to your strength

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What a clown show. Imagine how clueless those in government are....every single day. They have no idea how to properly send all the money we taxpayers send to Washington. People should be outraged.

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Naomi, Thank you for for enduring unforgivable (evil) and calling out Yale admin for their hypocrisy in university education and child trafficking by the absolute legal definitions and statutes! Also, I heard the clip of your impassioned talk on the cold platform outside, and have shared it. Be safe and well, and God be with you. Larry & Melanie Brown (in your VI Team)

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"mass shootings" with the "spike shot" / "clot shot"

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The worst of all mass shootings I'd say.

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